List of sessions with significant updates

The print and PDF version of the programme are based on data from 17 June. The online version includes many updates received since then. If a session has had a significant change, it will be listed below. To see the new details for the session, go to the online programme and put the slot code in the search box exactly as it appears in the PDF and printed programme.

The first 3 letters of the slot code are the section or working group's 3 letter code. The next three letters are the day of the week. The number refers to the slot (there are 4 each day 08h30 - 10:00, 10h30 to 12h30, 14h00 to 15h30, and 16h00 to 17h30). The final letter identifies if the section or working group has more than one session in the slot.

The online programme will be regularly updated with any last-minute changes and sessions with newly introduced changes will be added to the list below.

Wednesday 10 July

AUD-Wed-1-b News Audiences Papers added/removed
AUD-Wed-3-a Audience Research in Spanish Chair/Discussant changed
AUD-Wed-4-a Experiencing Audiences Chair/Discussant changed
COC-Wed-2-a Activisms, Citizen Journalism and Movements Chair/Discussant changed
COC-Wed-2-b ANEL: Decolonizing Pedagogies 2 Paper added
COC-Wed-3-a Alternative Media, Community Radio and Arts on the Streets and Cities Papers added/removed
CPT-Wed-2-a Audiovisual Policies Around the World Location changed – Chair/Discussant changed
CPT-Wed-2-b Digital Inclusion and Engagement Chair/Discussant changed
CPT-Wed-3-a Content Governance on Platforms I/Regulación de contenidos en plataformas Paper removed
CPT-Wed-4-b Content Governance on Platforms II Papers added/removed
ESR-Wed-1-a Media and the Environment Chair/Discussant changed
GEC-Wed-3-b Narrando Violencias y Resistancias Chair/Discussant changed – Paper removed
GEC-Wed-3-c Patriarchal Power Chair/Discussant changed
GEC-Wed-4-a New Feminisms? Chair/Discussant changed
GMP-Wed-1-a Policy (Re)Modelling: the Challenges of Sustainable Media Ecosystems Location change
HIS-Wed-2-a Media and Representations Paper added
INC-Wed-2-b PANEL: Netflix: Producing and Consuming Latinx Culture in the Data-Driven Global Media Scapes Paper removed
MER-Wed-1-a New media, students, and teachers Chair/Discussant changed
MPA-Wed-1-a Local(ized) media Paper removed
MPA-Wed-2-a Media, policies, and political systems Paper removed
MPA-Wed-3-a Technology and media production: exploring new possibilities and practices Papers added/removed
MPA-Wed-4 Crossing borders: transnational practices and programmes Paper removed
MPS-Wed-1-a Communicating Elections, Analysing Discourses Chair/Discussant changed
MPS-Wed-3-a Discourses of Migration Papers added/removed
MPS-Wed-4-a Technologies Papers added/removed
PCR-Wed-2-a Social Media Participation Paper removed
POE-Wed-2-b PANEL: It never went away: the state and political economy Paper removed
POE-Wed-4-a POE Business Meeting Business Meeting missing

Thursday 11 July

COC-Thu-1-a PANEL: Twenty Years of Indymedia. The fall of an --'experiment'-- the rise of many seeds Chair/Discussant changed
ESR-Thu-2-a Environmental engagement Location change to Aulario C109
ETH-Thu-2-a Contested boundaries for Advertising Chair/Discussant changed – Paper added
ETH-Thu-2-b Encrucijadas éticas en el periodismo iberoamericano Paper added
ETH-Thu-3-b The narrative of human dignity Paper removed
GEC-Thu-1-b Regulation and Infrastructure Paper removed
GEC-Thu-2-a Perspectiva de Genero y Estudios para la Diversidad papers added/removed
GEC-Thu-2-b Public Spheres and Gender Paper removed
GEC-Thu-2-c Violence Against Women II Paper removed
HCC/COH-Thu-2-a Digitizing Healthcare Communication Chair/Discussant changed – Paper added
HIS-Thu-1-a PANEL: La televisión en Europa: del monopolio estatal a la libertad de antena Chair/Discussant changed – Paper added
HIS-Thu-1-b Visual Media, Culture and Identities Chair/Discussant changed
HIS-Thu-2-a Media Systems and Power Paper added
INC-Thu-1-a Politics, News and Country Analyses Paper added
INC-Thu-1-b Youth Entertainment, Online Content and Social Networks in China as Means of Communication Paper removed
INC-Thu-2-a Advertising and Cultural Elements in Consumer Decision-Making Paper added
MER-Thu-1-a Country snapshots papers added/removed
MPS-Thu-1-b Content, control and propaganda Chair/Discussant changed
PCR-Thu-3-a PANEL: Role and Place of Media and Communication in Progressive Social Change Chair/Discussant changed – Location change
PCR-Thu-3-b Participation and Education Location change – Paper removed
POC-Thu-2-a Digitizing (social) identities Paper removed
POE-Thu-1-a Advertising, Audiences, Commodification, and Consumerism Session missing
POE-Thu-1-b Politics, Social Movements & Minority Representation Session misplaced (corresponds to POE Section)
POL-Thu-2-a Explorando la lógica de la desinformación y posverdad Paper added

Monday 8 July

PMP-Mon-4-a PSM, Digital Transformation and Innovation Chair/Discussant changed
MSD-Mon-1-a PANEL: Big Tech, Media Development and Journalism Philanthropy: Friend or Foe? Chair/Discussant changed
MSD-Mon-4-a PANEL: Where's the 'Development' in Media Development: A Critical Reflection on the Contributions and Outcomes of Media Assistance Paper removed
GEC-Mon-4-b Queer Mediations Paper removed
MER/JRE-Mon-3-a PANEL: 'The Truth is Out There': The Ever Growing Importance of Media Literacy in the Digital Age Papers added / removed – Chair/Discussant changed
HIS-Mon-4a PANEL: Historia de la Desinformación. Manipulación y propaganda en los medios de comunicación Paper removed
PMP-Mon-1-a From Public Service Media to Public Service Platforms Paper removed
DIM-Mon-1-a PANEL: Human Mobility - Connectivity and the Cultural Politics of Migration Paper added
HCC/COH-Mon-1-a It's a Social Media World Papers added / removed
REC-Mon-1-a PANEL: Religion, Political Communication & Social Media in South Asia: The Case of India Paper removed
REC-Mon-3-a New Media & Religion Chair/Discussant changed
REC-Mon-3-a New Media & Religion Chair/Discussant changed
CRI-Mon-1-a Communicating disasters and emergencies Paper removed
MPS-Mon-1-a Mediated Communication Papers added
MPS-Mon-4-a Freedom of Speech? Paper added

Tuesday 9 July

COC-Tue-1-a Media, Regulation, Sustainability, and Standards Paper removed
COC/ESN-Tue-4-a Emerging voices on community and alternative media Paper removed
ESR-Tue-3-a Discursive struggles on the environment Papers added / removed
GEC-Tue-1-a Experiencing #MeToo Slot code change – Time change – Location changed (to Aulario C207) - Papers added / removed
GEC-Tue-1-b Migration, Borders and Gender Paper removed
GEC-Tue-4-b Feminiso y Espacio Politico en Medios Slot code change – Location changed (to Aulario C207)
GEC-Tue-4-c Panel:Gendered Online Harrassment in Journalism Time change – Chair/Discussant changed
HIS-Tue-3-a PANEL: Broadcasting under Colonial Rule: Institutions, Policies and Voices Correction: Session is in English
JRE-Tue-1-b Media Content Analyses Paper removed
JRE-Tue-3-a Journalism, Social Media and the Digital Age Session listed twice, in different rooms (Should be Aulario C009.)
MER-Tue-3-a Initiatives in media education curriculum reforms Papers added / removed- Chair/Discussant changed
MER-Tue-3-a PANEL: Pushing Boundaries: On Creativity as an Essential Toolkit for Professional and Academic Practices Slot code should be JRE/MER-Tue-3-a
MER-Tue-4-a Child Rights and Media Education Papers added / removed
MPA-Tue-4-a Institutionalized practices: routines and innovation Chair/Discussant changed
PCR-Tue-1-a Participation and Identity(Work) Paper removed
PCR-Tue-3-a Democratizing the Economy Paper removed
PCR-Tue-3-b PANEL: Global Perspectives on NGO and Non-Profit Communications for Social Change Chair/Discussant changed– Paper removed
PCR-Tue-4-a Participation and Development Chair/Discussant changed
POC-Tue-1-a Gaming the system - digital identities and cultural perspectives Session listed twice, once correctly and POC secton and once incorrectly in POE section
POL-Tue-3-a Listening to online conversations Paper removed
VIC-Tue-3-a PANEL: The affective complexities of social media practices in an age of ordinary datafication Paper removed