IAMCR 2012 - History Section Call for Papers

erythrina_caffraThe 2012 IAMCR Conference will be held in Durban (South Africa) on July 15-19. The overall conference theme is “South-North Conversations”. Along with this topic, which is also closely related to our interest as researchers, the History Section proposes specific sessions for papers.

Papers of historical perspectives, national studies and international comparisons are particularly sought around the following related themes:

  1. Tabloids and Tabloidization Across Media History

    The term "Tabloid", originally used for a pharmaceutical trademark ("tablet"), had been introduced in the first part of the 20th century to refer to commercialized newspapers promoted by pressures of advertisers. It began to replace earlier terms like "penny press" or "popular press". Meanwhile a general trend of "tabloidization" seemed to shape the media systems, meaning downgrading hard news and the upgrading soft news, infotainment etc. This includes not only the content but also the layout. Historical investigations about the origins and development of tabloids in different countries, their types and marketing are the issues for elaborating. Another relevant question is how tabloidization affects today’s newspapers and other media throughout the world.

  2. Media and ‘Empire’: Historical Perspectives

    Through theoretical and case studies in communication history, we invite papers focused on the analysis of the relationships between media development and empires in different periods and regions. Globalisation is not a completely new phenomenon and the extension of new communication technologies and other media contributed to foster former empires in their attempts to maintain their influence and power. A special call is made for papers on colonial experiences in contemporary African media systems. The topic also includes research on media empires of the 20th century on all continents.

  3. Journalists’ Biographies and Autobiographies as a Resource for Media History

    Among the diverse resources that media historians have for their studies on the history of the different media, autobiographies written by journalists, editors or publishers, and their biographies have a special value. The autobiographies, since they come from first-person experiences, offer a colourful picture of journalists’ experiences during their professional careers: how they reflect the advancement of their careers, changes in journalistic standards and editorial routines; what kinds of professional dilemmas they faced in different political and cultural environments, etc., etc. Autobiographical material reflects the individuals’ experiences within particular social contexts and is very subjective and emotional. It cannot be looked at from the viewpoint of ‘historical truth’; but it does have other merits for research. The value and reliability of the autobiographies as sources for journalism historical research should definitely be discussed. Also, biographies of journalists as a rich resource and source for journalism history should be explored.

  4. Methodological Approaches to Media History

    The growing importance of journalism, and in a broader sense, of communication in modern societies has led to formation of media and communication studies as an independent field of research. Given the diversity of traditions in this field, we invite papers that explore: the development of journalism and communication history research in different countries; methodological approaches to face new challenges derived from new media, and other contemporary issues.

  5. Historical Research on Foreign Correspondents

    From the early days of the press foreign correspondents have served to cover news and information from other countries in the world. In doing this they often played an important role in international political relations. From the historical perspective, different questions may be asked: Who were these correspondents? From where and how did they report? What was the amount of foreign news compared to domestic ones? Did censorship affect foreign correspondents and if yes, how? How did foreign correspondents perceive their role? Which kinds of relations existed between foreign correspondents and diplomacy?

  6. History of the Internet

    The invention of the Internet enabled new ways of communication, including online networking and social media.  The Internet is not only an important technological innovation (history of which is as important to study as history of Television or any other medium), but it also challenges the societal power of the ‘old’ media. Papers, discussing the development of the Internet and its implications from the historical perspective are particularly welcome.

Abstracts should be sent to the Section Chair only through the Open Conference System (OCS), and should be between 300-500 words long. Each abstract must include title, name(s), affiliation, institutional address and email address of author(s).

The deadlines are as follows:

  • Submission of abstracts: February 14, 2012 (papers will be assessed and provisionally accepted on the basis of the abstracts).
  • Announcement of acceptances: March 12, 2012
  • Full papers due: June 10, 2012

IAMCR accepts presentations in English, French and Spanish.  However, it is requested that abstracts, if at all possible, be submitted in English.

Further information about IAMCR and this conference is available on the respective websites: http://iamcr.org/ and http://iamcr2012.ukzn.ac.za.

Contact address for questions regarding the History Section:

Chair: Carlos Barrera
Department of Public Communication
School of Communication
University of Navarra
31080 Pamplona, Spain
cbarrera [at] unav.e