Yiannis Christidis - Candidate for International Council

Yiannis Christidis
Cyprus University of Technology

On this page, you will find Yiannis Christidis's candidate statement, as well as endorsements posted by IAMCR members.

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The constant evolution of the new media and arts scene seems to boost the fluidity of the academic boundaries of Communication and Media Studies. In today’s digital age, which is, probably, now more interdisciplinary than ever, it is crucial that innovative and solid research is encouraged, aiming to improve the world’s living conditions. To capitalize on this unprecedented opportunity, it is important to foster collaborations between the wider field of Communication and Media Studies and other relevant disciplines. It is Academia’s social and ethical obligation to humbly explore the real intricacies of everyday life and use the tools it possesses to contribute to resolving global problems, such as wars and climate change, by targeting related micro-economies.

IAMCR can serve as a collective conveyance for change at an international level, and mitigate conceptual, or even actual world defects. As both academic and artistic practices constantly form spaces for problem-solving and/or creative interventions, the association has a true potential to create such meaningful changes, in an ever-changing contemporary era, by thinking, acting and producing critically and creatively.


La evolución constante de la escena de los nuevos medios y las artes parece que impulsa la fluidez de los límites académicos de los Estudios de Comunicación y Medios. En la era digital, que probablemente hoy es más interdisciplinaria que nunca, es crucial que se fomente la investigación innovadora y sólida, con el objetivo de mejorar las condiciones de vida del mundo. Para aprovechar esta oportunidad sin precedentes, es importante fomentar colaboraciones entre el campo más amplio de la Comunicación y los Estudios de Medios y otras disciplinas relevantes. Es una obligación social y ética de la academia, explorar humildemente las verdaderas complejidades de la vida cotidiana, y utilizar las herramientas para contribuir a resolver problemas globales, como las guerras y el cambio climático, centrándose en las microeconomías relacionadas.

IAMCR puede servir como vehículo colectivo para el cambio a nivel internacional, y mitigar defectos conceptuales o incluso del mundo real. Dado que las prácticas académicas y artísticas forman constantemente espacios para la resolución de problemas y/o intervenciones creativas, la asociación tiene un verdadero potencial para crear cambios tan significativos, en una era contemporánea en constante cambio, al pensar, actuar y producir de manera crítica y creativa.


L’évolution constante de la nouvelle scène médiatique et artistique semble stimuler la fluidité des limites académiques dans le domaine des Études de Communication et Médias. Dans l’ère numérique actuelle, aujourd’hui plus interdisciplinaire que jamais auparavant, il est primordial d’encourager une recherche solide et novatrice ayant comme but d’améliorer les conditions de vie dans le monde. Afin de profiter de cette opportunité sans précédent, il est important de favoriser les collaborations entre le domaine des Études de Communication et Médias dans le sens plus large, et d’autres disciplines pertinentes. Le monde académique a la responsabilité, aussi bien sociale qu’éthique, d’explorer avec humilité les subtilités de la vie quotidienne et utiliser les outils dont elle possède pour contribuer à la résolution des enjeux globaux, tels que le changement climatique et les guerres, en ciblant des micro-économies concernées.

L’IAMCR peut servir de moyen collectif favorisant le changement à un niveau international, ainsi qu’atténuer les défauts conceptuels, voire actuels, du monde. Puisque la pratique académique aussi bien qu’artistique constituent sans cesse des espaces qui favorisent la résolution des problèmes et/ou les interventions créatives, l’association a un véritable potentiel de créer de tels changements significatifs dans cette ère contemporaine en évolution constante, en réfléchissant, en agissant, et en produisant de manière critique et créative.


Submitted by NCarpentier on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 19:03


Nico Carpentier, IAMCR president

Yiannis became involved in IAMCR as one of the winners of the Urban Communication Research Award, and continued to contribute to the selection committee for this Award. Yiannis is a multi-talented scholar, documentary filmmaker, radio producer and musician, and an excellent teacher. With a PhD in the Social Anthropology of Sound, his role in IAMCR's International Council will strengthen our interdisciplinary base, and allow us to open up more avenues for creativity, criticality and originality.

Submitted by LSpyridou on Sun, 02/25/2024 - 05:05


Paschalia (Lia) Spyridou

It is a great pleasure to see the candidacy of Yiannis Christidis for the International Council of IAMCR. Yiannis is an excellent academic and an artist. I can testify to the creativity, sincerity, perseverance and collegiality that he will bring to IAMCR’s International Council.

Submitted by AAgisilaou on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 05:14


Andria Agesilaou

Yiannis Christidis is an exceptional academic and a multi-talented personality with achievements in film-making, documentary, radio producing, arts and music. His passion, creativity, originality, and persistence are reflected in every project with which he is involved. I am really confident for his multi-level contribution to the IAMCR’s International Council.

Submitted by RSandra on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 22:42


Sandra Ristovska

As a current IC member, I write to support Dr. Yiannis Christidis's candidacy. His interdisciplinary and multimodal perspective on questions central to the field of media and communication studies would add valuable contributions to our association.

Submitted by MSouropetsis on Tue, 02/27/2024 - 13:13


Markos Souropetsis

It is with great enthusiasm that I endorse Yiannis Christidis for IAMCR's International Council. In today's rapidly evolving media landscape, it is imperative that we have individuals who bring not only expertise but also a fresh perspective to the table. Having had the privilege of working alongside Yiannis Christidis, I can attest to his unwavering dedication to advancing the fields of media and arts research. Yiannis' background in sound design, documentary film making, radio production and music composition, uniquely positions him to contribute valuable insights as long as creative and innovative ideas.