FAQ - Onsite at conference

When and where does the conference take place?

The conference takes place from Sunday, 30 June to Thursday, 4 July at Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre, 188 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch. Pre-conferences are held at a range of venues (see https://iamcr.org/christchurch2024/pre-conferences for details).

Is childcare available at the conference?

Please contact Lauren at lauren@conference.nz to indicate your interest in childcare while attending the Conference. Remember to include information about how many children, ages and days are required in your enquiry. From there, we will offer various childcare options that you can choose from. Please note that childcare will be at the participants' cost.

What do I do if I have dietary requirements?

As you register for the conference, indicate your dietary requirements such as gluten-free, vegetarian, lactose intolerant, and dairy-free.

Most dietary requirements are catered for in the main conference buffet. If you find you are not, there will be a special diets table where you can find your catering. Please ask a staff member for assistance if you can’t find it.

At the dinner, please make yourself known to the waitstaff.


Will there be a conference app?

Yes, there is a conference app and we highly recommend you download it. Click here for details.

Does the venue have hearing assistance available?

Yes, infraRed Hearing Augmentation is available in all meeting rooms and Auditorium, and hearing augmentation devices will be available at the Guest Services desk. See https://iamcr.org/christchurch2024/accessibility for further information on accessibility.

What weather should I dress for?

It will be winter in Aotearoa New Zealand. Ōtautahi Christchurch will be cool but mostly dry. In the morning, expect a frost. The temperature rises on average to 11.4 degrees (52.5 ºF) in July and it rains about 8 days a month. Please bring appropriate clothes and a raincoat or umbrella. The venues will be warm, but some sessions are in neighbouring buildings so you can expect to be outside for short periods.

What do I do if I need assistance?

Please visit the registration desk at Te Pae or look out for the volunteers who will be identifiable by green high visibility vests. There will also be someone at each venue during parallel sessions who can assist.

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