Jeremy Shtern - Candidate for Secretary General

Jeremy Shtern
Full Professor, School of Creative Industries, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

On this page, you will find Jeremy Shtern's candidate statement, the names of nominating members, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

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I would be honoured to be the next Secretary General of IAMCR and to contribute service and leadership to the work of this organization. I am Full Professor in the School of Creative Industries, at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University). I have been privileged with opportunities for significant academic leadership, administration and management experience. At my university, I have been an academic leader since 2017, serving as Interim and then Associate Department Chair, and Graduate Program Director, responsible for our MA and PhD programs in Communication and Cultural Studies. I have been involved in IAMCR since 2006 and previously served as Vice-Chair of the Communication Policy and Technology (CP&T) section. I was chair of the organizing committee of the IAMCR/UNESCO preconference in 2023. I have organized a number of other conferences and academic events in other roles. My work as secretary general would be grounded in commitments to: collegiality; sustainability; and, inclusiveness. Supporting emerging scholars from around the globe would be a key focus of mine and I would strive to plan IAMCR conferences that are authentic, welcoming, substantive, and affordable. I work in English and French, and recently completed a certificate program in Proficiency in Spanish. 



Sería un honor para mí ser el próximo Secretario General de la AEICS y aportar mi servicio y liderazgo al trabajo de esta organización. Soy profesor titular en la Escuela de Industrias Creativas de la Universidad Metropolitana de Toronto (TMU, anteriormente llamada Ryerson University). He tenido la oportunidad y el privilegio de adquirir experiencias de liderazgo en un ambiente académico, así como de administración y gestión. Me he desempeñado roles de liderazgo desde 2017 en TMU, fungiendo primero como jefe de departamento de manera interina, y luego como asociado. También he sido director de programas de posgrado, responsable de nuestros programas de maestría y doctorado en Comunicación y Estudios Culturales. He estado involucrado con IAMCR desde 2006, habiendo sido vicepresidente de la sección de Políticas de Comunicación y Tecnología (CP&T). Más recientemente, presidí el comité organizador de la pre-conferencia IAMCR/UNESCO en 2023. He trabajado en otras conferencias y eventos académicos en otras capacidades. Uno de mis principales objetivos como director sería apoyar a académicos emergentes de todo el mundo, y me esforzaría por planear conferencias de la AEICS que sean auténticas, acogedoras, significativas, y asequibles. Trabajo en Inglés y Francés, y recientemente completé un certificado de Español.



Je serais honoré d’être le prochain secrétaire général de l’IAIERI et de mettre au service et de cette organisation. Je suis professeur titulaire à l’École des Industries Créatives (School of Creative Industries) à l’Université Métropolitaine de Toronto (TMU, anciennement Ryerson). J'ai eu le privilège d'acquérir une expérience significative en matière de leadership dans un milieu académique, ainsi qu’en administration et en gestion. Au sein de mon université, j’occupe un rôle de leadership depuis 2017, en tant que directeur de département, d’abord par intérim puis comme associé, ainsi que directeur de programme d'études supérieures, responsable de nos programmes de maîtrise et de doctorat en communication et en études culturelles. Je suis impliqué dans l'IAMCR depuis 2006 et j'étais auparavant vice-président de la section « Communication Policy and Technology » (CP&T). Plus récemment, j’ai aussi présidé le comité d'organisation de la pré-conférence IAMCR/UNESCO en 2023, de même que d'autres conférences et événements académiques dans d'autres fonctions. Mon travail en tant que secrétaire général serait fondé sur la promotion de la collégialité, l’engagement durable, et l’inclusivité. Soutenir les chercheurs émergents à travers le monde serait l’une de mes priorités et je m'efforcerais de mettre sur pieds des conférences de l'IAIERI qui soient authentiques, accueillantes, substantielles et abordables. Je travaille tant en anglais qu’en français et j'ai récemment terminé un programme de certificat en espagnol.

Nominated by:

Steph Hill (University of Leicester)

Julia Pohle (WZB Berlin Social Science Center)

Eduardo Villanueva Mansilla (Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú)

Francesca Musiani (Centre for Internet and Society CNRS)

Weiyu Zhang (National University of Singapore)

Sandra Ristovska (University of Colorado Boulder)


Submitted by NCarpentier on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 18:39


Nico Carpentier, IAMCR president

During the past years, I have had the pleasure of working with Jeremy (even though it seems I’ve known him forever). He is hard-working, creative and solution-oriented. Moreover, he combines patience and criticality, which is rare (and very much needed for the position of general-secretary. I am very happy Jeremy is willing to take on this position, and I think IAMCR is lucky that he volunteered. He has my full support.

Submitted by FMusiani on Sun, 02/25/2024 - 06:58


Francesca Musiani

I wish to express my full support for colleague and friend Jeremy Shtern, whom I've known and appreciated through my fifteen years of involvement with IAMCR. Thank you Jeremy, IAMCR will be lucky to have you as SG!

Submitted by BKing on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 01:26


Dr Barry king

I have observed and known Jeremy over a number of years and am familiar with his research, his breadth of understanding of complex issues and the energy and commitment he brings to all he does. These virtues will redound to IAMCR.

Submitted by sahill on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 06:40


Stephanie Hill

I have known Jeremy for years as my academic supervisor at Toronto Metropolitan and now as friends and colleagues through IAMCR. Jeremy has prioritized the importance of global scholarship and critical academic work as long as I have known him. He's good at solving problems and works through institutional frameworks with patience and good humour. He will do a great job as secretary general.

Submitted by JPohle on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 15:22


Julia Pohle

I have had the pleasure to work and collaborate with Jeremy in different contexts, both within and outside of IAMCR, over the last 15 years. He is very dedicated, well organised, fair and a great friend and colleague who will bring a lot of patience and good humour to the position of Secretary General. I therefore fully support his candidacy.

Submitted by emanuelkombem on Sun, 03/17/2024 - 22:38


Prof. Emmanuel Ngwainmbi

I enjoyed working with Jeremy during the Internet pre-conference of UNESCO in Paris last year. Jeremy promptly responded to requests and questions. He was unusually calm, friendly, and professional. I observed him working with other colleagues, and I immediately concluded Jeremy is a people-oriented person, a tool we need in this organization to forge ahead. I believe Jeremy will bring new energy to the IAMC as Secretary General. Let's give Jeremy a chance.

Submitted by FOliveira Paulino on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 22:40


Fernando Oliveira Paulino

I think Jeremy has the enough experience to stimulate morevactions between IAMCR and regional entities, like ALAIC, and their members. Good luck,