Media - History - Social Inequalities pre-conference

preconferenceparticipants On 8th July 2023, the pre-conference "Media - History - Social Inequalities" was held in Lyon, jointly organized by the Working Group Communication in Post- and Neo-Authoritarian Societies and the History Section of IAMCR.

Fifteen papers from nine countries, including South Africa, Chile, China, and India, presented research on historical and contemporary intersections between forms of structural inequality and public communication. Several contributions addressed the representation and participation of various groups in the media, spanning from the 19th century to the current digital platform era.

Emphasis was placed on exploring categories such as social class, race, age, disability, and gender, and how media structures impact the global and national visibility and legitimacy of issues related to inequality.

The pre-conference received support through funding from IAMCR's S/WG Project Fund.