Diaspora and Media Working Group Interactive session
Exploring Identities, Belonging, and Media Representation - top OCP papers
Thursday, 29 June | 14:00 – 15:30 UTC - Don't know what time that is? Find out.
Chair: Sumana Chattopadhyay (Marquette University)
Session description: This panel will give the Diaspora and Media working group membership an opportunity to hear from the scholars with the top OCP papers for 2023. It will also be an opportunity to ask them questions about their papers. Each presenter will get about 12 minutes to present their research and then we will have about 15 minutes for questions
- Humor, sentido de pertença e estereótipos: a receção de um vídeo sobre os Portugueses de França no Youtube (Submission ID : 4837).
- Ethnic Indian-Australian Online News Media’s Outreach, and Activism in Australia – A Reflection on its Current State! (Submission ID: 3611)
- ‘Geo-identity’ in a ‘Poly-social-media’ Context: How the identity of Chinese international students in Melbourne is managed and affected by their use of multiple social media platforms (Submission ID: 3137)
- Ethnic Media Research in the Digital Age: The Case of Canada (Submission ID: 4656)
- Study on the Decision-making Discourse of "the Old Drifters" Returning to Their Hometown Based on Relational dialectics theory (Submission ID : 4207)
Contact email: Sumana Chattopadhyay chattopadhyay@marquette.edu
Thursday, 29 June | 14:00 – 15:30 UTC - Don't know what time that is? Find out.
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87047186740?pwd=VFNBZUJFOStVZC9uTUZnWWNRRjRLd…
Meeting ID: 870 4718 6740
Passcode: 828330