OCP23 is now over. The full papers presented in the 2023 edition of Online Conference Papers are no longer accessible. You can read the original abstracts of the papers accepted for presentation onsite (Lyon23) and/or submitted online (OCP23) in the abstract books.
Chair: Beate Josephi326
International Cooperation on (Counter)Publics between Tradition and Reorientation: Social Democracy and its Media in the Cold War Era
“Like a small trip back to the GDR“? East German viewers, historical truth claims and the TV serial Weissensee
Gendered histories and oralities in Arabi Malayalam: How the Mariyakutty Kathupatt (‘letter song’) foregrounds women’s voices in Kerala Mapilla history
@ichbinsophiescholl Remembering and forgetting resistance to National Socialism on Instagram
The Women’s Liberation Movement from the Perspective of Overseas Journalists in Yan’an: Centered on the Northwest Tour of Chinese and Foreign Journalists in 1944
Potential Soldiers or Modern Citizens: Media Construction and Actual Control of Children by Japanese and Communist Forces in China (1930-1940)
Singapore as "entrepôt" and "hub": Analytical difference and insights into histories of technology and globalization
Revisiting Dallas Smythe’s “Cultural Screening”: Maoist Class Politics and the “Technology Revolution” in Socialist China