Plenary session: The contribution of academia to peace-building

Tuesday 11th July

The contribution of academia to peace-building: Critique, creativity and activism

Throughout history, academia has taken a multiplicity of positions in relation to conflict. The critical study of violent conflict has a long history, but academic activism and academic diplomacy in relation to violent conflict also have a substantial history. Moreover, action research, used also in conflict-affected societal contexts, incorporates a similar interventionist dimension. The omnipresence of violence on the society/community scale and its intense traumatic impacts necessitate our continued attention. This plenary panel aims to discuss what academics can/should do to facilitate our peaceful inhabiting the planet and what academic strategies, practices and identities are desirable or necessary for this.



Nico Carpentier is an Extraordinary Professor at Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic), Chief Research Fellow at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania) and IAMCR president. 

amdedrado Andrea Medrado is currently a Lecturer at the School of Media and Communication at the University of Westminster (UK). Before, she worked as a Tenured Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Communication and at the Postgraduate Programme in Media and Everyday Life of Federal Fluminense University (UFF) in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Andrea Medrado is an IAMCR vice-president.



priano Pilar Riaño-Alcalá is a Professor at the Social Justice Institute at the University of British Columbia (Canada), and co-lead of the Memory and Justice Research Stream.
alitvinenko Anna Litvinenko is a researcher at the “Digitalization and Participation” department of the Institute for Media and Communication Studies, at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany). Before, she worked as an Associate Professor at the Department of International Journalism of the Saint Petersburg State University (Russia).
knordenstreng Kaarle Nordenstreng is a Professor Emeritus of Journalism and Mass Communication at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at the University of Tampere.
langelini Lorenzo Angelini is a Senior Policy Officer at the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office, and he coordinates EPLO’s work on peace and development. Prior to joining EPLO, Lorenzo worked as a Research Fellow for the Fund for Scientific Research. 
lobonyo Levi OBonyo is an Associate Professor of Media and Communication, and a Dean of the School of Communication at Daystar University in Kenya.



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