Elections 2012 - Candidates' Statements

ballot_boxThe list of candidates for elected positions in IAMCR and their election statements are now available on IAMCR's website.

Voting packages have been mailed to members in good standing. The election results will be announced during the IAMCR Congress July 15-19 2012 in Durban, South Africa.

All ballots must be returned to Cees Hamelink, Chair of the Election Committee. They must be received by him no later than 1 July 2012.

Prof. Dr. Cees J. Hamelink
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kloveniersburgwal 48
1012 CX Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Read more about the electoral procedure »


Candidates for President

Candidates for Vice President

Candidate for Secretary General

Candidate for Treasurer

Candidates for the International Council


Hopeton Dunn (Jamaica)

Hopeton Dunn for IAMCR President

I am Hopeton Dunn, Secretary General of IAMCR and Professor of Communications Policy and Digital Media at the University of the West Indies.

I am standing for IAMCR President, having previously served as a Section Head, Co-chair of our Task Force on Media and Communications Policy, member Outreach and Membership Committee and on International Council.

If elected President, I would:

  • Introduce measures to reduce conference fees by re-visiting conference venue arrangements, cutting entertainment costs and introducing 'per day' rates.
  • Make greater use of virtual meeting technologies and conduct an institutional environmental audit.
  • Arrange for a systematic scholarly review of Sections and Working Groups.
  • Restore our international conference to every other year, with regional conferences being held in the alternate year, co-hosted with academic partners.
  • Lead fundraising for research fellowships, travel grants for low income countries and students and for research courses and discounts for emerging scholars.
  • Advance quality in conference presentations by promoting blind reviews of all abstracts and the submission of full conference papers.
  • Reform the IAMCR voting system to replace postal ballots

I ask for your votes, as I seek to lead a new round of reform of IAMCR.


Hopeton Dunn, Candidat à la présidence de l’ AIERI

Je m’appelle Hopeton Dunn et je suis actuellement le Secrétaire général de l’AIERI et Professeur en politique de communication et d’information numérisée à l’Université des West Indies.

Je pose ma candidature au poste de Président de l’AIERI après avoir servi comme chef de division et co-président de la mission de l’AIERI sur les politiques d’information et de communication, membre du comité des adhésions et d’action sociale, membre du Conseil international.

Si je suis élu président,

  • je prendrai les mesures nécessaires pour réduire les frais d’organisation de la conférence en revoyant les arrangements concernant le lieu de la conférence,  en réduisant les coûts des divertissements et en introduisant un tarif à la journée.
  • je ferai un plus grand usage des technologies de réunion virtuelle et j’entreprendrai un audit environnemental de notre institution.
  • je mettrai en place une structure pour la révision systématique et académique de nos divisions et  groupes de travail.
  • je rétablirai le calendrier d’organisation de notre conférence internationale tous les deux ans en alternance avec nos conférences régionales, une année sur deux et en collaboration avec des partenaires universitaires.
  • je dirigerai les activités de collectes de fonds pour pouvoir offrir des bourses de recherches, des bourses de voyage pour les étudiants et les pays à faibles revenus ainsi que des cours de recherche et des rabais pour les chercheurs débutants.
  • je ferai progresser la qualité des présentations à nos conférences en promouvant la révision anonyme des résumés et la soumission des versions complètes des communications.
  • j’assurerai la réforme du système de vote de l’association pour remplacer le système actuel de vote par courrier postal.

Je vous demande de m’accorder votre vote car je souhaite mener la nouvelle vague de réforme à l’AIERI.


Hopeton Dunn para la presidencia de la IAMCR

Soy Hopeton Dunn, secretario general de la IAMCR y Profesor de Políticas de Comunicación y Medios Digitales en la Universidad de West Indies.

Me presento al puesto de Presidente de la IAMCR después de haber sido Presidente de Sección, Co-Presidente de nuestro Grupo Especial sobre Medios y Políticas de Comunicación, y miembro del Comité de Membresía y del Consejo Internacional.

De ser elegido Presidente:

  • Presentaré medidas para reducir las cuotas de inscripción en los congresos revisando los preparativos  para las sedes, recortando gastos de actividades de entretenimiento e introduciendo tarifas “por día”
  • Haré mayor uso de las tecnologías para celebrar encuentros virtuales y llevaré a cabo una auditoría ambiental
  • Promoveré una sistemática revisión académica de las Secciones y Grupos de Trabajo
  • Restableceré nuestro congreso internacional cada dos años, con encuentros regionales a celebrar en años alternativos coorganizados con asociaciones académicas aliadas
  • Lideraré la búsqueda de fondos para becas de investigación, ayudas de viaje para países y estudiantes de países con bajos índices de renta, cursos de investigación, y descuentos para los investigadores jóvenes
  • Potenciaré la calidad de las presentaciones en los congresos promoviendo revisiones ciegas de todos los resúmenes y la entrega de las comunicaciones completas.
  • Reformaré el sistema de votaciones en la IAMCR reemplazando las papeletas por correo

Solicito su voto para liderar una nueva serie de reformas en la IAMCR

Janet Wasko (USA)


As President, I hope to continue building the IAMCR and to lead efforts to improve the organization. As an active participant in the organization for more than 30 years, I look forward to exploring new ideas with IAMCR’s members and governing bodies. I have shown my ability to be efficient and responsible, inclusive and fair, and I look forward to applying those traits to the President’s office.



  • Increase efforts to lower conference registration fees
  • Continue to improve conference organization, efficiency and quality; improve the process of locating conference sites
  • Develop strategies for innovative conference models/forms of participation, including those related to language, environmental concerns, and regional gatherings


  • Continue to improve newsletters and other communication
  • Promote multilingual publications
  • Enhance promotion of the organization/increase membership in underrepresented areas


  • Strengthen activities with UNESCO and other international bodies
  • Continue building strong relationships with regional communication organizations
  • Strengthen/expand international research projects


  • Knight Chair for Communication Research, University of Oregon, USA
  • 19 single-authored or co-edited books
  • Member of 21 international journal editorial boards

IAMCR experience:

  • Member, 1978-present
  • International Council, 1984-1996
  • Newsletter Editor, 1990-1995
  • Publications Committee, 1990-1996
  • Section Review Committee, 1996-2002
  • Election Committee Chair, 1995-2010
  • Political Economy Section, President, 2002-2009



Comme présidente de l’AIERI, j’aimerais favoriser le développement de l’association et faire avancer ses grands objectifs. Membre depuis plus de 30 ans, je souhaite explorer des idées nouvelles avec les membres de l’AIERI et ses comités de direction. J’ai démontré mon efficacité et mon sens des responsabilités, su intégrer et être équitable; j’aimerais appliquer ces mêmes qualités au poste de présidente.



  • Plus d’efforts pour abaisser coût conférences et inscriptions
  • Améliorer l’organisation, l’efficacité et la qualité des conférences et le choix de leurs sites
  • Stratégies pour modes de conférence et de participation innovants, langues, environnement et réunions régionales compris


  • Améliorer newsletters et autres formes de communication
  • Promouvoir publications multilingues
  • Intensifier promotion de l’association, accroître nombre des membres dans régions sous-représentées


  • Renforcer activités avec l’UNESCO et autres organismes internationaux
  • Nouer relations étroites avec organismes régionaux travaillant sur la communication
  • Renforcer projets de recherche internationaux


  • Knight Chaire recherche en communication, University of Oregon, Etats-Unis
  • Auteur ou co-auteur 19 ouvrages
  • Membre comité de rédaction de 21 revues internationales

Expérience l’AIERI:

  • Membre, 1978 – aujourd’hui
  • Comité international, 1984 – 1996
  • Editrice newsletter, 1990 – 1995
  • Comité des publications, 1990 – 1996
  • Section Comité de relecture, 1996 –  2002
  • Présidente Comité électoral, 1995 – 2010
  • Présidente section Economie politique, 2002 – 2009


Como Presidente de la AIERI, espero continuar el desarrollo y la mejora de la organización. Como socia activa de la asociación desde hace más de 30 años, quiero explorar nuevas ideas con sus asociados y órganos de gobierno. A lo largo de mi trayectoria, he demostrado mi capacidad en materia de responsabilidad y eficiencia, así como mis ideales de inclusión y justicia, por lo que busco aprovechar esta experiencia como presidente.   



  • Aumentar los esfuerzos para reducir los costos de inscripción
  • Seguir con el progreso de la organización, la calidad de las conferencias y el proceso de selección de las sedes
  • Desarrollar estrategias para renovar los modelos de las conferencias


  • Continuar la mejora del boletín, etc.
  • Promover publicaciones multilingües
  • Incrementar la promoción de la organización y la membresía en regiones poco representadas


  • Reforzar actividades con la UNESCO y otros organismos internacionales
  • Continuar construyendo relaciones con otras asociaciones regionales
  • Reforzar y expandir proyectos de investigación internacionales


  • Knight Chair en Investigación en Comunicación, Universidad de Oregón, EE.UU.
  • 19 títulos como autora y/o editora de libros
  • Miembro del consejo editorial de 21 revistas científicas

Experiencia en la AIECS:

  • Miembro, 1978-presente
  • Consejo Internacional, 1984-1996
  • Editora del Boletín, 1990-1995
  • Comité de publicaciones, 1990-1996
  • Directora del comité de elección, 1995-2010
  • Sección de Economía Política Coordinadora, 2002-2009

Aimée Vega Montiel

As an Ibero-American young scholar specializing in feminist and human rights research, I hope to help strengthen our Association by continuing to make it more inclusive and participatory, by putting new issues on the agenda and by helping to implement innovation. In addition to the current activities of the Vice Presidency, I will support in facing external challenges, as well as internal ones.

My commitments include implementing new conference strategies and promoting multilingualism in conferences, Newsletter and publications. I would also work to strengthen relations with regional associations by helping their agendas become more visible and to have an impact on themes of the conferences, publications, and research projects. I would also strengthen cooperation with international associations and help to influence policy processes.

I am member of IAMCR since 2005. I have served as Chair of the 2009 IAMCR Conference, member of the Scholarly Review Committee, Co-Chair of the Gender and Communication Section, and Co-Chair of the Task Force (all 2010- present). I am Researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. I have been President of the Mexican Association of Communication Researchers, Director of the Mexican Association of the Right to Information, and have published peer-reviewed articles and 7 single-authored/co-edited books.



Como una joven investigadora Iberoamericana, especialista en feminismo y derechos humanos, deseo contribuir en el fortalecimiento de la Asociación, haciéndola más inclusiva y participativa, colocando nuevas temas en la agenda y ayudando a implementar nuevas estrategias. Además de las responsabilidades correspondientes a la Vicepresidencia, ayudaré a encarar los desafíos externos e internos.

Mis compromisos incluyen implementar nuevas estrategias para las conferencias y promover el multilingüismo en conferencias, Boletín y publicaciones. También contribuiría a fortalecer las relaciones con asociaciones regionales, ayudando a hacer sus agendas más visibles y con influencia en la definición de temas de las conferencias, publicaciones y proyectos de investigación. Igualmente, apoyaría en la cooperación con asociaciones internacionales, con el fin de que nuestra Asociación influya en procesos de definición de políticas.

Soy socia de AIECS desde 2005. Fui coordinadora de la Conferencia de 2009. He sido integrante del Comité de Revisión Académica, co-coordinadora de la Sección de Género y Comunicación, y co-coordinadora de la Task Force (todo de 2010 a la fecha). Soy investigadora en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He sido presidenta de la Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores de la Comunicación y actualmente soy directora de la Asociación Mexicana de Derecho a la Información. He publicado artículos en revistas científicas y 7 libros colectivos / individuales.


Pradip Thomas (Australia)

I would like to throw my name into the ring for the post of VP, IAMCR.

My association with IAMCR goes back a long way – from the mid-1980s when I was studying at CMCR, Leicester, working at WACC between 1990-2004 and then at the University of Queensland. I have been on the International Council, acted as the Vice Chair of the PCR section before becoming Chair of the section in 2010. I believe that IAMCR is a unique organisation in that it brings together academics, activists and public intellectuals, many of whom are involved in scholarship that is pushing boundaries and making a difference.

It is this dimension that attracts me most to IAMCR. I am acutely aware that IAMCR is facing turbulent times and solutions to these crisis are going to be critical to IAMCR’s future. As the academy changes in a context in which all certainties are being challenged, the question of ‘relevance’ looms large. I am keen to work on strengthening the identity of IAMCR as an intentionally global and inclusive organisation that is critical, committed and not afraid to take sides on global and local issues. I would also contribute to the making of a leaner, more flexible organisation that is regionally strong and active at both global and local levels.

Maria Michalis (UK)

Personal Statement

I wish to stand for election for the position of Secretary General as an independent.

I joined IAMCR in 1993 as a PhD student and since 2007 I have been Deputy Co-Chair of the Communications Policy & Technology Section. Over the years, I have participated in various Sections and Working Groups, and debates at IAMCR. I now wish to become more active in helping improve the Association.

If elected, my priorities (in no particular order) will be:

  • Advance the academic standing, diversity and inclusiveness of the Association.
  • Build bridges beyond the academic community in order to explore external funding opportunities and have a wider impact.
  • Rethink conference organisation and deliver new conferencing models as appropriate.
  • Explore ways to improve the management of the Association and improve communication with Section and Working Group Heads and IAMCR members.
  • Encourage the participation of members in big decisions and increase transparency in decision-making.

I am enthusiastic about this candidacy. As I hope I have demonstrated, I am committed and prepared to listen, contribute to discussions and act within my powers and responsibilities. I shall work closely with the EB, the IC and the Association’s members for a stronger IAMCR.

Nico Carpentier (Belgium)

With this statement I seek election as IAMCR Treasurer. I became an IAMCR member in 2004, and am currently the Head of the IAMCR Audience Section. As one of the architects and long-standing Executive Board members of the European Communication Research and Education Association, I am familiar with the organizational development and management of a large academic association.

My term as ECREA's elected Treasurer and Vice-President will end in October 2012, and I will be happy to put my expertise at the service of IAMCR. My main academic affiliation is the Free University of Brussels (VUB) in Belgium, where I am an associate professor, but I am also affiliated(in various ways) to Charles University (Prague) in the Czech Republic, ISCTE-IUL (Lisbon) in Portugal, Loughborough University in the UK and Helsinki Universityin Finland.

I have (co-)authored 7 books, (co-)edited 12, and published more than 100 articles and book chapters. If my candidacy is accepted by the IAMCR membership, I will (continue to) implement financial policies which ensure the long-term sustainability of the organization, that are characterized by professionalism and transparency, and that allow to address the needs of the wide diversity of IAMCR members as much as possible.

Eno Akpabio (Tanzania)

I wish to put myself forward to serve in the international council of IAMCR.

A little about myself is appropriate here.  I hold BA(ED) English, MSc and PhD in Mass Communication.  My University teaching experience has been at the Universities of Lagos (Lecturer), Botswana (Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Head of Department) and Dar es Salaam (Professor).

I have two books – African Communication Systems: An Introductory Text and Writing to win Hearts and Minds, numerous articles in scholarly journals as well as papers read at IAMCR, AEJMC and ICA conferences amongst others.

A relevant and germane concern of IAMCR is to attract more scholars from underrepresented regions and I see this as a cardinal objective in seeking this position.  I will strive to open the doors to quality scholarship from underrepresented areas in IAMCR.  This is possible through my traversing West, South and East Africa as well as networking opportunities which attendance at conferences has opened up.  My friendly outlook, ebullient spirit and positive disposition are plusses in this regard also.

Arul Aram (India)

Dr. I. Arul Aram is Associate Professor and Coordinator of M.Sc. (Science and Technology Communication) in the Department of Media Sciences, Anna University, Chennai, India. He held additional charge as Director of UGC's Educational Multimedia Research Centre in 2010-2011. He is formerly a Chief Sub-Editor with India's most respected newspaper The Hindu. He had also served as the President of the Madras Press Club. He has been a resource person for UNESCO training programmes on Media. Besides publishing 71 papers, he has written five books: Television in Education (Orient Longman 1993), Understanding News Media (Vijay Nicole 2006), Understanding Development Communication (Media House 2007), Media, Technology and Society (UELCI-ISPCK 2008), and Communication Strategies for Coastal Communities (Lambert Academic Publishing 2011). He was a post-doctoral fellow of the London School of Economics. He had presented papers in several IAMCR conferences. He had served as Academic Officer of IAMCR's ESN. He was earlier involved in a high-level policy e-discussion group of IAMCR. He shall contribute to IAMCR in making a difference by bridging the North-South academic standards in this era where the world has turned a "global village". He wishes to serve you as a member of the International Council.

Denize Araujo (Brazil)

I believe I can contribute to discussions about IAMCR new policies and improvements and share activities that could promote academic relationships in the area of Communication and Media. I am Director of the CLIPAGEM- Center of Contemporary Culture - that aims to offer international events in my hometown, Curitiba, at the South of Brazil. I am also Coordinator, since 1997, of the Post-Graduate Studies in Cinema at UTP - Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, in Curitiba, PR, Brazil. I was Coordinator of the Master´s and Doctorate in Communication and Languages for 6 years, from 2004 to 2010, at UTP. I have written and edited books and e-books. I also belong to the IAMCR SRC - Scholarly Review Committee. From 2007 to 2009, I was General Secretary of COMPÓS- Brazilian Association of Post-Graduate Courses in Communication - allied member of IAMCR.

I have presented papers and chaired sessions at IAMCR conferences since 2005.  In the Mexico Conference, I coordinated two Special Sessions. I have a PhD from UCR-University of California, Riverside, USA (1998), and can speak and write fluently in English, due to the ten years spent in the States, teaching and studying. I can also speak and write in Italian, since I had a scholarship from the Dante Alighieri Institute, having studied for two years at Bologna University. I understand French and Spanish too. I am a hard worker, able to communicate well with people, and have what I consider a good personality, objective and pragmatic in issues that demand quick solution, and optimistic and sensitive in complex situations.

Thank you for your attention.


Denize Araujo, from Brazil

Seon-Gi Baek (Korea)

I have been involved with IAMCR for sixteen years and have participated directly in half of those conferences.  I founded (and have consistently chaired or co-chaired) a group in 1999 which continues as the Media Production Analysis WG – it has been among the most popular of any division despite a consistent policy of external blind review and pre-conference submission.

I have authored or co-edited four books concerning international journalism and online news; other research has addressed journalists' safety, development communications, and Africa's representation.  My book on news agencies urges re-visitation of the imperialism thesis long of interest to our Association.  I have taught in Leicester, Leeds, San Francisco, Atlanta, and as a visitor at Ulster and Tampere.

Having had the opportunity to discuss the Association with Jim Halloran, and to have been mentored by or worked with several IAMCR founders and current leaders, I offer an appreciation of IAMCR’s history and contributions and a commitment to maintain it as a catalyst for influential, critical and inclusive scholarship, and a resource for a new generation of internationalist scholars.  Its accessibility to that new generation is my priority.

I am sending you, Chair of Election Committee, my statement and Curriculum Vitae to nominate myself as a candidate for the International Council, IAMCR.

I hope that I will serve one more time as a member of the International Council with a great pleasure and deep commitment, if possilbly elected.

Best regards

Seon-Gi Baek
Professor, Dept. of Journalism and Communication Studies
College of Social Science
Sungkyunkwan Univ., Seoul, Korea

César Bolaño (Brazil)

CV - English:

  • Professor at Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) and coordintaror at Observatório de Economia e Comunicação (OBSCOM)
  • Guest Professor at many universities from Brazil, Latin America, and others countries including Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC - Spain) and New York University (NYU - USA)
  • Coordinator of international academic programs with France (CAPES-COFECUB, Université Paris-Dauphine) and Spain (CAPES-MECD, Universidad de Sevilla)
  • Was editor at Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação (RBCC)
  • Ex-vice-president at Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação (INTERCOM)
  • Current president at Associação Latinoamericana de Investigadores da Comunicação (ALAIC)
  • Treasurer at International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)

Some published books (titles in Portuguese or Spanish translated into English):

  • Brazilian Television Market (São Paulo: EDUC)
  • Culture Industry, information and capitalism (São Paulo: HUCITEC)
  • Brazilian Television at the digital age (São Paulo: PAULUS)
  • Globo Network: 40 years of power and hegemony (São Paulo: PAULUS)
  • Political Economy, communication and knowledge (Buenos Aires: La Crujía)
  • Globalization and monopolies of communication in Latin America (Buenos Aires: BIBLOS)
  • What’s the logic of communication policies in Brazil? (São Paulo: PAULUS)

CV - Français:

  • Professeur de l’Université Fédérale de Sergipe (UFS), où il coordonne l’Observatoire d’Economie et de Communication (OBSCOM)
  • Professeur-invité de plusieurs Universités au Brésil, en Amérique Latine, à l’Université de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle (USC) et à la New York University (NYU)
  • A coordonné des programmes de coopération académique internationale avec la France (CAPES-COFECUB, Université Paris-Dauphine) et avec l’Espagne (CAPES-MECD, Universidad de Sevilla)
  • A été éditeur de la Revue Brésilienne des Sciences de la Communication (RBCC)
  • Ex-Vice-Président de la Société Brésilienne des Etudes Interdisciplinaires de Communication (INTERCOM)
  • Actuel président de l’Association Latino-Américaine des Chercheurs en Communication (ALAIC)
  • A été trésorier de la International association for media and communication research (IAMCR)

Quelques livres publiés (titres en Espagnol ou Portugais traduits au Français):

  • Le marché brésilien de la télévision (São Paulo: EDUC)
  • Industrie Culturelle, information et capitalisme (São Paulo: HUCITEC)
  • La television brésilienne à l’ère digitale (São Paulo: PAULUS)
  • La Rede Globo: 40 ans de pouvoir et d’hégémonie (São Paulo: PAULUS)
  • Economie politique, communication et connaissance (Buenos Aires: La Crujía)
  • Mondialisation et monopoles de la communication en Amérique Latine (Buenos Aires: BIBLOS)
  • Quelle est la logique des politiques de communication au Brésil? (São Paulo: PAULUS)


CV - Español:

  • Profesor de la Universidad Federal de Sergipe (UFS), donde coordina el Observatorio de Economía y Comunicación (OBSCOM).
  • Profesor invitado en diversas universidades de Brasil, de América Latina, de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC) y de la New York University (NYU).
  • Coordinó programas de cooperación académica internacional con a Francia (CAPES-COFECUB, Université Paris-Dauphine) y con España (CAPES-MECD, Universidad de Sevilla)
  • Ex-editor de la Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação (RBCC)
  • Ex-vice-presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação (INTERCOM)
  • Actual presidente da Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores da Comunicación (ALAIC)
  • Ex-tesorero de la International association for media and communication research (IAMCR)

Algunos libros publicados:

  • Mercado Brasileiro de Televisão (São Paulo: EDUC)
  • Indústria Cultural, informação e capitalismo (São Paulo: HUCITEC)
  • A televisão brasileira na era digital (São Paulo: PAULUS)
  • Rede Globo de Televisão: 40 anos de poder e hegemonia (São Paulo: PAULUS)
  • Economía Política, comunicación y conocimiento (Buenos Aires: La Crujía)
  • Globalización y monopolios de la comunicación en América Latina (Buenos Aires: BIBLOS)
  • Qual a lógica das políticas de comunicação no Brasil? (São Paulo: PAULUS)


CV - Português:

  • Professor da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), onde coordena o Observatório de Economia e Comunicação (OBSCOM)
  • Professor convidado em diversas Universidades do Brasil, da América Latina, da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) e da New York University (NYU)
  • Coordenou programas de cooperação acadêmica internacional com a França (CAPES-COFECUB, Université Paris-Dauphine) e com a Espanha (CAPES-MECD, Universidad de Sevilla)
  • Foi editor da Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação (RBCC)
  • Ex-vice-presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação (INTERCOM)
  • Atual presidente da Associação Latinoamericana de Investigadores da Comunicação (ALAIC)
  • Foi tesoureiro da International association for media and communication research (IAMCR)

Alguns livros publicados:

  • Mercado Brasileiro de Televisão (São Paulo: EDUC)
  • Indústria Cultural, informação e capitalismo (São Paulo: HUCITEC)
  • A televisão brasileira na era digital (São Paulo: PAULUS)
  • Rede Globo de televisão: 40 anos de poder e hegemonia (São Paulo: PAULUS)
  • Economía Política, comunicación y conocimiento (Buenos Aires: La Crujía)
  • Globalización y monopólios de la comunicación em América Latina (Buenos Aires: BIBLOS)
  • Qual a lógica das políticas de comunicação no Brasil? (São Paulo: PAULUS)

Gabriele Hadl (Japan)

I would like to express my desire to run for a seat on the IAMCR International Council. I have served the association as Community Communication Section Vice-head and currently as Section Head, and on the Environment Sub-committee of the Task Force on Media and Communication Policy. The issues I care most passionately about are IAMCR’s response to climate change, embracing a diverse membership in the face of global crises and continuing the convivial culture that I believe is the hallmark of our association.  Specifically, I have been involved in discussions on topics like greening our activities, encouraging research on climate change, on fees, conference timing, and language diversity. As section head, members have been kind enough to give me positive feedback about my efforts to promote transparent and participatory governance, reach out to people, and promote enthusiasm about our work.

I speak Japanese, English and German in my daily life, and last time I checked still had passive comprehension of Spanish and French. I also have experience in grassroots organizing and I was part of our association’s involvement in the World Summit on the Information Society.

I would be honored and excited to serve our association in a new capacity.

Basyouni Hamada (Egypt)

It is my honor to nominate myself for IAMCR International council to enable IAMCR to:

  • Provide a real academic contribution in all fields of media and communication research to rebuild a comprehensive theoretical framework which seems fragmented and unable to explain the new intricate developments of the information age.
  • Publish periodical refereed journals and yearly books in different specialized areas of communication and make it available for all.
  • Organize IAMCR conferences with different languages to enlarge participation and overcome the language barrier by simultaneous interpretation.
  • Represent marginalized and under-represented areas and empower junior communication researchers to help them empower their societies.
  • Conduct periodic interdisciplinary research projects around the new critical issues of communication and create academic linkages between researchers in developed and developing countries.
  • Facilitate communication and dialogue between stakeholders of media industry for the purpose of creating free, independent and responsible media systems especially in developing countries.
  • Engage in real policy change for the purpose of establishing fair and just world.
  • Search for different sources of continuous fund that helps achieve the above mentioned objectives.

Karen Arriaza Ibarra (Spain)

Karen Arriaza Ibarra is Professor in Audiovisual Communication at the Faculty of Information and Communication in Spain’s biggest university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (founded in 1499). There she teaches, since 2005, several courses related to the structure and business organization of European and worldwide public and private media companies (as well as of those other companies related to the media) and currently acts as Coordinator of International Relations of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising I. She has also lived in Mexico City where she also became an academic in both private and public universities and was acknowledged as an official media researcher (“SNI” system).

Before entering the academic world, she acted as Director of Communication and Institutional Relations at the Institute for European-Latin American Relations (IRELA, by its initials in Spanish) in Madrid (1996 to 2000), and Coordinator of Institutional Relations at the Spanish Center of International Relations (CERI, by its initials in Spanish) in Madrid on 1995-1996.

She has widely taught and researched on media structure, political communication, and on public media and its relation and evolution through the years. In 2008 she co-founded, altogether with Professor Paolo Mancini, from Universitá di Perugia in Italy, and Professor Lars W. Nord, Director of the Department of Political Communication at Mid-Sweden University in Sundsvall, Sweden, the research group “Predicting Public Broadcasting Success in Europe”. She is also an active member of the official University research group: “The Society of Information and Knowledge in the Nordic Countries”, in which she has published two books (collective) and organized two international symposiums.

She is a participative member of the following communication associations: IAMCR, ICA, ECREA, EMMA, ULEPICC and the AE-IC (Spanish Association of Media Researchers). She publishes in journals, participates in international conferences and seminars frequently, and is fluent in English and French, besides from Spanish.

Tom Jacobson (USA)

Tom Jacobson, Ph.D is a Full Professor at the Temple University School of Communications and Theater where he also serves as Interim Dean.  Tom is Director of the Center for Public Interest Journalism at Temple, which works to build the capacity for public affairs reporting the greater Philadelphia region. He has been a member of IAMCR since 1986, and was Vice President and then President of the Participatory Communication Research Section during the 1990s.  He currently serves IAMCR as Head of the Scholarly Review Committee.  His scholarship focuses on communication for social change, especially participatory communication processes.

He has co-edited two books on participatory communication with the Participatory Communication Research Section.  Servaes, J., Jacobson, T., & White, S.A.  (Eds.) (1996) Participatory Communication Research for Social Change.  New Delhi: Sage Publications; and Jacobson, T.  & Servaes, J.  (Eds.) (1999), Theoretical Approaches to Participatory Communication.  Cresskill, NJ: The Hampton Press.  More recently he is co-editor of a volume on governance reform published by the World Bank. Odugbemi, S & Jacobson T.  (Eds.) (2008).  Governance Reform Under Real World Conditions: Citizens, Stakeholders, and Voice.  Washington DC: The World Bank.  He has numerous book chapters and journal publications on communication, social change, digital media, as well as other subjects, and is currently involved in two research programs.  One is developing survey research tools to assess the extent to which communication campaigns, whether mediated or face-to-face, are participatory.  The other analyzes cultural hybridization processes in relation to democratization efforts and human rights regimes. Tom hopes to continue serving IAMCR through involvement in the scholarly review committee, as well as through general service on the International Council.

Beate Josephi (Australia)

Dr. Beate Josephi coordinates the Masters courses in the School of Communication and Arts at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia. She has been a member of IAMCR since 1996 and has attended all conferences since 1998. From 2002 - 2008 she was a section head, initially of the Professional Education section which, with her guidance, became the Journalism Research and Education section. She also chaired the section heads meetings from 2004 - 2008. In 2008 she was elected IAMCR Treasurer and became a member of the Executive Board. Under her direction as Treasurer, IAMCR enjoyed a financially stable and prosperous period. As member of the International Council, she would like to offer her services on the finance committee so to provide continuity in this area. On the scholarly side, Beate has edited Journalism Education in Countries with Limited Media Freedom (2010, NY: Peter Lang), which grew out of the Journalism Research and Education section's work. Her publications include monographs and chapters in international collections, and her articles have appeared internationally in highly regarded journals.

Hemant Joshi (India)

Bio-data of Prof. Hemant Joshi contesting for International Committee Dr. Hemant Joshi is at present with Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, India. He had been a Professor of Journalism in Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He has spent 23 years in teaching Communication, language studies, journalism and ICTs at IIMC and Jamia.

Prof. Joshi started his carrier as a reporter/sub editor in a non-metropolitan tabloid from Gwalior in India in 1970. He subsequently pursued his studies in French language and literature, worked as a technical translator for more than 10 years and continued his studies in Linguistics to get his doctoral degree. He has also been trained in Broadcast Journalism (IIMC, New Delhi) and Video Journalism (IITOJ, Budapest). He worked as a newsreader/editor in All India Radio and Doordarshan (State owned TV) for more than eight years. He has been writing regularly in Hindi Newspapers and has been a popular column writer in a Hindi Newspaper (Hindustan) during 2004-06.

Prof. Joshi has recently co authored three books with his wife Mrs. Manjari Joshi, a renowned Newscaster of Indian Television for more than 22 years, The books on ‘Introduction to Journalism and Mass Communication’, ‘Development Journalism’ and ‘Writing for Media’ were published by Vikas Publication, New Delhi last year.

His keen interest in media research took him to international associations like IAMCR and ICA. He has participated in AIMCR Conferences in Singapore (2000), France (2007), Sweden (2008), and Istanbul (2011). He has also been in the International Council during 2008-2011 besides
presenting around 7 research papers. He has special interest in Media Technologies, ICT and Governance, Media and Professional Education and Political Communication.

Gabriel Kaplún (Uruguay)

Doctor en Estudios Culturales, Director de la carrera de Comunicación de la Universidad de la República (Uruguay), consultor de organismos nacionales e internacionales (ILO, Unesco, etc.) en temas de comunicación y educación, comunicación comunitaria y políticas de comunicación. Autor de varios libros y numerosos artículos sobre estos temas. Miembro de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de laComunicación (ALAIC) y organizador de su próximo congreso (Montevideo 2012).

Desde el IC de la IAMCR impulsé la discusión sobre las políticas y las prácticas de lenguaje en la Asociación, realizando propuestas específicas para que el inglés deje de ser, en los hechos, casi la única lengua utilizada en las conferencias y comunicaciones. Seguiré trabajando en este tema, así como en la búsqueda de una mayor participación de los latinoamericanos en IAMCR en general y en sus organismos de conducción en particular.

Impulsaré también un mayor compromiso e incidencia efectiva de la Asociación en temas claveen el campo actual de la comunicación, apuntando a la democratización de las comunicaciones en cada país y a nivel internacional. Buscaré abrir la discusión sobre los modos de producción de conocimiento académico, desde una perspectiva crítica, de transformación social y descolonización epistemológica.

Barry King (New Zealand)

As an established academic I have a wide range of experience in teaching and researching in a variety of international contexts and in administrative positions. This experience I believe enables me to make a constructive contribution to the forward development of the Association.

As the Head of the Working Group in Popular Culture over the past five years, I have a good practical understanding of the workings of the Association and the future work to be done in ensuring the increased integration between the Council and the membership. I am aware of a range of issues that need to be addressed - such as the desirability of the appointment of an ombudsman, the development of new forms of participation e.g. online, the review of the fee structure and so on. I am keen to participate in these discussions which to strike a positive note are the product of the Associations vitality and growth.

Friedrich Krotz (Germany)

In the ten years as head of section of the IAMCR I have learned that the situation for institutions like the IAMCR becomes more and more problematic: Trying a balance as an NGO and as an actor in the academic field, working in fields that become more and more commercialized, without having money and with an organizational structure that was modern in the 19th century. We need a collective board that co-opts other members for specific fields, e.g. for contacts with NGOs, the changing education landscape, journalism, media and so on. We need an international council whose members do more then write polite e-mails and meet four hours a year. We need an office and some staff that supports all that. We also should offer our creative and interested members more possibilities to engage themselves. We need thematic, regional and maybe other internal structures. We must care for funding by independent institutions – to just a union of members for a year is not enough.

As editor of an SSCI ranked journal I am interested to join the publication committee, which I supported in the past already. But I am also ready to contribute to the necessary structural reorganization of IAMCR.

Philippe Maarek (France)

Philippe J. Maarek is a Professor of Information and Communication Sciences at the University Paris East, and co-founder of its Political Communication Department. He chairs the Section of Political Communication Research of IAMCR and is former chair of the similar Committee of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). He serves on the editorial board of The Journal of Press/Politics,The European Journal of Communication, and Communicazione Politica, among others. His publications include Campaign Communication and Political Marketing, Wiley/Blackwell, 2012, and Political Communication in a New Era (co-edited with Gadi Wolfsfeld), Routledge, 2003. He has been a longstanding Head of the Legal Committee of IAMCR, and has notably been very active in redrawing IAMCR statutes and rules.

Stefania Milan (Canada)

An active IAMCR member since 2004, I have served as co-chair of the IAMCR Emerging Scholars Network and coordinator of the ESN Mentorship Program since 2008. In this capacity I have promoted cross-fertilisation of the ESN with IAMCR thematic sections; partnered the ESN with a graduate journal; promoted critical debates for the future of the association, for example organizing a roundtable on casual labor in academia at Istanbul 2011. I have contributed to advance key debates in IAMCR on lowering conference fees and encouraging virtual participation. I would now like to put my energy and enthusiasm at the service of the association in a new capacity, to help IAMCR adapt to pressing environmental challenges and the casualization of academic labor market, and promote diversity and the integration of emerging scholars. I enjoy creating bridges between research and policy, and believe that the IAMCR should play an active role in current policy debates.

Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Citizen Lab, University of Toronto, and an advisor to the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. I hold a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute, and a degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Padova. I have taught at the University of Lucerne and the Central European University, and published two books and numerous articles and chapters. I am fluent in Italian, English, Portuguese and Spanish. To know more, visit http://stefaniamilan.net

Monowara Begum Moni (Germany)

First of all I am a full blood Journalist and Media Researcher. Since 1981I have been busy with my career. As a Journalist I have write down a lot especially on the theme, where the socio-cultural and political issues were in a critical situation. It is my duty and responsibility to make the situation better.

With such an intention I intend to be elected  IC member in IAMCR. It is a big Organisation with relative problems. I would like to contribute my ability for the improvement of problems. As an active member of the German journalist Union, I have made good progress here. As public Relation officer I was able to improve my office´s Corporate Identity. Moreover as a Journalist from Bangladesh and to live for 22 years in Germany was a hard work. I would like to contribute my experience and competence to the IAMCR, where the members are from more than 150 countries.

Chris Paterson (UK)

Dear colleagues, I would be pleased to serve on the International Council.

I have been involved with IAMCR for sixteen years and have participated directly in half of those conferences.  I founded (and have consistently chaired or co-chaired) a group in 1999 which continues as the Media Production Analysis WG – it has been among the most popular of any division despite a consistent policy of external blind review and pre-conference submission.

I have authored or co-edited four books concerning international journalism and online news; other research has addressed journalists' safety, development communications, and Africa's representation.  My book on news agencies urges re-visitation of the imperialism thesis long of interest to our Association.  I have taught in Leicester, Leeds, San Francisco, Atlanta, and as a visitor at Ulster and Tampere.

Having had the opportunity to discuss the Association with Jim Halloran, and to have been mentored by or worked with several IAMCR founders and current leaders, I offer an appreciation of IAMCR’s history and contributions and a commitment to maintain it as a catalyst for influential, critical and inclusive scholarship, and a resource for a new generation of internationalist scholars.  Its accessibility to that new generation is my priority.

Manuel Pinto (Portugal)

I actively accompany the life of the IAMCR for nearly 15 years, and during this time, our organization has become for me the reference space of the construction of communication sciences at the international level. Put in a simple way, the reasons are: diversity and richness of people, experiences, issues and interactions, as well as networking, especially in the framework of the annual conferences. As I became aware of the wider panorama of the IAMCR, I tried to intervene to make contributions to the life of the Association, namely:

  • Making a proposal to the International Council in order to be created a section of Journalism Studies, with the support of colleagues from various countries;
  • Collaborating in the reactivation of the Media Education Research Section ;
  • Proposing, as director of the Center for the Study of Communication and Society, the application of University of Minho for the conference of 2010, in Braga (Portugal), and coordinating the event, jointly with Prof. Helena Sousa.

Having been nominated to join the International Council, I would like to say that I accept the nomination and, following the involvement of recent years, I will do my best to be an active member in collaborating to find solutions to issues submitted to the body, and addressing the organization most pressing deadlocks.

Ester Pollack (Sweden)

IAMCR is, in my view, the only organisation for media and communication researchers that practice global inclusiveness. I had the honour of leading the scientific and organisational committee when Stockholm University hosted the IAMCR world Congress in 2008 and experienced then, as I have experienced when participating at other of the congresses, the importance of the IAMCR for discussions, contacts and the development of networks outside the academic “career routes” linked to a few of the largest Western countries.

My ambitions if I am elected as a member of IAMCR’s international council are twofold. First of all I would like to strengthen the organisations international work to get sponsors that on a more permanent basis can secure travel grants and other types of support to researchers who need financial aid or reduced fees to be able to participate. My second ambition is to contribute to a critical assessment of how the papers are presented and discussed at our congresses – and this with a clear aim: Every accepted paper should be read and commented by a prepared and qualified reader, with enough time for questions and answers.

Edgar Rebouças (Brazil)

Edgard Rebouças received a B.A. in Journalism from the Federal University of Espirito Santo (Brazil) in 1990. This was followed in 1994 by a M.A. in Communication Science from the University of Grenoble, and in 2003 by a Ph.D. in Social Communication from the Methodist University of Sao Paulo with a fellowship at the University of Quebec in Montreal. His field of study is in cultural and media industries and communications policy.

In 1988, he started to work as a journalist at local and national newspapers and TV stations and in 1995 he started to work in the academic field as professor. Since 2009, Edgard Rebouças works at the Federal University of Espirito Santo. He has served as a visiting professor in France and Canada, and has participated in several professional and scientific events and publications in Europe and Americas.

Currently, Edgard Rebouças is the head of Media Observatory: human rights, policy and systems, member of the Consulting Council of Project Child and Consumerism, contributor to the National Agency for Health Surveillance and the Brazilian National Congress in issues on media policy and advertising. He is also the former head of the International Relations Office of Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Studies on Communication (INTERCOM).

Wajiha Raza Rizvi (Pakistan)

Wajiha Raza Rizvi is a Fulbright, FCOSAS, and Chevening Scholar. She has been working for government, public, and private sector organizations since 1988. She is committed to media practice as well as education and research. As Project Director, she has set up Hashmi Media Institute (affiliated with University of Karachi / collaborated with University of London) and Department of Film and Television at National College of Arts Lahore. She has worked as Consultant for Board of Technical Education, TEVTA, and London International Documentary Festival, and taught graduate courses at University of the Punjab, Superior University, and Kinnaird College University Lahore. She has set up a nonprofit organization to collect the archives and conduct research to save the rapidly disappearing history of Pakistani cinema. She has managed film festivals as well as produced and directed documentaries, TV commercials, and TV quiz shows that raised 290 million rupees fund for the 9th SAF Games among 7 SAARC nations. She is a media professional, outreach consultant, and educationalist. She is also president of Fulbright Alumni Association, Lahore Chapter and wishes to join the International Council to add to regional cultural understanding and academic partnership through a new round of reforms of IAMCR.

Iiris Ruoho (Finland)

I work as an adjunct professor of journalism and mass communication at the University of Tampere, Finland. My university is praised for its distinctively high-quality programs in social sciences, and the university invests strongly in internationalization. I am a specialist in television studies, media history and feminist journalism critique – and well-known as a pioneering scholar in both feminist media studies and television drama studies. During academic career I have had various positions of trust, e.g. as a chair of the University Network for Communication Sciences connecting 22 member units and representing 10 Finnish universities.

My list of publications includes eight book-size publications and over 60 scholarly articles and reports. My latest book deals with the gender order
of journalism. In recent years my interest is turned to Chinese media studies and I have spent last six months (2011-2012) at the Nordic Centre (Fudan University) in Shanghai. I have also been a visiting scholar at the Universities of Texas at Austin (1995, 1997) and Oregon at Eugene (2006). I have wide networks at the European level. Half a year in Shanghai, however, taught me that Western concepts are sometimes insufficient when trying to understand the non-Western media and culture.

Katharine Sarikakis (Austria)

I would like to serve IAMCR as a member of the IC. One of the priorities for IAMCR is to strengthen its position as a leader in the academic associations of media scholars through academic work and engagement with policy communities. At a time of global and regional economic crisis, IAMCR has an important role to play in providing space for reflection and analysis and as a resource for information and for making a case for research agendas that are socially relevant, not only in terms of IAMCR's position but also the position of communication and media studies.

I have been an active member of IACMR since 1998 and have sought to serve our association through various roles in task force committees, as member of the IC in previous years and through my work on supporting  and promoting new generations of scholars and promoting women's achievements as a former vice-president of IAMCR.

Jeremy Shtern (Canada)

I hold a PhD in Communication from Université de Montréal and an MSc in New Media, Information and Society from the London School Economics and Political Science. My work focuses on social and political issues created by the globalization and digitization of mass communication and creative industries. Amongst various contributions, I co-­authored two books: Media Divides: Communication Rights and the Right to Communicate in Canada (2010, with Marc Raboy) and Digital Solidarities, Communication Policy and Multi-­stakeholder Governance: The Legacy of the World Summit on the Information Society (2010, with Marc and Normand Landry).

I have been an active IAMCR member since 2006. I am currently co-­chair of the IAMCR Communication Policy Task Force. I serve on the President’s Conference Fee Committee. I have reviewed abstracts for the Communication Policy and Technology (CP&T) section since 2009. My association with the IAMCR has contributed immensely to my development as a scholar, and I look forward to contributing to IAMCR’s intellectual and administrative leadership. In particular, I hope to contribute to creating additional opportunities for emerging scholars within the organization and to the facilitation of knowledge transfer between IAMCR members and non-­academic audiences.

Ruth Teer-Tomaselli (South Africa)

After four years as Vice-President of IAMCR, and current chair of the Local Organising Committee for IAMCR2012, I wish to step back a bit for new blood.  Rather than an Executive Board position, I have agreed to nomination for the International Council, where I hope my experience will assist IAMCR and especially strengthen its African component.

My track record includes working with the EB in transforming  IAMCR into a strong and competitive international body, and also with conference organisation in Mexico, Braga and Istanbul.

The budgeting, logistical and inter-personal experience of planning the 2012 conference, the first in sub-Saharan Africa, will be freely available to future conference organisers. In hosting IAMCR2012, I have worked closely with the South African Communications Association, so strengthening SACOM’s links with IAMCR. Africa has been forefront of my mind and I have driven a vigorous fund raising exercise which has secured IAMCR2012 bursaries for a significant number of African scholars – from the Open Society; the multinational cellphone provider, M-Net; and the multinational satellite television company, MultiChoice.

As holder of a UNESCO Chair in Communication and Oribicom member, it is also my commitment to strengthen the bonds between IAMCR and UNESCO.

Mohammad Sahid Ullah (Bangladesh)

I accept the nomination to stand as International Council member of the IAMCR. Since my attachment with IAMCR I have been serving as Deputy Head, Co-Chair and Co-Vice Chair of Law Section (2006 onword) and also serving as a member of Fee Committee (2010 onward). My association with the IAMCR began in 2000 as member from Bangladesh with two members only.

Being a member from low income country, the interest of the unrepresented will be the key focus of my activity in IAMCR. I will also focus on helping to build a strong future for the association among emerging scholars, on reducing so far as possible the costs of participation in conferences. I intend to address the challenges and problems of underprivileged members of developing nations. My association with the IAMCR will help me to think as a member of communal house where we the participants, can all congregate around noble and universal causes.