Members of IAMCR who want to publish their work can benefit from a special series, launched jointly in July 2014 between the Association and global publisher Palgrave Macmillan. The Palgrave/ IAMCR books series —Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research— offers easy access to all members.
Do you have an idea for a book? See the article How to Submit a Proposal.
IAMCR members are entitled to a special 35% discount on all titles in the series. If you are a member of IAMCR, email GlobalTransformations@iamcr.org with "global transformations discount" as the subject of your message for details on how to get your discount.
Sadia Jamil (sadia.jamil@ymail.com) and Bruce Mutsvairo (b.mutsvairo@uu.nl) are the co-editors of this book series.
Read more about the series