Abstract books

Robert Delaunay, 1913, Premier Disque

The abstracts of papers scheduled to be presented in the section and working groups programmes and Flow 34 at IAMCR 2024 are available here. Use the links below to download them.

The abstract books were created on 27 May and show the papers that were in the programme on that date. New papers have been added and others were withdrawn. An updated version of the abstract books will be uploaded after the conference showing the actual papers presented.

You can also access the draft programme.

Download all abstracts as a zip file or choose a section or working group from the list below.

Audience Section - AUD
Comic Art Working Group - COA
Communication Policy and Technology Section - CPT
Communication in Post- and Neo-Authoritarian Societies Working Group- CPN
Community Communication and Alternative Media Section - CAM
Crisis, Security and Conflict Communication Working Group - CRI
Diaspora and Media Working Group - DIM
Digital Divide Working Group - DID
Emerging Scholars Network Section - ESN
Environment, Science & Risk Communication Working Group - ESR
Ethics of Society and Ethics of Communication Working Group - ETH
Flow34 - F34
Gender and Communication Section - GEN
Global Media Policy Working Group - GMP
Health Communication Working Group - HEC
History Section - HIS
International Communication Section - INC
Islam and Media Working Group - ISM
Journalism Research and Education Section - JRE
Law Section - LAW
Media Education Research Section - MER
Media Production Analysis Working Group - MPA
Media Sector Development Working Group - MSD
Media, Communication & Sport Section - MCS
Mediated Communication, Public Opinion and Society Section - MPS
Music, Audio, Radio and Sound Working Group - MAR
Participatory Communication Research Section - PCR
Political Communication Research Section - POL
Political Economy Section - POE
Popular Culture Working Group - POP
Public Service Media Policies Working Group - PSM
Religion and Communication Working Group - REC
Rural Communication Working Group - RUC
Visual Culture Working Group - VIC

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