Welcome to IAMCR

Nico CarpentierIt is a great privilege and an honour to be elected President of International Association for Media and Communication Research - IAMCR - the world’s oldest and most international academic professional organisations in the field of media and communication.

For nearly three decades, the impetus for my academic work has been to internationalise our field to reflect transformational changes, especially in the global South. Connecting my Indian intellectual heritage with Western academic expertise and China experience equips me well to lead IAMCR, as a bridge between the North and the South and to help narrow the intellectual and cultural divides in a polarised world.

With the team – comprising the Executive Board, Section and Working Group Chairs and Vice Chairs, various Committees and Task Forces, members of the International Council, and the Executive Secretariat - I shall endeavour to broaden the remit of IAMCR, strengthen its relationship with other regional and national communication associations, reinforce regional IAMCR hubs to promote horizontal intellectual exchanges and expand membership.

I welcome you to the Association and encourage your colleagues to join IAMCR to help make it a truly global organisation and to help further internationalise and democratise communication.

Daya Thussu
President, IAMCR