Election 2016

IAMCR is holding elections for its Executive Board and International Council in 2016. The Board and the Council will serve a four year mandate. The last elections were in 2012.

The IAMCR Election Committee called for nominations in March and the names and electoral statements of the candidates were sent to all members and published on the website in April. For the Executive Board, there are two candidates for president, two candidates for vice-presidents (two positions), one candidate for secretary general, one candidate for treasurer. There are twenty-eight candidates for the fifteen seats on the International Council.

An online voting system will be used to manage the election process. All paid up individual and institutional members of the association will be emailed a link to a secure, anonymous online voting system no later than 23 May 2016 and will have until midnight GMT on 12 June to vote.

Voting procedure

An online voting system will be used to manage the election process. All paid up individual and institutional members of the association were emailed a link to a secure, anonymous online voting system hosted by electionbuddy.com on 23 May 2016. The online ballot has a list of all candidates and the positions they are running for and a link to the pages on the IAMCR site where their curriculum vitae and/or statements are published. Members will have until midnight GMT on 12 June to vote. Individual members' votes will count as one (1) vote. Votes cast by institutional members will count as three (3) votes.

At the end of the election period, the Election Committee will compile the results and communicate them to the president no later than 20 June. The President will announce them by email to the IAMCR membership, and the Election Committee will make the formal announcement at the IAMCR General Assembly on 31 July in Leicester, UK.

The election schedule is as follows

  • 1-28 March 2016: Election Committee calls for candidates and collects nominations, acceptances, and statements.
  • 15 April 2016: Election Committee announces candidates and publishes candidate statements on the IAMCR website.
  • 23 May – 12 June 2016 (midnight GMT): Electronic voting period.
  • 20 June 2016: Election Committee communicates the results to the President who then announces them first by email to the IAMCR membership and then formally at the General Assembly in Leicester conference.
  • 27-31 July 2016: Leicester conference – the general assembly will be held on 31 July

The Election Committee consists of three members appointed by the International Council to manage the election process. They are Beate Josephi (chair), Jeremy Shtern and Brian Pindayi.

Below is the complete list of candidates and their statements. Members may also consult the election bulletins produced and distributed by the Election Committee with endorsements of candidates, comments and questions.

Candidates for President

  • Daya Thussu
    University of Westminster, United Kingdom
  • Janet Wasko
    University of Oregon, United States of America

Candidates for Vice President

Candidate for Secretary General

Candidate for Treasurer

Candidates for the International Council

Election statements

1. Candidates for President

Daya Thussu

As an active member of IAMCR for twenty years, having served for twelve years on the International Council, I am running for President of the Association. I am a Professor of International Communication at the University of Westminster, London, author/editor of 18 books and Managing Editor of Global Media and Communication, as well as editor for two Routledge book series. In 2014, I was honoured with a ‘Distinguished Scholar Award’ by the International Studies Association.

If elected, I would build on IAMCR’s considerable achievements as the most international organization in our field but one that needs to reinvigorate itself, given competition from other organizations and the proliferation of regional associations. I would work towards broadening IAMCR’s intellectual and cultural remit, further internationalizing it and making it more inclusive. I would work with the governing bodies and members, as well as my international networks, in a concerted effort to increase membership in underrepresented areas, revitalise fundraising initiatives, strengthen relations with multilateral organizations such as UNESCO and relevant NGOs, explore ways of reducing conference costs, and ensure consistency in the quality of papers and panels. I welcome your support to help realise my vision of a re-energised and truly international IAMCR.


Como miembro activo de la AIECS durante veinte años y después de haber servido durante doce años en el Consejo Internacional, presento mi candidatura para ser el presidente de la Asociación. Soy profesor de Comunicación Internacional en la Universidad de Westminster de Londres, el autor/editor de 18 libros y jefe de redacción de la revista Global Media y Comunicación, así como editor de dos colecciones de la editorial Routledge. En 2014, me otorgaron el premio ‘Distinguished Scholar’ desde la Asociación de Estudios Internacionales.

En el caso de ser elegido, conservaré los importantes logros alcanzados por AIECS como la organización más internacional de nuestro campo, pero también me esforzaré en darle un nuevo impulso para que sea competitiva frente a otras organizaciones y la proliferación de asociaciones regionales. Me gustaría ampliar la misión intelectual y cultural de la AIECS, potenciar su internacionalidad y hacerla más inclusiva.

Trabajaría con los órganos y miembros de gobierno, así como con mis redes internacionales, para aumentar la participación de zonas que actualmente cuentan con escasa representación. Otros de mis objetivos sería revitalizar las iniciativas de recaudación de fondos, fortalecer las relaciones con organizaciones multilaterales como la UNESCO y las organizaciones no gubernamentales pertinentes, explorar formas de reducir los costos de conferencias y asegurar la consistencia en la calidad de los artículos y los paneles. Espero contar con su apoyo para hacer realidad mi visión de una AIECS renovada y verdaderamente internacional.


En tant que membre actif d’IAMCR depuis vingt ans, et après avoir servi pendant douze ans au Conseil International, je présente ma candidature pour le poste de président de ’Association. Je suis professeur de Communication Internationale à l’Université de Westminster à Londres, l’auteur/éditeur de 18 livres et rédacteur en chef de Global Media et Communication, ainsi que rédacteur en chef de deux séries de livres chez Routledge. En 2014, j’ai été honoré du prix «Distinguished Scholar Award» par l’International Studies Association.

Si je suis élu, je tâcherais de developper les réalisations déjà considérables de l’IAMCR en tant qu’organisation la plus internationale dans notre domaine, mais une qui a besoin de se revitaliser, étant donné la concurrence d’autres organisations et la prolifération des associations régionales. J’aimerais oeuvrer pour l'élargissement de la compétence intellectuelle et culturelle de l'IAMCR, renforcer son internationalisation et la rendre plus inclusive. J’aimerais travailler avec les organes directeurs et les membres, ainsi qu’avec mes propres réseaux internationaux, dans un effort concerté pour accroître les adhésions dans les régions sous-représentées, revitaliser les initiatives de collecte de fonds, renforcer les relations avec les organisations multilatérales telles que l’UNESCO et les ONG concernées, étudier les moyens de réduire les coûts de conférence et assurer la cohérence de la qualité des papiers et des panneaux. Je me réjouis de votre soutien pour m’aider à réaliser ma vision d’une IAMCR véritablement internationale et redynamisée.

Janet Wasko


It is a privilege to serve as IAMCR President, and I am honoured to be nominated for a second term. I look forward to building and extending the strength of our association.

We have progressed in many ways over the last four years, including:

  • Deepening our relationship with UNESCO through our active participation in the Global Alliance for Media and Gender along with UNESCO’s presence at our conferences;
  • Expanding our International Secretariat and Executive Director position and establishing Task Forces to review public statements, revise conference policies, and improve academic life;
  • Initiating an Ambassador program and strengthening relationships with national and regional organizations;
  • Introducing explicit guidelines and policies pertaining to the environmental impact and organization of our conferences, sections and working groups, committees, and publications;
  • Following sustainable financial management practices, assuring IAMCR's overall health.

IAMCR is a truly international and inclusive academic association, characterised by transparency and inclusiveness. As President, I will continue to work and collaborate with the Executive Board, the International Council, and members to further cultivate these characteristics and grow a stronger, and even more significant organization that serves members and promotes democratic communications worldwide. 


Es un privilegio desempeñar la Presidencia de IAMCR y es un honor ser nominada para un segundo periodo.  Aspiro a desarrollar y aumentar la solidez de nuestra asociación.

Estos últimos cuatro años hemos avanzado en muchas direcciones, por ejemplo:

  • Profundizamos nuestra relación con UNESCO a través de nuestra participación activa en la Alianza global para medios y género, y hemos contado con la presencia de UNESCO en nuestros congresos;
  • Ampliamos nuestro Secretariado internacional y el puesto de Director ejecutivo, y establecimos Grupos de tareas encargados de revisar las declaraciones públicas y las políticas relativas al congreso, así como de mejorar la vida académica.
  • Dimos inicio a un programa de Embajadores, y fortalecimos las relaciones con organizaciones nacionales y regionales
  • Introdujimos lineamientos y políticas explícitos, relativos al impacto medioambiental y a la organización de nuestros congresos, secciones y grupos de trabajo, comités y publicaciones
  • Seguimos prácticas financieras sustentables, que refuerzan la buena salud de IAMCR

IAMCR es una asociación académica efectivamente internacional e inclusiva, caracterizada por su transparencia e inclusividad. Como presidente, voy a continuar trabajando y colaborando con la Mesa ejecutiva, el Consejo internacional y los miembros de la asociación para seguir cultivando estas características, y así construir una organización más fuerte y aún más significativa, al servicio de sus miembros y de la promoción de las comunicaciones democráticas en todo el mundo.


Exercer les fonctions de présidente de l’Association internationale des études et recherches sur l'information (AIERI) est un honneur et je me réjouis d’être nommée pour un nouveau mandat afin de poursuivre le développement de notre association.

Au cours de ces quatre dernières années, notre association a progressé à bien des égards, citons :

  • L’approfondissement de notre relation avec l'UNESCO grâce à notre participation active à l'Alliance mondiale genre et médias (GAMAG) ainsi que la présence de l'UNESCO à nos congrès ;
  • Le renforcement de notre secrétariat international et de la fonction de directeur exécutif, mais également l’établissement de groupes de travail afin d’examiner les déclarations publiques, l’orientation des colloques et d’améliorer la vie universitaire ;
  • L’initiation d’un programme ambassadeur et le renforcement des relations avec des organisations nationales comme régionales ;
  • L’introduction de lignes directrices et de politiques relatives à l'impact environnemental dans le cadre de l'organisation de nos congrès, sections et groupes de travail, comités et publications ;
  • L’introduction de pratiques durables de gestion financière, qui assurent la santé globale de l'AIERI.

L’AIERI est une association universitaire véritablement internationale et participative, caractérisée par la transparence et l’ouverture. En tant que présidente, je vais continuer à travailler avec le Conseil exécutif, le Conseil international et les membres dans cette même voie, afin de susciter une organisation plus importante encore, qui serve les membres et favorise les communications démocratiques dans le monde entier.

2. Candidates for Vice-president (2 to be elected)

Graham Murdock

I am currently Professor of Culture and Economy at Loughborough, and Visiting Fellow in Media and Communications Goldsmiths London. I have extensive experience of teaching and research in a number of countries having held Visiting Chairs at the universities of Auckland, Bergen, California, Curtin, Stockholm, and the Free University of Brussels. My writings are currently translated into twenty languages. I have been a member of IAMCR since 1976, and active in the Association’s administration, serving on the International Council (1988-1992) and chairing the Political Economy section (1998-2004). 

The world is currently facing interlocking economic, political and environmental crises in which the changing organisation of communications plays a central role as both part of the problem and a potential basis for solutions. IAMCR has a key role to play in coordinating and disseminating the research and thinking that illuminates current conditions and possibilities for change. We need to build on our current publishing and conference activities and look for creative ways to mobilise on-line platforms. I also  have a particular interest in strengthening the Association’s links with China where I have  taught extensively as a Fellow at Fudan and a visiting professor in Beijing, Wuhan and Chongqing.

Aimée Vega Montiel


I wish to stand for election for a second mandate as Vice President of the IAMCR.

Together with current EB members, during this period I developed strategies to make our Association more diverse and inclusive, critical and socially committed; to strengthen its management, including transparency in decision-making.

I represented the IAMCR towards UNESCO at the Global Alliance on Media and Gender and put research at the core of global debates. This has strengthen IAMCR relationship with UNESCO.

I supported Vice President Pradip Thomas in the edition of the Newsletter and its translation into Spanish; worked with him in the Membership Campaign; and made the liaison with association committees. I represented the IAMCR in international forums and made links with regional communities, particularly with Ibero America. I edited two books of the association.

If elected, I will continue supporting the development of new conference strategies and promoting multilingualism; to enhance relations with both regional associations and global agencies; to promote international research and its link with policy; to strengthen IAMCR influence in global debates and reinforce its management.

I am member of IAMCR since 2005 and have served the association in different positions. I am researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.


Deseo presentarme a la elección para un segundo mandato como Vicepresidenta de la AIECS.

Con el Comité Ejecutivo actual, durante este periodo he desarrollado estrategias para hacer nuestra Asociación más diversa e inclusiva, crítica y socialmente comprometida; fortalecer su coordinación, incluyendo la transparencia en la toma de decisiones.

Asumí la responsabilidad de representar a la AIECS ante la UNESCO en la Alianza Global de Medios y Género y colocar la investigación académica en el centro de los debates globales. Ello ha fortalecido las relaciones de la AIECS con la UNESCO.

Apoyé al Vicepresidente Pradip Thomas en la edición del Boletín y su traducción al español; trabajé con él en la Campaña de Membresía;  fungí como enlace con comités de la asociación. Representé a la AIECS en foros internacionales y promoví vínculos con comunidades regionales, particularmente de Iberoamérica. Edité dos libros de la asociación.

Si resulto electa, continuaré impulsando estrategias para la Conferencia y la promoción del multilingüismo; fortaleceré relaciones con asociaciones regionales y agencias globales y promoveré investigación internacional y su vínculo con políticas, así como la influencia de la AIECS en debates globales. Continuaré trabajando por su consolidación administrativa.

Soy socia de la AIECS desde 2005 y he servido a la asociación en distintos cargos. Soy investigadora en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

3. Candidate for Secretary General

Gerard Goggin

I wish to stand for election for the position of Secretary General. An IAMCR member since 2007, I currently serve as Chair of the Global Media Policy Working Group.

I regard IAMRC as a vital force and resource in research, policy, practice, and public engagement. I value especially that IAMCR is genuinely international in its aspirations, incubating the best scholarship, in service of goals of equality, diversity, and justice in global media. These longstanding goals of IAMCR, especially its efforts to be genuinely representative of, and oriented towards, scholars as well as media actors, publics, and concerns from all parts of the world, underpin my candidacy.

If elected, I would aim to work with colleagues to: strengthen communication; improve effectiveness of management of the organization, and its conferences; seek ways to support the ‘engine room’ of Sections and Working Groups; identify new opportunities for IAMCR to connect with wider stakeholders in government, industry, and civil society.

I am Professor of Media and Communications at University of Sydney, author of 18 books and over 150 research papers. My work has focussed on social, cultural, and political dynamics of digital media, especially as these unfold in international settings.

4. Candidate for Treasurer

Anthony Moretti

My interest in being treasurer stems from a commitment to enhance the organizations to which I belong. To date, those roles have included division chair, board member, convention program chair and journal editor within AEJMC or BEA.

I’m excited about strengthening IAMCR’s reach around the world. Currently, I’m leading the Committee for the Improvement of Academic Life and serving as Vice-Chair for Media and Sport.

IAMCR and similar organizations are navigating turbulent waters. Our members reside in countries where multiple freedoms are imperiled. Elsewhere, financial cutbacks mean educators must be selective in their involvement with academic associations. Critical decisions must be made about how IAMCR responds to these threats, as it affirms being an organization of first choice for academicians.

As treasurer, I’ll ensure decisions are predicated on keeping IAMCR financially sound.

Currently, I’m the Director of the Center for Innovative Teaching and Directed Engaged Learning at Robert Morris University, where I’m also an Associate Professor of Communication. I’ve also taught at Texas Tech University and Point Park University.

My academic research focuses on media, sport and politics, and my work has been published in multiple journals and book chapters.

Candidates for the International Council (15 to be elected)

Eno Akpabio

I wish to stand for re-election into the international council of the IAMCR.  I hold BA(ED) English, MSc and PhD in Mass Communication.  My university teaching experience has been at the Universities of Lagos (Lecturer), Botswana (Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Head of Department), as well as Dar es Salaam and Namibia (Professor).

I have two books –African Communication Systems: An Introductory Text (BPring Publications, 2003) and Writing to Win Hearts and Minds (Concept publications, 2008)–, numerous chapters in books and articles in scholarly journals as well as papers read at IAMCR, AEJMC and ICA conferences amongst others.

Since my election, I have served in two IAMCR committees –Changes in Academia/IAMCR Future– now known as the Committee for the Improvement of Academic Life and Clearinghouse on Political Statements.  I was part of the panellists at the former’s session in 2013 Dublin Conference where I presented the African perspective.  Matters that concern the African academic experience and that of the global South continue to be issues that I am passionate about and my re-election would enable me to continue to give voice to your concerns as well as represent your interests.

Chika Anyanwu

I have been the Head of School of Communication and Creative Industries, and recently appointed the Head of Campus of Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, in Australia. Apart from my executive position, my professorial position is in Media. My research specialisations are in Political economy, Creative industries, Nollywood cinema, Migration and Terrorism. I am an Australian cultural fruit-salad, crossing between Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, USA and Sweden. I have helped establish four media and communication programs across three continents. Apart from a First Class Hons and MA in Theatre and Media Arts, a PhD in film, I also have Graduate Business qualifications in Leadership and management, plus a Fellow of Governors Leadership Foundation.

My vision is to use my extensive experience in senior university administration and international business collaboration, to help IAMCR maintain relevance and sustainability in a fast changing political and economic climate. This is through strategic investment portfolios, sound fiscal policy, proactive membership drive, inclusive decision making processes, and cultural sensitivity. I bring expertise in financial management and strategic business investments. I act as conduit, and bring regional knowledge and cultural balance between IAMCR, ANZCA, and the divide between global North and South.

Denize Araujo

Denize Correa Araujo is Coordinator of the Post-Graduate Studies in Cinema at the Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, Curitiba-Brazil, and from 2007 to 2009 was the General Secretary of the Compós – Brazilian Association of Communication Research. She also was the Coordinator of the Compós annual event in her city, Curitiba.

At IAMCR, she is a member of the Scholarly Review Committee and the Publishing Committee. At the moment, she is proposing an E-Series together with a colleague.

She has been attending IAMCR Congresses every year since Paris 2007, and in 2015 was invited by Sunny Yoon, to be Co-Head of the Visual Culture Working Group. Since 2001, she has been Head of the CIC- Research Group in Brazil, registered at the CNPq site as “Communication, Image and Contemporaneity”.  She is also the Director of the Clipagem – Center of Contemporary Culture, whose aim is to exhibit international film festivals in her city, as well as to exhibit Brazilian films abroad in order to expand the study and criticism of Cinema. She intends to offer a project with short Brazilian films as an extra activity in Leicester. 

She has been promoting IAMCR in Brazil, and believes that her continued contribution will serve IAMCR well.

Alina Bernstein

 I am a Senior lecturer at the School of Communication of the Academic College of Management and at the Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University, Isreal, and hold a Ph.D. From Leicester, UK.

I am member of IAMCR since the 1990 (Bled) were I presented, in a Communication and Sport Panel organized by Michael Real, my MA dissertation. My PhD thesis also looked into the media coverage of sport, and media and sport continues to be my main area of research. I have published articles and books, including the co-edited book (with Cornel Sandvoss and Michael Real) Bodies of Discourse: Sport Stars, Mass Media and the Global Public (USA: Peter Lang publishing, 2012).

Within IAMCR I established the media and sport working group and am proud to be responsible for it becoming a section, whose head I was until recently. I have been a member of the International Council in the past, and now stand again for election. I want to contribute to the organization that has been my academic home for over 25 years. I intend to work towards IAMCR attracting more scholars from countries in the middle-east and Africa and and try to establish a media and children working group.  

Andrea Baker

Dr Andrea Jean Baker is a senior lecturer in journalist at Monash University, Australia, with over 14 years experience. She is an international, award winning radio journalist, who freelances with the Australian Broadcast Corporation since 1992. She is recognised as a broadcast journalism and cultural arts historian. Dr Baker has had research sabbaticals at the City University of New York, University of Texas at Austin (USA) and Freie Universitat in Berlin (Germany).

Since 2002 Dr Baker has been an active IAMCR participant because she believes research is essentially interdisciplinary, and because this conference circuit is the most critical global gathering of media and communications scholars. Dr Baker has reported on the conference circuit, presented research papers, chaired panels and assessed conference abstracts in various IAMCR sections across Audiences; Political Economy, Journalism Education and Research.

In 2009 Dr Baker was awarded the joint IAMCR and Hampton Press Publication Prize for her monograph (based on her PhD) because it was considered the first global study of net- radio. In July 2015, Dr Baker was the only Australian academic to present her research (arguably the world’s first) about the jailing of Al Jazeera English in Egypt at the “Freedom of the press and the Safety of Journalists” at the joint Special Session of IAMCR and UNESCO Conference in Montreal (Canada).

Ashraf Bayoumy

Professor Ashraf Galall Bayoumy is Professor of Mass Communication, Cairo University, the Middle East regional coordinator and member of the steering committee for the World Journalism Study.

Seeking to creating a global network of dedicated researchers and media experts specializing in examining the state of media globally, assessing the resulting consequences of the constant changes occurring throughout the world. Comprehending such changes to better deliver an accurate image of the state of journalism and fundamentally using such understandings to implement new conceptual and methodological tactics in the framework of journalism. Accurate research techniques will be beneficial in forming a joint understanding of how media plays a role in numerous cultures, plus forming strong connections between media analysts and journalists in order to formulate a precise image of the status of media in the Middle Eastern region.

Reinforcing mutual cooperation among media students, researchers and practitioners. Coordinating media research efforts among academic researchers and raising fund for sponsored global and regional media projects. Contributing in raising awareness among media practitioners about the role of academic research in developing their work via internship and partnership projects. This would be reflected positively on the status of journalism all around the world, particularly in the Middle East.

César Bolaño

  • Professor at Sergipe Federal University, Brazil;

  • Guest professor at various universities in Brazil and Latin America;

  • Director of the EPTIC Online Journal;

  • Ex-President at Latin American Association of Communication Researchers (ALAIC);

  • Ex-President at Latin Union of Information, Communication and Culture Political Economy (ULEPICC);

  • Ex-Treasurer at International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR);

  • Main book published in English: Culture Industry, Information and Capitalism (London: Palgrave Mcmillan, 2015).

Daniel Biltereyst

Daniel Biltereyst is Professor in Media and Communication Studies at the Department of Communication Studies, Ghent University, Belgium, where he leads the Centre for Cinema and Media Studies and teaches courses on international communication, media and film history, and on media culture. He is an elected member of the Academia Europaea (2015-). His work deals with media and the public sphere, more specifically with film and screen culture as sites of censorship, controversy, public debate and audience's engagement. He recently edited Explorations in New Cinema History (2011, Wiley-Blackwell), Cinema, Audiences and Modernity (2012, Routledge, both with R. Maltby and Ph. Meers), Silencing Cinema (2013, Palgrave, with R. Vande Winkel) and Moralizing Cinema (2015, Routledge, with D. Treveri Gennari). He is now working on the Routledge Companion to New Cinema History, with R. Maltby and Ph. Meers) and a theme issue for Memory Studies (with A. Kuhn and Ph. Meers). He was the supervisor to several wide-scale research projects and he supervised 16 PhD students. Current research projects include "Screening Audiences" (2013-2017, with Ph. Meers) and the interdisciplinary research project "(De)constructing Health News"  (2013-2017). He is also the main supervisor of the DICIS program (Digital Cinema Studies).

Peichi Chung

I am currently an assistant professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I grew up in Taiwan and received my media education in the United States. My background as a Taiwanese working in Asia makes me concern about minority voices in the global media. I have been a member of the IAMCR since 2004. Ever since I joined the association, I realized that IAMCR is my scholarly home. My scholarship expands every year with goal to build dialogue with IAMCR colleagues in political economy and international communication.

As a researcher specializing in new media industries in Asia, I would be honored to have the opportunity to serve the International Council. My long-term participation of the IAMCR enriches me with critical global perspective in my development of media industry expertise on the Asia Pacific. During my International Council membership, I aim at contributing to the IAMCR with connection to the developing world in Asia. My vision for the future of IAMCR emphasizes on global development from the view of the global South. I support IAMCR to play an active role in collaboration with UNCAD to form global public policy research.

Mohammed Firoz

Media and Communication Studies is one of the rapidly-evolving areas of study and this has been my field of specialization since 1991. My doctoral thesis, ‘Communication, values and the advent of STAR TV in India’ that delves into the contemporary media, has been acclaimed by experts. As a researcher from Delhi-based Jawaharlal Nehru University, I have worked on international media research projects including the ones funded by the Ford Foundation and the UNDP. 

With over ten years of experience in the Gulf, I have been contributing to professional excellence of media students by teaching and supervising them in their research pursuit.  Currently, I am an Associate Professor and Programme leader of Masters of Media and Communications at the University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD). I have supervised research in the areas of new communication methods and urban social sustainability in the context of Dubai. The studies could lay the foundation of public policy initiatives in today’s media-driven world.

As an IAMCR council member, I can be a bridge between regional media research and IAMCR activities. I believe the IAMCR and the Gulf can benefit by raising awareness about media education and the impact of social communications in the region.

Basyouni Hamada

Dr. Basyouni Hamada is Professor of Communication and Public Opinion at Qatar University Department of Mass Communication. He serves on several national, regional and international editorial boards in his field. His articles have appeared in many highly regarded international journals. In 2010, Hamada received the Cairo University Award for Outstanding Scholarship and Research. He has established and reviewed numerous journalism and mass communication programs, supervised, co-supervised and examined more than 40 Dissertations and Theses at Cairo University and International Universities.

He is an elected member of the International Council of IAMCR, Chair of IAMCR Islam and Media Working Group. In 2006 he was selected by the World Bank, UNESCO, and FAO as member of the Steering Committee of the First World Congress on Communication for Development and as a member of a UNESCO panel for the preparation phase of the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) in 2002. He is a member of the Worlds of Journalism Study and Journalism Students Across the Globe.

If elected, his priorities will be advancing the academic standing, impact, reach, diversity and inclusiveness of IAMCR; exploring new methods to bridge the gap between IAMCR academic research and professional practice; enhancing the status of marginalized and under-represented areas as well as increasing the transparency in decision making, encourage more conferences in developing countries and insuring high quality online IAMCR journals and proceedings.

Gholam Khiabany

Gholam Khiabany teaches in the Department of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London. He is an editor of the Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, and is a member of council of management of the Institute of Race Relations. His academic career has focused on the relationship between citizenship, political activism and media and cultural practices, including lternative media. His research interests centre on the media and social change and the relationship between communication, development and democracy with particular reference to the Middle East.  He is also interested in the debate over multiculturalism, the rise of the security state, and anti-Muslim racism.  He has published widely on issues relating to political economy of international communications, radical politics and new media.

Friedrich Krotz

I am Research Professor for Media and Communication Studies with the Special Areas of Mediatization and Social Communication at the University of Bremen, Germany.

As a member of the IC in the last four years, I first joined the publication committee. Then I became the provisional head of the new ‘Academic life and the future of IAMCR’ committee, for which I organized panels, e.g. at the Dublin conference, developed a mission statement and searched for active members. It is now working as the ‘Committee for the Improvement of academic life’.

Now, I am interested –also as a consequence of my experiences from being 10 years a head of section– to start a discussion about theory.  We live and work in a rapid change of media, communication and all phenomena depending on communication: Everyday life, social relations, Institutions, jobs, economy, culture, and democracy.

Because of this, we need empirical work, but that alone is not sustainable: Communication studies should embed their empirical research much more in deeper theories, useful for civil society. In spite of this, most presentations at the IAMCR Conferences are concerned with empirical work and have a lack of theory.  How can we improve the theoretical outcome of our academic work and include theories of north and south, gender related, critical and useful ones?

Philippe Maarek

Philippe J. Maarek is Professor of Political Communication at the University Paris East, Director of the Center for Comparative Studies in Political and Public Communication and member of the French National Research Center Institute of Communication Science. A long-standing member of IAMCR since the 1990s', he has been chairing its Section of Political Communication Research for ten years until recently. Currently elected a member of the International Council of IAMCR, he is also the Chair of its Legal Committee. His books include Campaign Communication and Political Marketing (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), also published and reedited previously several times in French and Spanish. He serves on the editorial board of The European Journal of Communication Research, The Journal of Press/Politics, The European Journal of Communication, Communicazione Politica, the  Central European Journal of Communication, the Keio Communication Review. He is a listed expert for the Research Funds of Belgium and Germany, former foreign commissary for the Italian Ministry University Board and has been a guest professor at many Universities (Free University of Berlin, Mainz, Complutense of Madrid, Navarra of Pamplona, Laval of Quebec City, Concordia of Montreal, etc.). He has been awarded the prestigious French "Legion d'Honneur".

Guillermo Mastrini

Guillermo Mastrini is professor at the School of Communication, National University of Quilmes (UNQ) and University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Director of the Master in Cultural Industries at UNQ. He was director of the Communications Studies Department at UBA and president of the Argentine Federation of Schools of Social Communication. He is in charge of the courses “Communication Planning and policies” and “Information economy”. Publications include: Globalization and monopolies in Latin America´s media (Globalización y monopolios en la comunicación en América Latina, Biblos 1999), Much ado about laws: economy and politics of communication in Argentina (Mucho ruido, pocas leyes. Economía y políticas de comunicación en la Argentina, La Crujía, 2005), Journalists and tycoons (Periodistas y Magnates, Prometeo, 2006), The owners of speach (Los dueños de la palabra, Prometeo, 2009). I´m a member of IAMCR since 1998. My research interests are in political economy of communication and public communication policies. As part of the International Council, I hope to contribute to the development of the association from a Latin American perspective.

Richard Maxwell

I am a Political Economist of Media and a Professor of Media Studies at Queens College, City University of New York. My research has focused on international communication, surveillance in marketing research, data protection in the EU, the environmental impact of information and communication technologies, and labor in global high-tech industries. I have published scores of articles on international topics in media and communication. My books include The Spectacle of Democracy: Spanish Television, Nationalism, and Political Transition (University of Minnesota Press, 1995), Global Hollywood (I and 2) (2001), Culture Works: The Political Economy of Culture (University of Minnesota Press, 2001), and Herbert Schiller (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003). My most recent books are The Routledge Companion to Labor and Media (Routledge, 2015), Media and the Ecological Crisis (Routledge, 2014), and Greening the Media (2012).

I am standing for the International Council to reaffirm my commitment to the internationalism of the IAMCR, which I would like to see continue to grow in its traditional areas of strength as well as in new directions such as environmental communication and research on sustainability in the ICT and consumer electronics sectors. I am also a member of the IAMCR Environmental Committee, and I support the committee’s efforts to help the organization move toward greener organizational strategies, including ways to mitigate the impact of our meetings, conferences, and congresses.

Kaitlynn Mendes

I am a Lecturer in Media and Communication at the University of Leicester, and my research has focused on both representations of feminism in the media, as well as the ways feminists are using digital technologies to challenge sexism, harassment and misogyny. I am author/editor of four books, and numerous journal articles and book chapters, have attracted over £145,000 worth of grant funding, sit on the editorial board on the top journal in my field, and play a leading role in a number of major national and international subject associations, including the IAMCR.

I have been an active member of the association since 2010 when I was elected Vice-Chair of the Gender and Communication Section, and in 2012 was elected Co-Chair of the section. In 2015, I became Chair of the Academic Organising Committee and member of the Local Organising Committee for the 2016 conference, which is being hosted at my home institution, the University of Leicester. As my term as Co-Chair has come to an end, I am looking for new ways to remain involved with the organisation, and believe the International Council is a good way to maintain links with this organisation. As an enthusiastic scholar who understands the organisation, its purpose and goals, I hope you consider my candidacy.

S.M. Hussein Mousavinasab

Born in Tehran in 1986, I hold a Master’s degree from the Islamic Azad University-South Tehran Branch in Translation Studies. I have worked as a professional translator and editor and in television production for over a decade and have published more than a dozen booklets (in Farsi) on various aspects of television, and translated books from English on TV Culture and TV Studies.

I want to be a member of the International Council of IAMCR because I believe I can give comments and ideas from perspectives, which have not been heard before. I have been a TV researcher and foreign TV analyst for the past five years and have studied middle-eastern and especially Iranian television and theater. Also, I have taken professional acting courses in Film Acting School of Tehran and am preparing for the next monologue festival of Tehran. So I know Iranian TV and theater from inside out. My vision for IAMCR is to make it an internationally renowned and highly reliable reference of media professionals all around the globe, not just for English-speaking or western countries.

Hillel Nossek

As a member of IAMCR since 1993 and a member of the International Council since 2002 ex-officio, I wish to continue to contribute to IAMCR from my academic and administrative experience. Below is short bio with some of my relevant experience.

Hillel Nossek, Ph.D., is Professor at The Department of Communication of the Kinneret Academic College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel.  He is (since April 2015) the editor of Misgaroth Media (the peer review journal of the Israel Communication association).  He was Dean of the School of Media Studies of the College of Management Academic Studies, (2012-2014). He was the establishing academic director of the college research authority (2004-2009) and head of the teaching authority of the college (2004-2006). He also chaired the Israel Communication Association (1999 – 2003), and is currently head of the Mediated Communication, Public Opinion & Society Section of IAMCR (Since 2012). He was the co-head of the section since 2002 with Friedrich Krotz from Germany. He is a member of the Clearinghouse of IAMCR and a member of the advisory board of Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research book series of IAMCR/Palgrave.

Claudia Padovani


The IAMCR is the place where I have learned what being part of an international community means; the space I acknowledge for being open to trans-disciplinary exchanges, where the history of communication studies meets the challenges of future developments that call for new ways of thinking, theorizing and collaborating.

Through the working group on Global Media Policy and its initiatives I have contributed to establishing a field of study which has grown into an inspiring multifaceted domain of knowledge. Co-chairing the Publication Committee and co-editing the Palgrave/IAMCR series has allowed me to help consolidating frameworks for academic knowledge exchange that give better visibility to the IAMCR, its distinct character and role on the international scene. Working actively with the IAMCR Task Force for the Global Alliance for Media and Gender has renovated my conviction that we, scholars, through our research and understanding can, and should, play a meaningful role in orientating policy developments; particularly when it comes to fostering values and practices of inclusion and respect for communication rights of women and men.

I trust the lessons learned can be an asset in support of future IAMCR activities. I would be honoured to contribute my knowledge and energies to an academic association devoted to both rigorous academic exchanges, and engagement with global policy debates and processes.


L'AIERI est l'arène au sein de laquelle j'ai appris ce que faire partie d'une communauté internationale veut dire; un espace d'ouverture aux échanges trans-disciplinaires, où l'histoire des études de communication répond aux futurs défis qui font appel à de nouvelles façons de penser, théoriser et collaborer.

Dans le cadre du Groupe de Travail sur les politiques de communication au niveau mondial, j'ai contribué à la création d'un domaine d'étude qui est devenu un ensemble de connaissances multiforme. Dans ma fonction de co-responsable du Comité de publication et co-coordonnatrice de la série Palgrave/AIERI j’ai pu aider à la consolidation de cadres pour l'échange de connaissances académiques, qui donnent une meilleure visibilité à l'AIERI, son caractère distinct et son rôle sur la scène internationale. Travailler activement avec le Groupe de travail AIERI pour l'Alliance Mondiale pour les Médias et le Genre a renouvelé ma conviction que nous les chercheurs, grâce à nos recherches et appréciations, pouvons et devons jouer un rôle important dans l'orientation des développements politiques; notamment en ce qui concerne la promotion des valeurs et des pratiques d'inclusion et de respect des droits de communication.

Je serais honorée de continuer à contribuer mes connaissances et énergies à une association consacrée à la fois à des échanges académiques rigoureuses, et à l'engagement avec les débats et les processus politiques au niveau global.


La AIECS es el lugar donde he aprendido lo que significa ser parte de una comunidad internacional; es el espacio que reconozco por ser abierto a los intercambios trans-disciplinares, donde la historia de los estudios de comunicación responden a los retos de los futuros desarrollos que requieren nuevas formas de pensar, teorizar y colaborar.

A través del grupo de trabajo sobre Política de Medios Global y sus iniciativas, he contribuido a establecer un campo de estudio que ha crecido hasta convertirse en un dominio con múltiples facetas del conocimiento. Co-presidir el Comité de Publicaciones y, paralelamente, co-editar la serie Palgrave / AIECS me han permitido ayudar a la consolidación de los marcos para el intercambio de conocimientos académicos que han aportado una mejor visibilidad a la IAMCR, a su carácter distintivo y rol en la escena internacional. Trabajar activamente con el Grupo de Trabajo de la IAMCR de la Alianza Mundial de Medios de Comunicación y Género, ha renovado mi convicción de que nosotros, los estudiosos, a través de nuestra investigación y comprensión podemos y debemos, desempeñar un papel significativo en la orientación de la evolución de la política; sobre todo cuando se trata de fomentar los valores y las prácticas de la inclusión y el respeto de los derechos a la comunicación de las mujeres y los hombres.

Sería un honor poder aportar mis conocimientos y energías a una asociación académica dedicada a los intercambios académicos rigurosos y también al compromiso con los debates y procesos propios de la política.

Deborah Philips

Deborah Philips is based in London, UK and is Professor of Literature and Cultural History at the University of Brighton.  She is a member of the steering committee of the Popular Culture Group at the IAMCR and has published widely on popular culture, feminist theory, cultural politics and post-war fiction.  Her books include Fairground Attractions (Bloomsbury, 2012), The Trojan Horse (with Garry Whannel) (Bloomsbury, 2013), Women’s Fiction 1945 to now (Bloomsbury 2014).  She is currently researching lifestyle television from 1950 in Britain, and women’s popular fiction in India.

I would very much like to contribute to the future direction of the IAMCR and feel that my experience would be of benefit to the International Council.  My vision for the IAMCR is that it should be at the forefront of developing the fields of media, communication and cultural studies, consistently informed by a global understanding, and by an awareness of intersectionality and of cultural and gender difference.  As an organisation, the IAMCR should support its members’ work in promoting media and digital literacy and critical citizenship internationally and beyond the association.

Jo Pierson

I gladly accept my nomination and confirm my candidacy for member of IAMCR International Council. I have been an active member since 1998 (Glasgow). Having served for many years as vice-chair (since 2004) and chair (since 2008) of the Communication Policy and Technology Section (CPT), I hope to continue to contribute with my expertise in the governance of IAMCR. Together with all IAMCR colleagues, my aim is to further strengthen the position and identity of our global Association within academia and society, with special attention to scholarly inclusion and quality. Only in that way can we be an authoritative and innovative voice in the interdisciplinary field of Media and Communication Studies.

I am currently Associate Professor and Course Council Director of the Department of Media and Communication Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Belgium (Faculty of Economic, Political and Social Sciences and Solvay Business School). I am also Senior Researcher and staff member at the research centre SMIT (Studies on Media, Information and Telecommunication) since 1996. In this position I was co-founder of the User Empowerment unit, part of Flanders' digital research and entrepreneurship hub iMinds. Currently I am in charge of the research on privacy, surveillance, ethics, trust and security in digital media at iMinds-SMIT.

Sandra Ristovska

IAMCR has become my intellectual home because of its commitment to research that spans geographic boundaries, its engagements across traditional divides between theory and practice, and prioritizing of socially relevant scholarship. It would thus be an honor to give back to the community that nourishes my professional development. As an active member of IAMCR, I have so far served as a co-chair of the Emerging Scholars Network (2012-2016), as a member of the award committee for the IAMCR-OSF Rapid Response Grants on Communication Policy for Emerging Media and Communication Scholars (2013/2014), and as a member of the Clearinghouse for Public Statements (since 2015). I have promoted collaborations between ESN and the rest of IAMCR, participated in discussions about the future of academia and IAMCR, and raised issues at the IC relevant to emerging scholars, such as making the conferences more affordable. As a member of the IC, I would put my energy towards making IAMCR sustainable and the conferences affordable in ever-changing academic labor conditions globally. 

I’m a documentary filmmaker and scholar who studies the relationship between visual culture and human rights. As of August, I will be the Gerber Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania (where I am completing my dissertation), and a Fellow at the Yale Law School Information Society Project, where I will direct the Visual Law Project.

Ylva Rodny-Gumede

Ylva Rodny-Gumede is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Journalism, Film and Television at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. She holds a PhD from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, as well as an MA degree in Politics from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa and an MA in Journalism from Cardiff University.

Ylva is a former journalist and has also consulted for several government, private and academic institutions in Europe and Southern Africa on issues concerning media and democracy, among them the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education, and the SADC Parliamentary Forum. Before moving to South Africa in the late 1990s, she held senior positions in both private and public media institutions in Sweden.

Her current research involves investigating new frameworks for a ‘Southernization’ of media studies and journalism and to make curricula more reflective of local realities and developments particularly with a view to common issues facing the news media and journalism in young democracies, transitional societies and post-colonial societies in the global South. This is reflected through a highly research led agenda for which she was awarded the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Johannesburg award for teaching excellence in 2015.

Iiris Ruoho

Adjunct Professor Iiris Ruoho is working in the field of journalism and media studies at the University of Tampere. She is well known as a pioneer scholar for both feminist media studies and television drama studies in Finland. Nowadays her study interest is in visual cultures of BRICS countries and digitalization of media and society in Finland, China and India. She has been a visiting scholar in the universities of Texas at Austin (1995, 1997), Oregon at Eugene (2006) and Fudan University at Shanghai (2011). During her academic career, she has had several positions of trust, as an example of current board membership of the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies.

Her list of publications includes over 100 scientific and other research based publications and papers. Her latest (2014) project was titled Twitter politics – democracy, representation and equality in the new online public spheres of politics. Currently she is organizing an international conference in Shanghai (October 2016) on Chinese and Nordic developments on Digital Culture and Society and editing a book on BRICS on Screen: Vision from the Global South with her South-African partner, Professor Viola Milton.

Helena Sousa

I have been a member of IAMCR for almost 25 years, having attended my first conference in Dublin City University in 1993. I got particularly involved in the Political Economy Section, having served as Section Vice-Chair/Chair between 2004 and 2014. The Section became stronger and it has launched ‘The Political Economy Journal’ in 2013. I am also grateful for having had the opportunity to co-chair the Local Organizing Committee of the 2010 IAMCR Conference at the University of Minho, Braga. Furthermore, over the years I have served in various IAMCR Task Forces, Prize Committees and Editorial/Review Committees.

If elected, I hope to mobilize my previous experience as a committed member of the IAMCR and to use my expertise from other activities. I started my professional life as journalist in 1988 and I am presently Full Professor of Communication Sciences at the University of Minho. I am serving as Dean of the Social Sciences School at the University of Minho and I am editor of the European Journal of Communication. I am also playing active roles nationally and internationally in terms of the defence of communication rights and the affirmation of the media and communication field: I am an independent expert with the Council of Europe and I am Vice-President of the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) Scientific Council for Social Sciences and Humanities.

Mohammad Sahid Ullah

I am working as an Associate Professor in Communication and Journalism at the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. I am also attached to the Centre for Communication and Social Change, School of Communication and Arts in the University of Queensland, Australia. I have served as Deputy Head, Co-Vice Chair and Co-Chair of IAMCR Law Section (2006-2015) and also been a member of the IAMCR Fee Committee (2010-2012).

Since my association with IAMCR, I have noticed that participation from developing countries in IAMCR decision-making processes is rare. Being a member from a low-income country, the interest of the under-represented was the key concern of my activity in IAMCR. As an International Council member candidate I will focus on helping to build a strong future for the association among emerging scholars, on reducing fees so far as possible the costs of participation in conferences both from developed and developing countries. I intend to address the challenges and problems of underprivileged members of developing nations more than before through this position.

Takesato Watanabe

Takesato Watanabe Is Professor Emeritus, Doshisha University, Japan and President of the Kyoto Council on Media Studies and Political Science. After studying Journalism and Mass Communication at Doshisha University, he taught Journalism Ethics and Mass Communication Theory at that university for 25 years. He also acted as an advisor for International Department of The Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication. In his media career, he has been a TV coordinator for over thirty years, a newspaper columnist and a commentator for China Central TV since 2007.  He has published over 25 books, including co-authored and edited volumes; also in English, A Public Betrayed: An Inside Look at Japanese Media Atrocities and Their Warnings to the West, published in the United States. Among his major translations from English into Japanese are A Free and Responsible Press by the Commission on Freedom of the Press (1947) and  Denis McQuail’s Media Accountability and Freedom of Publication (2003).

He is honored to accept the nomination for IAMCR's InternationalCouncil, and wishes to contribute to making IAMCR a stronger organization that will play a role in preparing an information environment for world peace through media studies and practices.