Nominations results

Nominations for the 2024 elections show a great diversity and indicates a high level of interest and engagement from our community. The nomination period ended 5 February 2024. 

Executive Board 

For the Executive Board we have three nominees for President, four nominees for the two positions of Vice President, and we have one nomination each for the positions of Secretary General and Treasurer. 

International Council

38 candidates have been nominated for the 25 seats on the International Council. 

The number of candidates was increased from 15 to 25 by a change in the IAMCR statutes, which not only admitted all section heads to the International Council but also 10 heads of working groups. The number of elected International Council members has to match the number of section and working group heads, which meant that the number of positions for elected IC members increased accordingly.

The statements and photos of the nominees can be found on IAMCR’s election website The nominees for Executive Board are listed at and the nominees for International Council are listed at


Given the large number of candidates, the webpages are now constructed such that currently paid-up IAMCR members can leave their endorsements on the candidates’ pages themselves. Please log in as an IAMCR member, go to the elections page, then click on Executive Board or International Council, find the candidate you wish to endorse and add your comment. Endorsements can be made in any of IAMCR’s three official languages.