Academic Committee
The Academic Committee, chaired by María José Canel, includes professors from several Spanish Universities, who are specialized in media and communication research.
María José Canel - Universidad Complutense de MadridChair Academic Committee Professor of Political and Public Sector Communication |
Alejandro Barranquero Carretero - Universidad Carlos III de MadridLecturer in Media Studies. President of the Research Network in Community, Alternative and Participatory Communication. His work explores the intersections between communication and social change from different angles: community media, social movements and technopolitics, communication and NGOs, etc. |
Arturo Gómez Quijano - Universidad Complutense de MadridProfessor at Complutense University of Madrid, ESIC Business & Marketing School, ICEX-CECO International University Menéndez Pelayo and University of the Sacred Heart of Puerto Rico Entrepreneur in communication with more than 35 years of experience. He has trained professionals in Spain and in 12 other countries. |
Esther Martínez Pastor - Universidad Rey Juan CarlosAssociate Professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. She has a PhD in Communication Sciences and also a degree in Advertising and Public Relations (University Complutense of Madrid) and Law (UNED). Her research lines focus on advertising, kids, adolescents and transparency. |
Francisco Segado-Boj - Universidad Internacional de La RiojaFrancisco holds a PhD in Journalism (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and works as Associate Professor at Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. His current research interests focus on digital and social media and on scholarly communication. |
Francisco Seoane Pérez - Universidad Carlos III de MadridAssistant Professor at the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication, Carlos III University of Madrid.… |
Ignacio Bel Mallén - Universidad Complutense de MadridProfessor of Information Law at Complutense University of Madrid. Managing Director of the Institute of Media and Entertainment at IESE. He has taught at the San Pablo CEU University, Diego Portales University (Chile), Piura University (Peru) and Panamericana University (Mexico). |
Isabel Serrano Maillo - Universidad Complutense de MadridProfessor of Constitutional and Communication Law in School of Communication (UCM) since 2005. Doctor in Communication (2001). Degree in Law (1996), Journalism (1998) and Criminology (2010). IP in the UCM researching group: Legal Regulation and Participation of the Digital Citizen. Author of various works on fundamental rights, freedom of expression, reputation, hate speech, etc. |
Jesús Miguel Flores Vivar - Universidad Complutense de MadridJournalist, researcher and New Media analyst. Has authored of several scientific journals. Professor of Multimedia and Ciber-Journalism at Deparment of New Media and Journalism. Internet Media-Lab Director and Coordinator of the PhD Jounalism Programme at Complutense University of Madrid. |
José Antonio Ruiz San Román - Universidad Complutense de MadridHas a B.A. in Journalism and a Ph.D in Communication from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). He is Professor at the Department of Applied Sociology, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). He is author of “Introducción a la tradición clásica de la opinión pública” (1997) and co-author of “Sociología de la Comunicación” (1999) and “Investigar en Comunicación” (2005). His research interests include Public Opinion, Media Effects, Social Campaigns and the work of Amitai Etzio. |
José Luis Piñuel - Universidad Complutense de MadridProfessor of Communication Theory and Journalism. |
Julio Montero Díaz - Universidad Internacional de La RiojaVice-rector of research at UNIR and Vice-presidente of PROEDUCA. Professor at the International University of La Rioja and Professor of Social Communication History at Complutense University of Madrid. History of television and communication specialist. |
Leopoldo Abad Alcalá - Universidad CEU San PabloProfessor of Constitutional and Information Law. Visiting Professor at American and European Universities. Main researcher in several research project with public support. Author of over 40 scientific publications. |
Loreto Corredoira - Universidad Complutense de MadridProfessor of Communication Law. Journalist.Constitutional Law Department. Head - Audiovisual Heritage Master Programme … Blog: Cyberlaw Clinic Google Scholar |
Luis Fernando Ramos Simón- Universidad Complutense de MadridProfessor in the Department of Library and Documentation Studies, in the School of Documentation, Complutense University of Madrid. He is PhD in Communication, degree in Journalism and Law. His teaching and research focuses on the reuse of public sector information, licensing information and digitisation of cultural heritage issues.… |
Manuel Sánchez de Diego Fernández de la Riva - Universidad Complutense de MadridProfessor of Communication Law and Constitutional Law |
María Antonia Paz Rebollo - Universidad Complutense de MadridProfessor of Mass Communication History. Her main research topic is History of Audiovisual Media. |
María Dolores Cáceres Zapatero - Universidad Complutense de MadridMaría Dolores Cáceres Zapatero, University Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. Vice-President of the Madrid Association of Sociology; at present I am a member of the Scientific Committee of an indexed scientific review, and an editorial committee member of two others. |
Marilé Pretel- Universidad CEU San PabloVice Dean of the School of Humanities and Communication at CEU San Pablo University. |
Marta Perlado Lamo de Espinosa - Universidad Antonio de NebrijaDean of Communication and Arts School, Nebrija University. PhD in Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid. She has been Vice-Dean and Director of the Department of Advertising and Marketing. Since 1995 she teaches in Degrees and Master's degrees in advertising and public relations in Nebrija University. Research of the INNECOM group of Nebrija University, is author of several publications on competences and professional profiles in digital communication, and other publications on audience research and media planning.…; |
Miguel Baños González - Universidad Carlos III de MadridDean of School of Communication at Rey Juan Carlos University. He has extensive teaching and research experience, having participated in different research projects, we finance public calls, national and international. He is a member of the Cyberimaginary Research Group and the Scientific Association Icono14. |
Miguel Vicente - Universidad de ValladolidAssociate Professor and Head of the Department of Sociology and Social Work at the Universidad de Valladolid. Since 2013 he is a member of the chairing team of the IAMCR Audiences Section. |
Norberto Mínguez - Universidad Complutense de MadridProfessor of Media Studies at Complutense University of Madrid |
Ubaldo Cuesta Cambra - Universidad Complutense de MadridDirector of the Department of Theories and Analyses of Communication at Complutense University of Madrid. Director of the Communication and Health chair of the Complutense University. Member of the Spanish Counsil of Drug Addiction and others addictions. Director of Communication and Health magazine. |