News from the Regions

IAMCR Newsletter - October 2015

The Australian and New Zealand Communication Association - ANZCA

The Australian and New Zealand Communication Association has a new journal, Communication Research and Practice, published by Taylor and Francis and edited by Prof. Terry Flew of the Queensland University of Technology. It was launched at ICA and at the Association's 2015 conference in Queenstown, New Zealand, and promises to be a high quality platform where regional and international scholarship can meet. The journal replaces the Australian Journal of Communication, which was sent to all members until it closed in 2013. In the same year, the other journal that we provide to members, Media International Australia, has signed up with Sage Publications, allowing the journal to expand internationally. It also has a new editor, Dr Rowan Wilken of Swinburne University of Technology.

The Association has begun a series of workshops on particular themes, that bring together scholars in a number of Australian cities in between our annual meetings. In April 2015, the University of Sydney hosted an event on data analysis, ‘Digging the Data', coordinated by Dr Jonathon Hutchinson. In June, the gathering of the West Australian Communication, Culture and Media (WACCM) group – co-hosted with the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia – focused on the trajectories of the disciplines that make up the field. WACCM meets again in November 2015 at Edith Cowan University. I mention these events to colleagues not just to celebrate them as energetic collaborations, but also to highlight the value of focused events to build networks between universities in a city or region. These are proving of great value to junior scholars, meeting ANZCA's goals of fostering the development of all scholars. We see that as a particularly valuable role to play, as job and funding opportunities tighten in the region and the workforce is further casualised.

Donald Matheson
President (2015- 2016), Australian and New Zealand Communication Association

AMIC gears up for 2016 International Conference

As the AMIC Secretariat is setting up its new Manila office, it is also gearing up for the convening of the 2016 International Conference in its new host country. AMIC Secretariat and the Board of Management have started brainstorming on how best to conduct AMIC Manila 2016. The Conference is tentatively scheduled on July 28-30, 2016. Five communication schools and at least one multi-purpose mall are being considered as host venue for the International Conference.

Like in previous conferences, AMIC Manila 2016 will revisit Asia's contributions to the evolution of communication systems in the world. A possible theme is Rethinking Communication and Media in a Resurgent Asia. But unlike previous conferences, the Manila Conference will feature not just plenary and parallel sessions, but also poster presentations and business sessions where AMIC members and invited communication-related companies will launch books, programs, products, and services. It will also provide opportunities for business matching and partnership sessions between schools, professional communication organizations, and signing of appropriate memoranda between and among the participating groups.

Conference planning activities are simultaneously being conducted with the setting up of the AMIC Secretariat Office at the Philippine Women's University (PWU), in conjunction with the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC). The two communication schools have formed a consortium to host AMIC in Manila.  The AMIC Manila Office will be launched with an inaugural forum in early 2016. 

Ramon R. Tuazon
Secretary General, Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC)

ALAIC - Latin American Association for Communication Research

Just as scheduled on our agenda, ALAIC held its 2015 Summer School "Communication Research in Latin America" at the Federal University of Brasilia on late March. Postgraduate students from this region attended these courses, which aim to become a permanent space of update and dialogue, rotating its host country, in order to acknowledge and analyze particular national realities. Academics from Latin America, Canada and Europe held conferences and classes in this second edition of ALAIC's Summer School. This school was evaluated last May 14th at the Summer School Communication Research in Latin America's Evaluation Seminar held at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. This activity can be looked up at:

For the first time ever, ALAIC organized and held two regional seminars in the same year. The first was held in the Caribbean region and the second one in South America. The 7th ALAIC Research Seminar "Communication, Culture and Challenges of Contemporaneity" (Comunicação, Cultura e Desafíos da Contemporaneidade) was attended by more than 200 participants and took place in the Metropolitan University (UMET) at San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 25th-27th. The 8th ALAIC Research Seminar (Southern Region) "Policies, actors and communication practices: research crossroads" ("Políticas, actores y prácticas de la comunicación: encrucijadas de la investigación"), organized jointly with the Information Sciences School of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina, was held in that city August 27th-28th. This meeting brought together 450 scholars, who discussed the seminar subject in plenaries and working groups. Further details on the meeting and presentations held are available on request at: alaic2015 [at]

It was during this meeting last August that ALAIC presented its book: Latin America's contribution to the field of Communication Research. History, theoretical, epistemological approaches and research trends (La contribución de América Latina al campo de la Comunicación. Historia, enfoques teóricos, epistemológicos y tendencias de la investigación), edited by Cesar Bolaño, Delia Crovi Druetta and Gustavo Cimadevilla. This work was edited in Argentina by Prometeo Editions and a number of ALAIC members refer part of the history of this field of knowledge through detailed accounts of crossings between communication and other disciplines.

It was also at Cordoba University, during our Southern Region's VIII Seminar, that ALAIC presented its Repository The threads of our history: a space for all (Los hilos de nuestra historia: un espacio de todos), which aims to contain works spread all over Latin America regarding the building of the field of communication. We consider that feeding this Repository will be a labor shared by all those scholars and professionals who have participated in seminars, meetings, forums and national and international conferences, where communication has been analyzed from perspectives that we deem compulsory to know and bring together in order to better articulate the building of the history of this field of knowledge, as well as our regional thoughts.

On last July, as part of the 2015 IAMCR Conference in Montreal, Canada, we organized the Panel ALAIC-IAMCR "Communication, Hegemony and Power: Latin American perspectives", which encouraged the discussion regarding Communication in Latin America, as well as the collection of experiences on the conference's subject. Among other conferences in which ALAIC representatives have attended to, we have to mention the Second International Conference of Popular Communication, Orbi (FOLKCOM); and the Ibercom Congress 2015, both meetings held in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

ALAIC hereby calls for its XIII Latin American Association for Communication Research Congress Society of knowledge and communication. Critical Reflections from Latin America (XIII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación "Sociedad del conocimiento y comunicación. Reflexiones críticas desde América Latina") to be held in Mexico City, October 5th, 6th and 7th, 2016, at the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) campus Cuajimalpa, with the support of other universities and other local cultural institutions.

We also remind you that our published works can be found at the Journal of Latin American Communication Research, which has released two issues (Volume 5 No. 1, 2015 and Volume 4 No. 2), available at:; and our Latin American Journal of Communication Research (Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación) at: Latest information is disseminated at: or; and

ALAIC - Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación

Tal como estaba en el programa de actividades de este año, a finales del mes de marzo, ALAIC llevó a cabo en la Universidad Federal de Brasilia, la Escuela de Verano 2015, “Investigación en Comunicación en América Latina”, Alumnos de posgrado de la región asistieron a estos cursos, cuyo propósito es  convertirse en un espacio permanente de actualización y diálogo, rotando su país sede, para conocer y analizar realidades nacionales particulares. Profesores latinoamericanos, de Canadá y Europa, impartieron conferencias y clases es esta segunda edición de la Escuela de Verano ALAIC. En la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil, 14 de mayo pasado se evaluó esta escueal en el Seminario de Evaluación  de la Escuela de Verano “Investigación en  Comunicación en  América Latina, actividad que puede consultarse en:

Por primera vez ALAIC organizó y llevó a cabo dos seminarios regionales en un mismo año, el primero en la región del Caribe y el segundo en América del Sur. El VIII SEMINARIO DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE LA ALAIC “Comunicação, Cultura e Desafíos da Contemporaneidad”, contó con la asistencia de más de 200 participantes y tuvo lugar en San Juan, Puerto Rico, del 25 al 27 de mayo, albergado por la Universidad Metropolitana (UMET). Por su parte el VIII SEMINARIO DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE LA ALAIC (Región Sur) Políticas, actores y prácticas de la comunicación: encrucijadas de la investigación, organizado con la Escuela de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, se realizó en esta ciudad los días 27 y  28 de agosto 2015 pasado. Este encuentro reunió a 450 académicos que discutieron el tema de la convocatoria en plenarias y grupos de trabajos. Mayores datos del encuentro así como las ponencias presentadas pueden consultarse en: alaic2015 [at]

Fue durante este último encuentro en agosto pasado, que ALAIC presentó su libro La contribución de América Latina al campo de la Comunicación. Historia, enfoques teóricos, epistemológicos y tendencias de la investigación, coordinado por César Bolaño, Delia Crovi Druetta y Gustavo Cimadevilla. La obra fue editada en Argentina por la Editorial Prometeo y en ella numerosos asociados a ALAIC refieren en sus artículos, parte de la historia de la construcción del campo mediante relatos puntuales de cruces temáticos entre la comunicación y otras discplinas.

Fue también en la Universidad de Córdoba durante el VIII Seminario Región Sur, que ALAIC presentó su Repositorio “Los hilos de nuestra historia: un espacio de todos”, el cual busca albergar trabajos dispersos en toda América Latina acerca de la construcción del campo de la comunicación. Consideramos que alimentar este repositorio será una labor de todos aquellos académicos y profesionales que han participado en seminarios, encuentros, foros, congresos nacionales e internacionales, donde la comunicación fue analizada desde perspectivas singulares que consideramos necesario conocer y reunir para articular mejor la construcción de su historia y pensamiento regional.

El julio pasado, como parte de las actividades del congreso 2015 de AIMCR, se organizó en  Montreal, Canadá, el Panel ALAIC –AIMCR Communication, Hegemony, and Power: Latin American perspectives, que  estimuló el debate acerca de las ciencias de la comunicación en América Latina, así como la recuperación de experiencias sobre el tema del encuentro. Entre otras congresos en las cuales miembros y represetantes de ALAIC han participado en este año, destacamos II Encuentro Internacional de la comunicación popular, Orbi (FOLKCOM); así como en el congreso Ibercom 2015, ambas reuniones llevadas a cabo en Sao Paulo, Brasil.

ALAIC anuncia por este medio la convoctaria para su XIII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación Sociedad del conocimiento y comunicación. Reflexiones críticas desde América Latina, a realizarse en la ciudad de México, los días 5, 6 y 7 de octubre de 2016, en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) plantel Cuajimalpa, con  quien colaborarán otras universidades e instituciones culturales locales.

Recordamos asimismo nuestras publicaciones que pueden ser consultadas en: El Journal of Latin American Communication Research, que durante 2015 ha publicado dos números (Volumen 5  Nº 1 , 2015 y Volumen 4 Nº 2), disponible en: y la Revista Latinoamericana de ciencias de la comunicación, en: Informaciones de actualidad se difunden en: o y en