Skye Doherty - Candidate for Treasurer

Skye Doherty
The University of Queensland

On this page, you will find Skye Doherty's candidate statement, the names of nominating members along with their supporting statements, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

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As Treasurer I will seek to build on work already done to streamline processes and maintain the financial stability of the IAMCR. In recent years the Executive Board has made strategic investments, rationalised bank account management and acted to ensure the sustainability of the Executive Secretariat. These efforts have benefited the association’s finances. In the near future, a changing membership profile and the need to support new engagement initiatives will present challenges for financial sustainability. The IAMCR EB should respond to these challenges creatively and collaboratively.

I am a senior lecturer in the School of Communication and Arts at I University of Queensland (UQ), where I lead the advocacy and the public good theme within the Centre for Communication and Social Change and the Global Change Scholars Program in the UQ Graduate School. I am also a member of the Human-Centred Computing research group in the School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. I came to academic research after an international career as a journalist and have experience in start-ups and project management.


Como Tesorera, buscaré construir sobre el trabajo ya realizado para optimizar procesos y mantener la estabilidad financiera de la AIECS. En los últimos años, el Comité Ejecutivo ha realizado inversiones estratégicas, ha racionalizado la gestión de cuentas bancarias y ha actuado para garantizar la sostenibilidad de la Secretaría Ejecutiva. Estos esfuerzos han beneficiado las finanzas de la asociación. En el futuro cercano, un perfil de membresía en constante cambio, y la necesidad de respaldar nuevas iniciativas de participación presentarán desafíos para la sostenibilidad financiera. El Comité Ejecutivo de la AIECS deberá responder a estos desafíos de manera creativa y colaborativa.

Soy profesora titular en la Escuela de Comunicación y Artes de la Universidad de Queensland (UQ), donde lidero la temática de abogacía y bien público dentro del Centro de Comunicación y Cambio Social y el Programa de Académicos de Cambio Global en la Escuela de Doctorado de UQ. También soy miembro del grupo de investigación en Informática Centrada en el Ser Humano en la Escuela de Ciencias de la Computación e Ingeniería Eléctrica. Llegué a la investigación académica después de una carrera internacional como periodista y cuento con experiencia en startups y gestión de proyectos.


En tant que trésorier, je chercherai à capitaliser sur le travail déjà accompli pour rationaliser les processus et maintenir la stabilité financière de l'AIERI. Pendant les dernières années, le Conseil Exécutif a réalisé des investissements stratégiques, rationalisé la gestion des comptes bancaires et agi pour assurer la durabilité du Secrétariat Exécutif. Ces efforts ont bénéficié à les finances de l'association. Dans un avenir proche, un profil de membres changeant et la nécessité de soutenir de nouvelles initiatives d'engagement présenteront des défis pour la durabilité financière. Le Conseil Exécutif de l'AIERI doit répondre à ces défis de manière créative et collaborative.

Je suis professeure à l'École de Communication et des Arts de l'Université du Queensland (UQ), où je dirige la thématique de défense des intérêts et du bien public au sein du Centre pour la Communication et le Changement Social et du Programme d'études sur le Changement Global à l’École de la Recherche de l'UQ. Je suis également membre du groupe de recherche en informatique centrée sur l'humain à l'École d'Informatique et de Génie Électrique. J'ai entamé une carrière de recherche académique après une carrière internationale en tant que journaliste et je possède de l'expérience dans les start-ups et la gestion de projets.

Nominated by:

Elske van de Fliert (The University of Queensland, Australia)

Kanchan K. Malik (University of Hyderabad, India)

Francesca Musiani (Centre for Internet and Society CNRS, France)

Steph Hill (University of Leicester, UK)

Sandra Ristovska (University of Colorado Boulder, United States)

Usha Raman (University of Hyderabad, India):

I would like to nominate Dr Skye Doherty, from the School of Communication and Arts at the University of Queensland, for the post of treasurer (Executive Board). Skye has been a member of IAMCR for several years and has a strong research record as well as the kind of mindset that would allow her to take on the financial management and oversight of the Association.


Submitted by Evan de Fliert on Fri, 02/23/2024 - 22:25


Elske van de Fliert (IAMCR Treasurer 2016-2024)

I am very pleased to endorse Skye Doherty for the position of Treasurer on the IAMCR EB. Skye has been a colleague of mine at UQ for the past decade and has demonstrated high competence in anything she undertakes, a great work ethic, efficient project management skills, and collegiality. I have no doubt that the IAMCR Treasury will be in good hands with her.

Submitted by FMusiani on Sun, 02/25/2024 - 06:56


Francesca Musiani

It is my pleasure to endorse Skye Doherty for the position of Treasurer on the IAMCR EB, and thank her for her willingness to undertake this crucial and delicate task for the association.

Submitted by sahill on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 06:53


Stephanie Hill

I am happy to endorse Skye Doherty for Treasurer at IAMCR. The treasurer position is important and not easily filled, so I am happy to see someone with such a comprehensive background stepping up to the role.

Submitted by PThomas on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 18:43


Pradip Thomas

Skye will be a great asset to IAMCR. She has a great eye for numbers, a wonderful personality and will be an astute manager of IAMCR's finances.

Submitted by FOliveira Paulino on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 22:44


Fernando Oliveira Paulino

Skye has the experience that could help IAMCR to develop in person and remote activies. I wish she and the other next members of the Executive Board have a good time together. Thanks,

Submitted by venugopalgowda on Mon, 04/08/2024 - 23:54


Dr. Venugopal Gowda M K, Head of the Department, Post-Graduate Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Philomena`s College, Mysuru, Karnataka, India

As a design researcher with a proven track record of media innovation and a strong focus on social impact, the candidate brings a unique blend of creativity and strategic thinking to the table. Their achievements in developing award-winning storytelling tools, influencing legislative change, and creating impactful educational products demonstrate their ability to drive tangible results. With experience across journalism, law, education, fire resilience, and energy sectors, combined with leadership roles in international media companies, research institutions, startups, and project management, the candidate is well-equipped to serve as Treasurer of IAMCR, ensuring prudent financial management and fostering innovative initiatives for the association's growth and impact.