Javier Gomá will open IAMCR MADRID 2019

Javier Gomá, philosopher, essayist and playwright will open Madrid 2019 

In his inaugural lecture, Philosopher and essayist Javier Gomá will propose to us a subject with a short but thought-provoking title – Dignity, a revolutionary principle – as the entry portal to the International Conference whose theme is Technology, Communication and Human Dignity. 

Javier Gomá Lanzón (Bilbao, 1965) holds degrees in Classical Philology and Law, as well as a Ph.D. in Philosophy. At the present time, he is Director of the Juan March Foundation, Madrid, and a member of the Governing Boards of the Teatro Real and the Teatro Abadía. His writings include Tetralogía de la ejemplaridad (Tetralogy of the exemplary) and the monologue "Inconsolable"; he is also winner of the National Essay Prize (2004) for his debut work “Imitación y experiencia” (Imitation & Experience) 

In his own words, the title of his lecture, on which he will debate with participants in the month prior to IAMCR 2019, “places the emphasis on the mobilizing, transforming and cosmopolitan nature of a principle which removes obstacles and promotes equality, treating all humanity as one race and one gender, by uniting us all in solidarity of equal worth and identical destiny, irrespective of frontiers, divisions, genders, ideologies, race, confessions, etc.” 

Over a period of ten years, he published four books dealing with the subject of exemplarity: Imitación y experiencia (Imitation and Experience) (2003), Aquiles en el gineceo Achilles in the gynaeceum (2007), Ejemplaridad pública Public Exemplarity (2009) and Necesario pero imposible Necessary but Impossible (2013). His essay work is presented in two collections: Tetralogía de la ejemplaridad (Tetralogy of exemplarity, 2014) and Filosofía mundana. Microensayos completos Worldly Philosophy - Compete micro-essays (2016). He is also the author of Ingenuidad aprendida Learned naïveté (2011), Carta a las fundaciones españolas y otros ensayos del mismo estilo Letter to Spanish foundations and other essays of the same nature (2014), and La imagen de tu vida The Image of your life (2017); with Carlos García Gual and Fernando Savater he co-authored Ganarse la vida en el arte, la literatura y la música Earning a living in art, literature and music (2012). 

Javier Gomá (@JavierGomaL) is a born communicator and conversationalist, as can be appreciated from the dozens of talks and interviews in his digital profiles. We therefore feel very proud to have him as the keynote speaker at our conference, which seeks to define the most innovative concept of the XX century. 


Artículos de Javier Gomá in El País.

Entrevistas a Javier GomáCadena SER.

Biografía y textos de Javier Gomá traducidos al inglés. Proyecto de la Fundación Santillana.Essay and Science

Javier Gomá Lanzón - YouTube.

In Twitter @JavierGomaL confesses "There is a lot I don’t know. But I learn fast"