Andrea Medrado - Candidate for Vice-president

Andrea Medrado
University of Westminster

On this page, you will find Andrea Medrado's candidate statement, the names of nominating members along with their supporting statements, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

To add an endorsement in support of Andrea Medrado, scroll to the bottom of this page and click: "Add comment". Please include your full name and affiliation in the "from" field.

You must be an IAMCR member logged into your account to post an endorsement.



In 2020, I had the honour of being elected VP of IAMCR. At the same time, I moved countries, institutions, and restarted my life. It wasn’t easy. But I am grateful for my growth as a scholar, professional, and person. I am proud of IAMCR’s collective strength. I am also proud of some of our achievements on the Executive Board, such as launching the IAMCR webinar series, and working closely with the sections and working groups (SWGs), supporting their elections. Recently, we implemented an initiative to allow SWG Chairs and Vice-chairs in the Global South to apply for travel grants. This represents a first (small) step to strengthen and widen the participation of Global South scholars in our association. I am endorsing Usha Raman as President (although, if re-elected, I will be honoured to integrate the EB with other candidates). Usha and I make a great team with complementary skills and characteristics. If she is elected, this will be the first time a woman based in the Global South will be President. IAMCR is not perfect, but I cherish it as an inclusive and diverse community. I hope to keep contributing to the EB with my experience, knowledge and energy.


En 2020 tuve el honor de ser elegida vicepresidenta de la AIECS. En el mismo periodo, me mudé a otro país, empecé a trabajar en otra institución y reinicié mi vida. No fue fácil. Pero estoy agradecida por mi crecimiento como académica, profesional y persona. Estoy orgullosa de la fuerza colectiva de la AIECS. También estoy feliz con algunos de nuestros logros en la Junta Ejecutiva (EB), como el lanzamiento de la serie de seminarios online y nuestro trabajo en colaboración con las secciones y grupos de trabajo (SWG), apoyando el proceso de elecciones. Recientemente, implementamos una iniciativa permitiendo que los coordinadores y vicecoordinadores de SWGs en el Sur Global puedan acceder a subvenciones para viajes. Esto representa un primer paso para fortalecer y ampliar la participación de los académicos del Sur Global en nuestra asociación. Respaldo a Usha Raman como Presidenta (aunque, si soy reelegida, tendré el honor de integrar el EB con otres candidates). Usha y yo formamos un gran equipo con habilidades y características complementarias. Si es elegida, será la primera vez que una mujer del Sur Global será presidenta. La AIECS no es perfecta, pero la valoro como una comunidad diversa. Espero seguir aportando a la EB con mi experiencia y energía.


En 2020, j'ai eu l'honneur d'être élu vice-président de l'AIERI. En même temps, j’ai changé de pays et j’ai recommencé ma vie. Ce n’était pas facile. Mais je suis reconnaissant pour mon évolution en tant qu’érudit, professionnel et personne. Je suis fier de la force collective de l’IAMCR. Je suis également fier de certaines de nos réalisations au sein du Conseil exécutif, telles que le lancement de la série de webinaires de l'AIERI, la collaboration étroite avec les sections et les groupes de travail (SWG) et le soutien à leurs élections. Récemment, nous avons mis en œuvre une initiative visant à permettre aux coordinateurs et vice- coordinateurs des SWG des pays du Sud de demander des bourses de voyage. Cela représente une première étape pour renforcer et élargir la participation des chercheurs du Sud au sein de notre association. J'approuve Usha Raman en tant que présidente (même si, si je suis réélu, je serai honoré d'intégrer le Conseil exécutif avec d'autres candidats). Usha et moi formons une belle équipe avec des compétences complémentaires. Si elle est élue, ce sera la première fois qu’une femme basée dans les pays du Sud sera présidente. L’AIERI n’est pas parfaite, mais je la chéris en tant que communauté diversifiée. J'espère continuer à contribuer au Conseil exécutif avec mon expérience et mon énergie.


Em 2020 tive a honra de ser eleita vice presidenta da IAMCR. No mesmo período, mudei de país, de instituição e reiniciei a vida. Não foi fácil. Mas fico feliz de observar meu crescimento como pesquisadora, profissional e pessoa. Tenho orgulho da força coletiva da IAMCR. Também me orgulho de algumas de nossas conquistas no Conselho Executivo (Executive Board - EB), como o lançamento dos IAMCR webinars e nosso trabalho em colaboração com a seções e grupos de trabalho (Sections and Working Groups - SWG), incluindo o apoio às eleições. Recentemente, implementamos uma iniciativa que permite que coordenadores e vice-coordenadores de SWGs do Sul Global solicitem apoio para viagens. É um primeiro passo para fortalecer e ampliar a participação dos membros do Sul Global em nossa associação. Estou apoiando Usha Raman como Presidente (porém, se reeleita, terei a honra de integrar o conselho com outres candidates). Usha e eu formamos uma boa equipe com habilidades e características complementares. Se eleita, será a primeira vez aque a IAMCR terá uma presidenta do Sul Global. A IAMCR nao é perfeita, porém representa uma comunidade diversa e inclusiva que valorizo muito. Espero seguir contribuindo no EB com minha experiência, conhecimentos e energia.


2020 年,我有幸当选为国际媒介与传播研究学会( IAMCR) 副主席。与此同时,我在一个新的国家和研究机构,开启了新的生活。这是一趟并不简单的旅途。但为了更好地成长为一名学者、专家和个人,我总是心存感激。我为 IAMCR 的集体力量感到自豪,也为我们执行委员会取得的一些成就感到自豪。我们推出了一系列IAMCR 网络研讨会,与各部门和工作组(SWGs)密切合作并支持了他们的选举。最近,我们实施了一项举措,让全球南方的 SWG 主席和副主席能够申请差旅费补助。这是加强和扩大全球南方学者参与本协会的第一步和一小步。我支持由Usha Raman 担任主席——不过,如果再次当选,我也会很荣幸能够与其他候选人一起组成执行委员会。Usha 和我是一个很好的团队,在技能和特点上具有互补性。如果她当选,这将是第一次由全球南方的女性担任主席。IAMCR 并不完美,但它是一个包容和多元化的社区。我很珍惜这个社区,并希望继续以我的经验和精力为执行委员会做出贡献。

Nominated by:

Fernando Oliveira Paulino, University of Brasilia, Brazil

Andrew Ó Baoill, University of Galway, Ireland

Sadia Jamil, University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China

Nico Carpentier, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Bushra Hameedur Rahman, University of the Punjab, Pakistan

Saadia Ishtiaq Nauman, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Pakistan

Sandra Ristovska, University of Colorado Boulder, United States

Denize Araujo, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, Brazil

Adilson Vaz Cabral Filho, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil:

I would like to nominate Usha Raman for the post of President and Andrea Medrado for the Vice-President of IAMCR in the 2024 Elections.

For their experience in conducting activities along the current mandate and mobilizing efforts for the development of IAMCR worldwide, it’s very important to carry on this work for the benefit of the association.

Aditya Deshbandhu, University of Exeter, UK:

I am writing this email to nominate Dr Andrea Medrado as one of the Vice Presidents of the iAMCR in the forthcvoming elections. I propose Andrea for her great working relationship she enjoys with Usha (my nominee for the President position) and for her steadfast commitment to the body. 

Andrea works at Westminster a place where the demands of her teaching are several and while she conducts extremely interesting research, she has managed to find ways to balance all of her reponsibilities with the demands of the IAMCR. She is a great representative of Global South voices and one of the leading voices from Brazilian academia. It is paramount that someone of her pedigree represents IAMCR. Her approach to research, critical inquiry, her accountability to her participants and the timely research she conducts all signify the value she brings to the body and why the next generation of Global South scholars will choose IAMCR as the venue for their academic journeys. 

Anna Gladkova, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation:

I am pleased to nominate Dr. Andrea Medrado for the position of IAMCR Vice President.

Andrea has contributed largely to developing IAMCR as a leading academic association in the field of media and communication over her term as IAMCR Vice President. Among other great projects she has been leading, a series of IAMCR webinars should be certainly mentioned. This is a great opportunity to develop links between IAMCR sections and working groups and present current research to a broad audience. I have been personally very inspired by this great project, and I know that many of my colleagues in Digital Divide Working Group share this feeling. Andrea is a great scholar and a wonderful person, and I fully support her candidacy as IAMCR Vice President.

Claudia Lago, São Paulo University, Brazil:

I would like to nominate Professor Andrea Medrado for the position of vice-president of the IAMCR. Professor Andrea is a long-time research and work companion and her role as vice-president of the IAMCR in this last period, in my opinion, was noteworthy. I believe that his reappointment to the position will be essential to expand and consolidate the work carried out, especially if we think about his ability to move between the Global North and South, which I believe is essential for the future of IAMCR.

Devina Sarwatay, City, University of London, UK:

I am Devina, a long-standing member of IAMCR and presently co-Vice Chair of the Media Education Research (MER) section. With this statement, I nominate Dr Andrea Medrado for the position of IAMCR Vice President.

My first meeting with Dr Medrado was at an international conference and she immediately made me feel at home with her! She included me in conversations, and, for a PhD student, it meant that I could grow more confident about reaching out to people and expanding my networks because she enabled such a positive experience for me. Since then, she is someone I always turn to for advice and support and I know I am going to receive the best guidance.

Dr Medrado is fierce as a person and researcher! Her unafraid and innovative work has pushed the bounds of scholarship on activism, artivism, and social change. Her collaborative and creative style has inspired pathbreaking work in South-South communication contexts and ethnographic and participatory research that is multidisciplinary. Her scholarship and work so far have not only helped the fight against marginalisation, but also inspired many young people to contribute their voices using their chosen media. She strives to create and sustain dialogues between Latin American and African thinkers, artists, and activists and practices respect and reciprocity. She is certainly a voice we need at the top leadership at IAMCR as she espouses key values that should be part of the Executive Board.

I strongly endorse her candidature for Vice President and encourage everyone to vote for her.

Elske van de Fliert, The University of Queensland, School of Communication and Arts, Australia:

Hereby, I would like to nominate Usha Raman for the position of President and Andrea Medrado for the position of Vice-President 2024-2028.

I had the pleasure of working with both of them in the 2020-2024 Executive Board and believe they are highly capable and committed to furthering the mission of IAMCR, and particularly to making it a more diverse and inclusive association.

I also believe that it is vital that the 2024-2028 EB will have members from the previous Board who can carry successful strategies through to the next period, while revamping strategies that were less effective.

José Cláudio Castanheira, Federal Fluminense University, Brazil:

I would like to nominate Andrea Medrado for the position of Vice President of IAMCR in the 2024 elections. I know Andrea for her active participation in IAMCR and in initiatives such as the National Institute of Science and Technology in Informational Disputes and Sovereignties (INCT/DSI) from Brazil, of which I am also a member. Andrea has shown herself to be an attentive and generous interlocutor, interested in the most relevant contemporary issues in the field of communication. Her concern for the inclusion of researchers from the Global South is also one of the strengths of her candidacy.

Usha Raman, University of Hyderabad, India:

I would like to nominate Andrea Medrado for the post of Vice President of IAMCR in the upcoming elections, to serve for the period 2024-28.

I have worked with Andrea as a co-VP for the past five years and have come to admire her commitment to the values of inclusion and diversity that the Association stands for, and of course for her amazing scholarship!

Winston Mano, University of Westminster, UK:

In my view, Andrea Medrado brings valuable experience to this role. I nominate her for the position of Vice-president of IAMCR without any hesitation.


Philippe J. Maarek, Emeritus Professor of Fontainebleau - UPEC Institute of Political Studies, France

I am endorsing without reservation Professor Andrea Medrado candidacy. I have had the pleasure to work with her, both in her academic capacity and as IAMCR Vice-President. As a scholar, she wrote, together with another Brazilian colleague, an excellent chapter in a book I edited, "Manufacturing Government Communication on Covid-19 – A Comparative Perspective” (Springer, 2022).  I have thus been able to appreciate the quality of her scholarly research. But, and above all, during the past year, as Head of IAMCR Legal Committee, I have been able to directly appreciate her efficacy and dedication in her work for our organization. So I am absolutely glad that she decided to continue her implication in IAMCR.


Submitted by CMagallanes-Blanco on Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:26


Claudia Magallanes-Blanco, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, MEXICO

Andrea Medrado for Vice President of the EB of IAMCR
I have known Andrea for almost a decade. She is a driving force filled with determination, clarity, and ethics in everything she does. She knows IAMCR from her experience as a member; a leader of one of the largest sections of the association (community communication and alternative Media), and one of the vice presidents of the Executive Board.
Andrea is a committed advocate for social justice in her research and within IAMCR, where she has opened spaces for members and leaders from disadvantaged countries and universities, she has also developed bridges and networks to connect people.
I believe it is important to have continuity within the Executive Board to strengthen valuable initiatives already in place (such as the webinars, the travel grants for section and working groups leaderships) and develop new ones with the knowhow of the association.

Submitted by benequista on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 16:15


Nick Benequista

Great admiration for Andrea's academic work as well as her constructive role in the IAMCR community. She has my endorsement.

Submitted by MDagdelen on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 16:19


Mazlum Kemal Dağdelen, Charles University, Czech Republic

I am delighted to endorse Andrea Medrado for the position of IAMCR Vice-President. Having had the privilege of working closely with Andrea, I am confident in her ability to contribute significantly to the association.

In her tenure as IAMCR VP since 2020, she witnessed the collective strength of IAMCR and collaborated on notable achievements, including the launch of the IAMCR webinar series and initiatives to support sections and working groups (SWGs). Notably, she contributed to implementing a pioneering initiative to provide travel grants for SWG Chairs and Vice-chairs in the Global South, aiming to enhance the participation of scholars from diverse regions.

Andrea's commitment to fostering inclusivity aligns seamlessly with IAMCR's values. I believe her dedication and collaborative spirit make her an excellent candidate for the Vice-President position. I wholeheartedly endorse Andrea Medrado, confident she will contribute to the association's growth and inclusive ethos.

Submitted by OMiranda on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 17:51


Oscar Mario Miranda-Villanueva, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico

I endorse ANDREA MEDRADO for her constant support of the Global South.

Submitted by NCarpentier on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 18:48


Nico Carpentier, IAMCR president

Andrea worked with me as one of our vice-presidents for 2020-2024, and I am very happy that I managed to convince her to serve as vice-president for this period. I think IAMCR would benefit from her taking on another term as vice-president. She has proven to be collegial and supportive, but at the same time critical and resilient. Moreover, she is very much down to earth, and speaks truth to power like nobody else. She is probably the only person who would write in her statement as candidate that IAMCR is not perfect, which describes perfectly why IAMCR needs her to continue as vice-president.

Submitted by MFelipe on Fri, 02/23/2024 - 10:24


Mathias Felipe, University of Amsterdam/Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp)

I am thrilled to offer my enthusiastic endorsement for Andrea Medrado as Vice-President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). Andrea's commitment, expertise, and vision make her an exceptional candidate to run for another term for this vital leadership role within our community.

Throughout her career, Andrea has demonstrated a profound dedication to advancing the field of media and communication research. Her academic achievements, coupled with her extensive professional experience, have uniquely positioned her to drive meaningful change within IAMCR and give a female voice from the Global South. Andrea's research contributions have consistently explored critical issues at the intersection of media, culture, and society, enriching our understanding of contemporary media landscapes. She is always aware of new trends and have been doing an extreme important work in the intersection of AI and marginalized communities.

Together with Usha Raman, who she has been working with in the IAMCR, Andrea's commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion aligns perfectly with IAMCR's core values, ensuring that the association continues to be a welcoming and supportive space for researchers from all backgrounds. Moreover, Andrea's collaborative spirit and inclusive approach make her an effective leader who fosters dialogue and cooperation among scholars worldwide, connecting the North and the South.

As Vice-President, Andrea will continuously bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and a tireless dedication to advancing IAMCR's mission. Hope she can also bring the IAMCR back to Latin America again.

To conclude, I endorse Andrea Medrado for Vice-President of IAMCR and urge all members to support her candidacy.

Submitted by ARamos on Fri, 02/23/2024 - 13:21


Amélia Aben Athar Olinto Ramos

I endorse the candidacy of Professor Dr. Andrea Medrado initially for her unparalleled ability to guide and support my research and academic career, as a tutor and supervisor.
Dr. Andrea was responsible for supporting my experience at IAMCR, it was an important international experience. Today, I am a member and I have participated in all events since 2016. In addition, I’m Vice-Chair of the Political Communication Section, elected until 2027. As a woman from the Global South, and Vice- President, for the past 4 years, she has shown her interest in fighting for inclusion and diversity in IAMCR. The iniciative for chairs and vice-chairs be eligible for the travel Grant to support the work since scholars in the Global South don´t have the same resources. Andrea Medrado and Usha Raman are undoubtedly the persons committed to diversity, inclusion and support of women academics, students and early career colleges.

Submitted by CAnyanwu on Sat, 02/24/2024 - 22:41


Chika Anyanwu

It is a great pleasure to endorse Andrea Medrado for VP of IAMCR. She brings energy, passion and inclusivity to the association. As Chair of CIAL, I have worked with Andrea as our liaison on the EB, and witnessed her passion and commitment. She also brings continuity and corporate knowledge from her current role as VP.

Submitted by ASuzina on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 06:16


Ana Cristina Suzina

I strongly support Andrea Medrado's nomination for IAMCR's VP. She has a true engagement with and talent for bringing people together to debate, act, and celebrate. More than ever, we need people with this ability to forge dialogue and conviviality.

Submitted by FMusiani on Thu, 02/29/2024 - 17:41


Francesca Musiani

It would be a strong asset for the association to have Andrea's continued involvement! A great scholar, and a kind and caring person :)

Submitted by NBona on Fri, 03/01/2024 - 17:43


Nivea Bona

Andrea's hardworking nature, cultural diversity, and compassionate approach to her work are commendable. She consistently demonstrates a deep commitment to fostering inclusivity and diversity within the field of media and communication research and I firmly believe IAMCR will benefit greatly with her as VP for one more term.

Submitted by VPavarala on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 06:11


Vinod Pavarala, UNESCO Chair on Community Media, University of Hyderabad

I have known Andrea Medrado for several years now as a colleague and one of the key figures of the Community Communication and Alternative Media (CCAM) Section of IAMCR. She and others have run the section so well and made it one of the more popular ones in the organisation. Fittingly, she was elected as the VP during the last term of the EB when she coordinated the work of the Sections and Working Groups so effectively, as she did, if my memory serves me well, the Webinar series.

She is a quintessential IAMCR member, with her intellectual moorings and heart in issues of social justice, feminist activism, and the Global South (especially, southern epistemologies). Personally, I always found her to be pugnacioius and relentless in arguing and fighting for the rights of the underdog. Both for her previous work for the organisation and the values she holds (so dear to IAMCR as an organisation), I wholeheartedly endorse Andrea Medrado for another term as Vice President. If the people I would like to see at the helm of IAMCR for the next 4 years succeed in this election, Andrea would add to that formidable team. Please do vote for her!

Submitted by AMelo on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 12:43


Ana Duarte Melo

The last four years show the evidence: Andrea Medrado is a source of energy and kindness, and a resilient fighter. She is a must!

Submitted by ragnedda on Mon, 03/18/2024 - 02:24


Massimo Ragnedda

Andrea's ability to bridge between the Global North and South is particularly noteworthy and, in my opinion, essential for IAMCR's future endeavors. Her diverse experiences and perspectives will contribute significantly to the organization's global reach and impact.

Therefore, I endorse Andrea Medrado as one of the Vice-President of IAMCR, confident in her capabilities to lead and contribute to the organization's continued growth and success.

Submitted by WMano on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 04:59


Winston Mano

I'm pleased to endorse my colleague Andrea Medrado who already has a brilliant track record as Vice President of IAMCR. We can benefit from her experience and passion for advancing the field of media and communication research. It means IAMCR will continue to benefit from her collaborative spirit. She is the ideal candidate to lead IAMCR into a successful and vibrant future.

Submitted by GKaplun on Fri, 03/29/2024 - 20:02


Gabriel Kaplun

Votaré por Andrea, que con su trabajo en IAMCR a lo largo del tiempo ha mostrado su capacidad para impulsar el desarrollo de la investigación en comunicación con una perspectiva crítica y decolonial, muy necesaria en América Latina y en todo el mundo.

Submitted by FOliveira Paulino on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 22:35


Fernando Oliveira Paulino

Andrea is a colleague with excellence and responsibility in her activities. I think that IAMCR will be better with Andrea's new period as Vice President

Submitted by FMartin on Tue, 04/02/2024 - 00:37


Fiona R Martin

I strongly support Andrea for VP of IAMCR on the basis of her dedicated service to the organisation and its principles, her remarkable capacity for collaboration and her personal values of kindness, generosity and support for social justice.

Submitted by ADenisova on Tue, 04/02/2024 - 12:14


Dr Anastasia Denisova, University of Westminster

Andrea is a well-respected academic who advocates for pluriversality and celebrates decolonial approaches to media studies. I fully endorse her for the Vice President position at IAMCR!

Submitted by DAraujo on Tue, 04/02/2024 - 17:25


Denize Araujo - VIC Chair - Univ. Tuiuti do Paraná - UTP - Brazil

I strongly endorse Andrea Medrado for another term as Vice-President. I believe she can develop many important activities, considering that she knows what Vice-Presidency is all about from her previous experiences. She is a great representative of South America, a relevant researcher and a nice person. She organized a webinar for VIC and it was a great success. She is very committed to IAMCR´s development and to her mission as Vice-President.

Submitted by KSankar on Wed, 04/03/2024 - 00:13


Prof.Krishna Sankar Kusuma, Vice chair, REC

I have been interacting and also observing her work for the past few years. As you all know Vice President in IAMCR system need to be very active and establish active connect with all the scholars.
She has been very good at building better networks across the sections. Her response rate if you write mail is very quick. She has experience and can understand the young and emerging scholars very well. With out any doubt from India we all support her wish her to lead the IAMCR

Submitted by BBrevini on Wed, 04/03/2024 - 22:11


Professor Benedetta Brevini University of Sydney and NYU

I wholeheartedly endorse Andrea Medrado for another term as Vice-President. My acquaintance with Andrea dates back to our shared experiences as Ph.D. students in London, where I had the opportunity to witness her dedication to supporting women, disadvantaged groups, and advocating for representation from the Global South. In these tumultuous times, marked by widespread conflict, social and environmental crises, and persistent assaults on academic freedom, it is imperative to have a leader who possesses both strength and unwavering commitment to championing our collective values.
Andrea's demonstrated courage in voicing her convictions and standing up against injustice is precisely what our association needs at this critical juncture. As women academics, we understand firsthand the significance of solidarity among marginalized groups to amplify our voices in the face of systemic challenges. Andrea has already proven her effectiveness in fostering such unity during her previous tenure as Vice-President, highlighting the indispensable role of inclusivity and diversity in addressing our academic pursuits and societal concerns.
We can trust in her continuous advocacy for greater inclusivity, amplification of marginalized voices, and promotion of diversity within our association and across our academic endeavors. Her commitment to fostering a more equitable and representative IAMCR aligns perfectly with our collective aspirations for a more just and inclusive academic community. Andrea Medrado's re-election as Vice-President ensures a continued dedication to our shared values and an unwavering commitment to overcoming the challenges we face as academics and citizens.

Submitted by AÓ Baoill on Mon, 04/08/2024 - 08:37


Andrew Ó Baoill

As a long-time member of the CAM section, I have been able to observe Andrea's important work for the section, the organisation, and our field of study. Her work draws attention to, and corrects, long-standing neglect of regions and areas of practice, and brings an important perspective to the leadership of our association. Her commitment to inclusion and a vibrant community of scholars has been foregrounded in her work as VP so far, and I look forward to seeing what she accomplishes in the next period.

Submitted by MCadavid on Wed, 04/10/2024 - 16:26


Maria Amparo Cadavid, UNIMINUTO, Colombia

Esta nota es para apoyar la candidatura a la IAMCR -VP de la profesora Andrea Medrano. Ella se está presentando a un segundo periodo, lo cual le permitirá avanzar con las propuestas y el estilo de ejercer esta posición en le EB, asunto que ha sido tan importante y valioso para las secciones y los grupos. Conozco a Andrea desde que fue miembro y Chair de CAM y por ello puedo dar cuenta de su carácter propositivo, su capacidad de trabajar en equipo, su visión colectiva de construir y integrar futuro. Invito no solamente a los y las latinoamericanas a darle su apoyo en este nuevo periodo, sino a todas otra mujeres y hombres de otras regiones que deseen avanzar en las transformaciones necesarias y pausadas que significa un cargo como este.

Submitted by CBolano on Sun, 04/14/2024 - 08:19


César Bolaño, Brazil

I endorse Andrea as vice-president. She is a young Brazilian researcher, very active and will develop a godd job in IAMCR.

Submitted by Joseph.Muyangata on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 00:41


Joseph Muyangata

I endorsed Andrea Medrado as Vice President. She has demonstrated great capacity and ability to continue serving as the VP of IAMCR. She has my vote.