IAMCR 2020, the association’s first global online conference, launches this Sunday in Tampere, Finland and wherever you are on the internet at https://iamcr.org/tampere2020/online.
With 6 plenary sessions, 26 video sessions produced by IAMCR’s sections and working groups, and 680 online papers, you’ll find lots to read and watch.
Papers: Right now you can access details of the 153 virtual "panels" and the abstracts of the 680 online papers. Beginning Sunday 12 July you will be able to access the full papers as well and to write and read comments on the papers and panels. Papers will remain online until 12 September.
Videos: The 26 video sessions, with more than 120 presenters, prepared by sections and working groups will be available according to the schedule in the conference programme. As with the papers, comment and dialogue are encouraged and the videos will remain online until 12 September.
Plenaries: Six plenary sessions, including the opening, the closing and 4 thematic plenaries, will be released during the week and will remain accessible indefinitely.
IAMCR will also hold its General Assembly online at 12:00 noon UTC/GMT on Friday 17 July. Members wishing to attend the General Assembly must register at https://iamcr.org/register-ga-2020 by 15 July. The agenda and reports for the meeting are available at https://iamcr.app.box.com/v/IAMCR2020-GA.
Online papers: Comment and dialogue
- If you submitted a paper, it will be accessible online when Online Conference Papers begins on 12 July. If you did not submit a paper, you can still participate.
- Papers have been grouped into panels. Each panel has a chair and a discussant (who will comment on all papers) or a series of respondents (who will each comment on one paper in the panel).
- Authors are warmly invited to read the other papers in the panel and to provide feedback to their authors, as well as to respond to questions and comments on their own papers.
- Visitors are also welcome to read papers and to provide feedback.
- There are no video presentations or interactions in Online Conference Papers. However, we encourage you to reach out to colleagues for ongoing exchange and network-building. You can make use of the IAMCR members directory to contact other IAMCR members.
- We will use the CCC feedback principle: Comments should be Constructive, Courteous and Critical.
Online video sessions
- The section and working group video sessions will be released throughout the week, from Monday to Thursday. Consult the list of sessions to see their titles, their participants, and the date and time that each will be released.
- Commenting and dialogue for the video sessions will work the same as for the online papers.
Chairs, respondents, discussants and active participants
If you are a chair, a respondent or a discussant, and even if you are not, we recommend that you read the Information for chairs, respondents and discussants. Many authors have put in time and effort to prepare their papers. For most of us this is a first experience with a paper-based online conference. To a large extent the conference’s success will depend on the active and critical participation of all of us.
We look forward to welcoming you to https://iamcr.org/tampere2020/online.