The Communication and HIV/AIDS Working Group hereby invites colleagues to submit abstracts for the IAMCR World Conference to be held in Stockholm in July. We invite abstracts which reflect both theoretical and methodological challenges in HIV/AIDS communication research as well as abstracts reflecting upon and presenting results from on-the-ground communication experiences. These experiences may well reflect the complexity of the fight against HIV/AIDS, including, for example, policy challenges, the implications of socio-economic or cultural contexts, the roll out of ARVs, campaign fatigue, the role of FBOs, governance and accountability issues, etc.
We are particularly interested in abstracts that think ‘out of the box’ and move beyond analysing the outcomes of traditional ABC-oriented campaigns (Abstinence, Being Faithful and the use of Condoms), especially abstracts that intend to explore the interdisciplinary nature, sometimes described as the multi dimensional nature, of this global epidemic.
Although it is known that in many instances social conditions influence the risk for HIV infections, strategic communication interventions seem to be unable to incorporate these insights, provoking harsh criticism from the international academic community.
We thus hope to see abstracts that move beyond the traditional health communication models and work with and reflect upon a multiplicity if strategic communication approaches, including communication for social change approaches, citizen/alternative/radical media approaches, participatory communication, advocacy communication, etc.
Logistics & Deadlines
IAMCR does not permit multiple submissions of identical abstracts to more than one section.
Abstracts should include: the name(s) of author(s) and professional title(s); institutional affiliation; and e-mail address/contact information.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts (500 words) is February 15, 2008. You will be informed whether or not your abstract is accepted by March 31, 2008. The deadline for full papers is June 15, 2008.
Joint sessions with other relevant sections and working groups can be organised.
Please send your abstract to:
Sarah Cardey: s.p.cardey[AT]reading.ac.uk
Marjan deBruin: Marjan.debruin[AT]uwimona.edu.jm
Thomas Tufte: ttufte[AT]ruc.dk
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Stockholm 2008 - Communication and HIV/AIDS Working Group Call for Papers (16.72 KB)