FAQ - Papers and presentations

Where can I submit my paper?

Submit your paper on the IAMCR Christchurch 2024 website here.


You will have to log in to your IAMCR account before submitting.

Do I have to submit a paper?

In general submitting a paper is recommended but not required. Consult your section or working group for any specific requirements. You can find their contact information on the initial call for papers.

What will happen to my submitted paper?

Papers are considered working papers. Submitting them does not constitute publication and they will not be made publicly available. They will be available to the heads of the Section or Working Group where they will be presented. The heads may decide to share them prior to the conference with any or all of the following: session chairs, discussants, other authors in the session in which they will be presented, all or some members of the Section or Working Group.

If you want to know the policy of your Section or Working Group, please contact them. You will find contact information in the initial call for proposals of the Section or Working Group

Are there guidelines for the paper's format?

IAMCR does not have association-wide guidelines. If a section or working group requires a specific format they will tell you.

Guidelines for Presenters provides some suggested guidelines for scholars presenting papers at IAMCR conferences. They are suggestions and not strict rules and practices may vary among the various sections and working groups.

Will my paper be published?

IAMCR does not publish conference papers.

What day and time will my presentation be scheduled?

Presentations will take place from Monday 1 July at 08h30 through Thursday 4 July at 15h30. Check the detailed draft programme on this website.

Can I make my presentation online?

No. All presentations are live and on-location in Christchurch

I can't go to Christchurch. Can someone else make my presentation for me?

Only authors and co-authors can present papers. Friends or colleagues who are not co-authors can not.

What is the recommended length for presentations?

In general presentations should be planned to last between 10 to 12 minutes. Contact the heads of your section or working group for precise details. You can find their contact information on the initial call for papers.

See https://iamcr.org/c-resources/guidelines-for-presenters for general presentation guidelines.

What is the deadline to submit papers?

You can submit your paper until 7 June.

Will I get a certificate?

All authors of papers presented at the conference will receive a certificate by email after the conference. This includes authors who presented the papers and co-authors who did not present and/or were not at the conference.

How do I upload my presentation?

We recommend you upload your presentation at least 24 hours in advance of your timeslot via this form. A laptop will be available by the registration desk if you need to do this via USB during the conference.

What format should my presentation be in?

All presentations should be in 16:9 format and either PowerPoint (recommended) or PDF files.

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