General Assembly 2010 Agenda

uminhoThe draft of the General Assembly Agenda is now available. The event will take place in the Auditorium B1 (CP 2) at 4.30pm, 22 July, right before the Closing Ceremony.

Braga, Portugal, 4:30 p.m. July 22, 2010 (CP-B1)

Draft Agenda

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Minutes and matters arising from the previous General Assembly, Stockholm, July 23, 2008
  3. Report from the Local Organizing Committee of the Braga Conference
  4. Presentation of the Schiller and Smythe Awards
  5. Confirmation of Secretary General
  6. Reports from Officers:

    President - Annabelle Sreberny
    Vice Presidents -
    John Downing, Ruth Teer Tomaselli
    Secretary General -
    Hopeton Dunn
    Treasurer -
    Beate Josephi

  7. Proposed amendments to the Statutes (if any)
  8. Approval of changes to the Section and Working Groups
  9. Approval of new members
  10. Approval of new agreements with other associations
  11. Presentation on forthcoming conferences and proposed venues

    2011 - Istanbul, Turkey

  12. Motions from the Floor
  13. Any other business
  14. Adjournment

The meeting will follow Robert's Rules of Order.