Research, Evidence, and Democratic Governance of the Media Sector

An IAMCR 2019 pre-conference event

Description: This pre-conference, hosted by the Media Sector Development Working Group, and the Center for Media Data and Society, invites both scholars and practitioners to explore how researchers can collaborate with other actors to shape media systems for the better. The pre-conference will address two interlocking questions: 

    • How can we theorize and understand what it means to democratically govern the media sector? 
    • What is the role of research, evidence, and knowledge in supporting democratic governance of the sector? 

This pre-conference aims to stimulate a vibrant discussion between different notions of democratic governance of the media sector, and different approaches to research, evidence, and knowledge. The pre-conference will involve both scholars and practitioners to explore not only the conceptual aspects of this debate, but also the practical challenges of conducting research and building knowledge in the interest of media development.  

Date and time: Saturday, 6 July, 2019 - 09:00 to 17:30

Location: Facultad Ciencias Información (Edificio Aulario), Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Room C-008

Participation and registration: There is no cost to participate in this event. Registration, however, is required. To register, please register on this Eventbrite page, or email Nicholas Benequista at

Convenor: The IAMCR Media Sector Development Working Group

Sponsors: The Center for International Media Assistance, Free Press Unlimited, and the Center for Media, Data and Society



Tel: +1 202-378-9707

Download the call for proposals