Abena Animwaa Yeboah-Banin - Candidate for International Council

Abena Animwaa Yeboah-Banin
University of Ghana

On this page, you will find Abena Animwaa Yeboah-Banin 's candidate statement, the names of nominating members along with their supporting statements, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

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My name is Abena Animwaa Yeboah-Banin, a member of the University of Ghana’s Department of Communication Studies which I chair. I have been a proud IAMCR member since 2017 when I pushed for my department to register as an institutional member. I am a member of three working groups ('Audience', 'Emerging Scholars', and 'Gender and Communication') and have presented my research in these and other sections and working groups. 

Having secured the association’s travel grant to attend the 2018 Oregon conference, I had a first-hand experience of the rich networking, knowledge sharing and dialogue opportunity that the association offers. I want more scholars on the African continent to be part of this excellent platform to share the wonderful insights that our research produces. As the world grapples with widening inequality and polarization, I believe in the value of expanding the opportunities for dialogue, which the IAMCR represents. For this reason, I submit myself for election to the International Council. 

I bring considerable exposure and network among African scholars to the service of IAMCR, given my experience in supporting my department to host ICA’- Africa conference in 2018. I have also launched and hosted two editions of the Trends in Media and Communication Conference. I also bring a strong collegial personality and rich experience serving on diverse local and international committees.

Nominated by:

Audrey Gadzekpo, University of Ghana, School of Communication Studies

My name is Audrey Gadzekpo and I have been an active member of IAMCR for close to 20 years. I am a professor at the Department of Communication Studies, University of Ghana (UG).

I would like to nominate Dr. Abena Animwaa Yeboah-Banin from the University of Ghana as one of the 25 members of the International Council.  Dr. Yeboah-Banin is the current Head of the Department of Communication Studies with whom I have worked closely for many years and so can attest to her capabilities and character.

I believe Dr. Yeboah-Banin, a Senior Lecturer at UG, will bring strong assets to her role as an International Council member. As a long-time member of IAMCR who has participated in conferences and activities, I  understand how important it is for our association to have committed persons to drive our activities and interests.

Dr Yeboah-Banin has been a paid-up member since 2018 and was instrumental in getting the Department to become an institutional member in 2017. She is a member of three working groups ('Audience', 'Emerging Scholars', and 'Gender and Communication') and last year presented in the 'Gender and Communication' working group webinar  to mark International Women's Day.

Dr. Yeboah-Banin has also participated in all but one IAMCR conference since becoming a paid-up member and in 2018 was a beneficiary of IAMCR’s conference travel grant which assisted her to participate in the conference at the University of Oregon. 

A great team player, she has a collegiate personality and considerable experience serving on diverse committees of the University of Ghana and at the national level. You will find in Dr. Yeboah-Banin a dedicated and hardworking academic with a good research track record, and should you select her as a member of the International Council IAMCR will benefit tremendously from her organizational skills and solid networks within the Ghanaian and African scholarly communities.


Submitted by benequista on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 16:23


Nick Benequista

Abena's contributions to the Media Sector Development working group have been so valuable in recent years. Her scholarship, collegiality, and dynamism make her an ideal candidate for the council.

Submitted by SJC Oregon on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 17:19


H. Leslie Steeves, University of Oregon, USA

I enthusiastically endorse Dr. Abena Yeboah-Banin for the IAMCR International Council, and also support Professor Audrey Gadzekpo’s excellent comments in her nomination. I have known Dr. Yeboah-Banin for nearly 20 years. She is a passionate scholar and a highly effective leader, currently chairing the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Ghana. She has been actively involved with IAMCR since 2017, and serves on three IAMCR working groups. Significantly, she is very well-networked with media and communication scholars on the African continent, which will be a tremendous asset in her work on the Council. She has my highest recommendation.

Submitted by Eliasu on Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:11


Eliasu Mumuni

My name is Eliasu Mumuni, and I am a communication scholar currently affiliated with the University for Development Studies (UDS), Tamale- Ghana. I have proudly been a member of IAMCR since 2021 till now. I've had the pleasure of collaborating closely with Dr. Abena Animwaa Yeboah-Banin, whom I first encountered in 2019 as a fellow member of the Communication Educators Association of Ghana (CEAG). I worked closely with her on various committees and project development phases, and her leadership and commitment to excellence have consistently shone through to the roof.

Dr Yeboah-Banin's contributions extend far beyond mere participation; she has been one of the instrumental colleagues in spearheading impactful projects addressing critical issues such as the state of media in Ghana, media literacy, and combating disinformation in Ghana. As the head of the communication department of the University of Ghana, she has played a pivotal role in driving forward trends in media and communication conferences, transforming it into a significant annual conference.

The demands of academia are multifaceted, requiring a delicate balance between teaching, research, and community service. Yet, Dr. Yeboah-Banin's boundless energy, unwavering focus, and dedication to collaborative teamwork have consistently set her apart.

It is with full confidence and enthusiasm that I wholeheartedly endorse Dr Abena Animwaa Yeboah-Banin's candidacy for membership to the IAMCR International Council. Her remarkable qualities and proven track record make her not only a valuable addition but an indispensable asset to the council and IAMCR's mission and objectives.

Submitted by MElareshi on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 06:49


Mokhtar Elareshi

I'd like to support Dr. Yeboah-Banin for the IAMCR membership International Council. In fact, I've just to know Dr Yeboah-Banin, but I can see her inputs to our new research group. She has my highest recommendation too.


Submitted by Daniel K.A. Adjei on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 11:01


Daniel Kwame Ampofo Adjei, PhD candidate at the Department of Communication Studies, University of Ghana

I have known Dr. Abena Animwaa Yeboah-Banin for about four years in her capacity as a senior lecturer and the Head of the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Ghana.

Dr. Yeboah-Banin's exemplary leadership, transformative vision, and dedication to fostering a culture of excellence within the department make her an ideal candidate for this prestigious role. One of her most notable strengths is her ability to cultivate strong relationships with all stakeholders, including graduate researchers within our department.

She fosters an environment of trust, respect, and collaboration, empowering individuals to thrive and contribute their best work. As a mentor, she is both supportive and rigorous, guiding others towards their goals with diligence and care.

Given her outstanding contributions and unwavering commitment to advancing the field of media and communication research, I have no doubt that Dr. Yeboah-Banin's passion for the field, coupled with her leadership prowess, makes her an ideal candidate for the council.

Submitted by IFofie on Tue, 03/12/2024 - 03:58


Ivy Fofie, University of Oregon

I wholeheartedly endorse Dr. Yeboah-Banin's candidacy to the international council at IAMCR. I have known and worked with her since 2016. I call her the task master because she always has a new idea about moving communication scholarship forward and will push you so hard to see it materialize.
I have seen her work tirelessly to turn the Department of Communication at the University of Ghana around. Endorsements from her colleagues and students alike are a testament to this fact.
I have no doubt that she will excel in this new role given her stellar contributions to her department and the discipline writ large. I hope she gets the nod.

Submitted by WMano on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 12:44


Professor Winston Mano, University of Westminster

It gives me great pleasure to endorse Dr Abena Yeboah-Banin for the IAMCR council. If elected Dr. Gadzekpo could bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to IAMCR leadership, particularly in the realm of media and communication studies in Africa. Her extensive research and contributions to the field have been invaluable, especially in understanding the unique challenges and opportunities faced by media practitioners and scholars on the continent. I have worked closely with her and can testify to her commitment to dialogue and collaboration within the international communication community. She has been a consistent advocate for inclusive and diverse perspectives in our field. I have no doubt that Dr. Gadzekpo will continue to be a strong advocate for the advancement of media and communication scholarship globally, and her presence on the council will enrich the association's initiatives and discussions.

Submitted by TJacobson on Fri, 03/22/2024 - 12:07


Tom Jacobson

Abena Yeboah-Banin has been an active member since 2018, engaged in a number of Working Groups. As chair of the Scholarly Review Committee I have been working with her to establish a new working group on Organizations and Communication. She brought her department at University of Ghana into an institutional member in IAMCR, and is well connected in Africa. She'll represent Africans well and bring more into the Association. I enthusiastically support Abena's candidacy.

Submitted by AMelo on Tue, 04/02/2024 - 14:38


Ana Duarte Melo

I've recently connected with Abena and was impressed by her pro-activeness and generosity. She will be a great addition to the IC.