Graham Murdock - Candidate for International Council

Graham Murdock
Loughborough University in London, UK

On this page, you will find Graham Murdock's candidate statement,  the names of nominating members, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

To add an endorsement in support of Graham, scroll to the bottom of this page and click: "Add comment". Please include your full name and affiliation in your message.

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Propelled by an accelerating climate crisis, the prospect of new pandemics, widening income and wealth disparities, and economic and political instabilities we have arrived at a hinge moment in human history. How we respond depends more than ever on how we organise communication systems. IAMCR has a crucial role to play in providing authoritative research and argument that addresses central questions and choices . Its global reach and expanding membership ensures diversity and vitality based on multiple perspectives and experiences.

Organising and deploying these resources to maximum effect requires us to consider new ways of working while retaining existing strengths. The on-line and hybrid meetings, on-line paper submissions, and expansion of the Ambassador network are successes that can be built on .We need to look again at IAMCR’s public profile through branded scholarly publications and statements for a general audience. And in everything we do we need to consider environmental and climate impacts.

In evaluating options I can draw on wide experience of working across IAMCR : as a former Vice President responsible for publications and the ambassador network; as past chair of the Political Economy Section; and founder member of the Clearing House.

Nominated by:

Nico Carpentier, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic


Submitted by WRizvi on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 14:21


Wajiha Raza Rizvi

Professor Graham Murdoch, a great expert in communication systems would be a great ‎addition to IAMCR family of academic experts. His addition will ensure diversity based on ‎his wide knowledge and experiences of the media issues and systems and his attention ‎to several accelerating issues of economic and political instabilities and human ‎interests. ‎

Submitted by FKrotz on Fri, 02/23/2024 - 10:57


Friedrich Krotz, Centre for Media, Communication and INformation REsearch (ZeMKI), University of Bremen, Germany

Support for an engaded academic researcher and a democrate with broad experience

Submitted by JWasko on Sun, 03/03/2024 - 15:08


Janet Wasko

I strongly support Graham Murdock for a position on the International Council. He has extensive experience with IAMCR (as outlined in his statement above) and continues to contribute to the organization in various ways. I have not doubt that he will be an active and engaged member of the Council and I encourage you to vote for him.

Submitted by NCarpentier on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 13:13


Nico Carpentier

One of the multi-talented rocks of IAMCR. As a former vice-president, he was very active within the IAMCR leadership, and I believe we need to ensure that Graham continue to play that role, not only guaranteeing continuity but bringing a sharp mind and wisdom into the IC.

Submitted by HAli on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 16:33


Habib Mohammad Ali, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh

I feel honoured to cast my support for Professor Graham Murdoch for the International Council of the IAMCR. His academic experiences and contributions in media and communication studies are the best examples of a dedicated media scholar. IAMCR will be benefitted with his attachment in International Council to support diverse communities.

Submitted by AÓ Baoill on Mon, 04/08/2024 - 08:44


Andrew Ó Baoill

Graham will be a valuable contributor to the IC.