Rebeca Padilla - Candidate for International Council

Rebeca Padilla
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes

On this page, you will find Rebeca Padilla's candidate statement, the names of nominating members along with their supporting statements, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

To add an endorsement in support of Rebeca, scroll to the bottom of this page and click: "Add comment". Please include your full name and affiliation in the "from" field.

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I have participated in IAMCR since 2008 and been fascinated by the vitality and plurality of the IAMCR community and the quality of its conferences. I share its spirit and would like to contribute from Mexico. I have been formed by Latin American critical thought and promote a practice of communication and media research that responds to inequalities and violence.

My expertise lies in audience studies and ICT for development and social change. The sociocultural study of media practices and their contribution to empowering citizenship equality among diversity has been the core of my interest. I am a professor at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico. And a member of the National System of Researchers of the Council for Humanities, Science and Technology, level 2. Some of my publications are Do those who listen also speak out? Political and citizen participation of radio newscasts audiences in Mexico (2023), SAGE; Itineraries for organizations in favor of youth. ICT and development (2019) and Citizen and Media Geographies (2012), UAA. I speak English fluently and work well as a team. More information about my work can be found at:


He participado en IAMCR a partir de 2008 y me ha fascinado la vitalidad y pluralidad de la comunidad IAMCR y la calidad de sus congresos. Comparto su espíritu y quisiera contribuir desde México. Me he formado en el pensamiento crítico latinoamericano y promuevo una práctica de la investigación de la comunicación y los medios que responda a los problemáticas de las desigualdades y violencias.

Mis especialización son los estudios de audiencias y las TIC para el desarrollo y el cambio social. El centro de mi interés ha sido el estudio sociocultural de las prácticas mediáticas para impulsar su contribución a empoderar a la ciudadanía a través de la diversidad. Soy profesora de la Unviersidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México y miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del Consejo Nacional para las Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías, nivel 2. Algunas de mis publicaciones destacadas son Do those who listen also speak out? Political and citizen participation of radio newscasts audiences in Mexico (2023), Itinerarios para organizaciones a favor de los jóvenes. TIC y desarrollo (2019) y Geografías ciudadanas y mediáticas (2012). Habló inglés con fluidez y trabajo bien en equipo. Mayor información sobre mi trayectoria puede consultarse en:


Submitted by MEcheverria on Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:34


Martin Echeverria, Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico

Dear Members of IAMCR:

I am writing to express my support for Professor Rebeca Padilla's candidacy for a position on the International Council of IAMCR. With a focus on audience studies and information and communications technologies for development and social change, Professor Padilla brings valuable expertise to the table.

As a full-time professor at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, México, Professor Padilla is actively involved in academic leadership and interdisciplinary research. Her membership in the Mexican National System of Researchers of CONACHYT, level 2, and her roles within the university demonstrate her dedication to advancing scholarship and institutional development.

In addition to her institutional roles, Professor Padilla is engaged with professional associations such as the Mexican Association of Communication Researchers (AMIC), the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers (ALAIC), and the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). Her participation in these organizations reflects her commitment to scholarly exchange and collaboration on a global scale.

Furthermore, Professor Padilla's involvement in advisory councils related to human rights and information and communication technologies underscores her commitment to addressing societal challenges through research and advocacy.

Overall, Professor Rebeca Padilla's experience and dedication make her a strong candidate for the International Council of IAMCR. I believe her contributions would enhance the council's ability to fulfill its mission and objectives.

Submitted by DFlores on Tue, 02/27/2024 - 15:27


Dorismilda Flores-Márquez, Co-Chair of the Participatory Communication Research Section

I have known Rebeca for more than 20 years, as I was her student in the BA in Communication and her research assistant several years later, in projects on citizenship and communication. Over time we recognized each other as colleagues and friends.
Rebeca is an outstanding researcher, with many years of experience, which have earned her several institutional recognitions and level 2 in the National System of Researchers in Mexico. As a researcher she has actively pursuit public impact.
She has participated in several associations of communication researchers, such as the Mexican Association of Communication Researchers (AMIC), the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers (ALAIC) and, of course, IAMCR. In this, Rebeca has participated for several years as presenter in Audience Section and as presenter and reviewer in the Participatory Communication Research Section, in which I am currently co-chair.
I support her candidacy, because the IC requires diversity and she can contribute a lot, from her position as an experienced Latin American female scholar.

Submitted by AMelo on Fri, 03/15/2024 - 16:08


Ana Duarte Melo

I know some of Rebecca Padilla's work from several interactions and presentations at the Participatory Communication Section and I admire her qualities as a scholar. She is also a natural leader, irradiating sympathy and an openness to dialogue that will enrich the IC.

Submitted by KArriaza on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 20:25


Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Complutense University of Madrid

Me da mucho gusto apoyar la candidatura al International Council de Rebeca Padilla, una profesora que lleva mucho tiempo siendo miembro de la IAMCR y que proviene de una región tan bonita como Aguas Calientes, México. Creo que tenemos el deber de apoyar el deseo de afianzamiento internacional de colegas que de forma valiente dan un paso al frente y quieren hacer más por la IAMCR. Rebeca cuenta con mi voto, y te invito a que la votes también. ¡Gracias!

It is my pleasure to support the candidacy for the International Council of Rebeca Padilla, a professor who has been a long-standing member of IAMCR, who comes from such a beautiful region like Aguas Calientes, Mexico. I believe that we must support the aim of more international presence from those colleagues who decide to courageously move forward and try to do more for IAMCR. Rebeca has my vote, and I invite you to vote for her as well. Thank You!

Submitted by TTufte on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 14:31


Thomas Tufte

i would hereby like to endorse Rebeca Padilla's candidacy for IAMCR Int'l Council. I have known Rebeca for about 10 years and collaborated with her on several occasions, co-authoring with her and engaging in joint research projects. Rebeca will be an excellent Latin American voice on the International Council, having long-standing IAMCR experience. She is always an active and engaged person whereever she participates. On this basis she has my strong support.

Submitted by LNavarroZ on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 19:29


Lizy Navarro Zamora

As a Mexican Association of Communication Researchers (AMIC) member, we support her candidacy, for her career in IAMCR and AMIC.

Dr. Lizy Navarro Zamora

Current Mexican Association of Communication Researchers (AMIC)’ President

Submitted by FOliveira Paulino on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 22:01


Fernando Oliveira Paulino

I think Rebeca could support more initiatives in the dialogue and cooperation among researchers and associations that make part of the IAMCR

Submitted by FOliveira Paulino on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 22:01


Fernando Oliveira Paulino

I think Rebeca could support more initiatives in the dialogue and cooperation among researchers and associations that make part of the IAMCR

Submitted by FOliveira Paulino on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 22:01


Fernando Oliveira Paulino

I think Rebeca could support more initiatives in the dialogue and cooperation among researchers and associations that make part of the IAMCR