On Friday 20 May 2016 IAMCR president, Janet Wasko, and Uniminuto Rector, Leonidas López Herrán signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will see IAMCR's 2017 conference taking place in Cartagena, Colombia from 16-20 July.
The theme of the conference will be New Discourses and New Territorialities: Cultural and political mutations and communication. The local organising committee, chaired by longtime IAMCR member Amparo Cadavid, Dean of Uniminuto's Faculty of Communication, is preparing an exciting academic and social programme that will, among other things, expose participants to some of the new communication work emanating from Latin America, Colombia and the beautiful Caribbean city of Cartagena.
The host Institution is Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, School of Communications http://www.uniminuto.edu, in cooperation with other Colombian and Latin American universities and institutions such as CIESPAL (Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores en Comunicación para América Latina - International Centre for Advanced Studies in Communication in Latin America), FESCOL (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Colombia), la Universidad Javeriana, the Universidad del Norte, the Universidad de Cartagena, the Universidad Tecnológica de Bolivar and the Fundacion para el Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano (the foundation that was established by Nobel prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a longtime resident of Cartagena).