How to submit a panel proposal for IAMCR 2020

portada.pngA panel proposal is one in which a group of colleagues proposes a single theme to be addressed by multiple speakers. Panels are allotted 90 minutes and usually involve 5 or 6 people, including a moderator, panelists and optional discussant.

If you are the panel coordinator, follow these steps to submit your panel. Part A is for submitting the panel description and Part B is for submitting each abstract.

You can follow the instructions below or download them in PDF file format.

Panel proposals must be submitted by the panel coordinator. A complete proposal includes:

  • a panel description (panel title, names of authors and titles of each presentation, details of the moderator and optional discussant, and a framing text);
  • an abstract for each presentation.

If you are the panel coordinator, please follow these steps to submit your panel. Part A is for submitting the panel description and Part B is for submitting each abstract.

A. Submit the panel description

Go to the conference submission site at If you already have an account, login. If you don’t, create a new account. Click on Submit Your Abstract Now to begin.

The next page has instructions for submitting a proposal and a seven-step menu on the left. Read the instructions and then click Next at the bottom of the page. This will take you to Step 1, Track.

done2.pngStep 1: Track. Choose the Section or Working Group (Track) you want to submit to. If you are uncertain, see the calls for papers of the various Sections and Working Groups.

At the end of each step, click on Done at the bottom of the page to move to the next step.

Step 2: Format. Note that despite what the text says, this format field refers to the type of document you are submitting. Choose the second option, 2. I am coordinator of a panel. I am submitting the panel description.

Step 3: Title & Abstract. In the Title box, write Panel - followed by the title of your panel. Then type or paste the panel description in the Abstract box. The description cannot exceed 500 words in total.


Step 4: Authors. As the panel coordinator, your name should appear as the author of the panel description (note – this will not count towards the conference’s two-paper submission limit). You must check both Corresponding Author and Presenting Author as in the image below.


Step 5: Topics. (This should be labelled Type of Submission in the menu on the left but a limitation in the software doesn't allow us to change the name). Select Panel submission (either the panel description or one of the abstracts).


Step 6. Go to Panel Information. Select Panel description in the first box and type the title of the panel in the second.


Step 7: Submission Checklist. Check the statements to indicate that the submission complies with IAMCR submission guidelines.

When all steps have been completed, click on Done, Save Submission.

B. Submit the panel abstracts

The steps for submitting the abstracts are the same as the above with a few exceptions, underlined in the text below.

Step 1: Track. Choose the same Section or Working Group as you did for the panel description.

Step 2: Format. Choose the third option, 3. I am coordinator of a panel. I am submitting an abstract on behalf of a participating author.

Step 3: Title & Abstract. In the Title box, write Panel presentation - followed by the title of the presentation. Then type or paste the abstract in the Abstract box. The abstract cannot exceed 500 words in total.

Step 4: Authors. Select Add Another Author, add the email of the author, then click on “+Add”. If s/he already has an Ex Ordo account with that email address, the details will automatically be displayed. If not, you will have to add their first and last name, affiliation and country.

Remove yourself as a Presenting Author and make the new author the Presenting Author. You can then use the Re-order function to make the presenting author first on the list. See the image below. You must keep yourself as the Corresponding Author in order to get notices from the system. See the image below as a model.

author order.png

Step 5: Topics. Select Panel submission.

Step 6: Panel Information. Select It is an abstract for presentation as part of the panel. Type in the title of the panel. Do not put the title of the abstract.

Step 7: Submission Checklist. Check the statements to indicate that the submission complies with IAMCR submission guidelines.

Step 8. Repeat the above for each of the panel abstracts.