João Canavilhas - Candidate for International Council

João Canavilhas
University of Beira Interior

On this page, you will find João Canavilhas's candidate statement, as well as endorsements posted by IAMCR members.

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My name is João Canavilhas, and I currently hold a position as a professor at the University of Beira Interior (Covilhã -Portugal). I received my PhD from the University of Salamanca (Spain), and my scientific endeavors has been shaped through collaborations with Labcom - Laboratory of Communication and Arts, in conjunction with various research groups in Spain and Brazil.
I have contributed to the academic landscape with approximately 120 works, spanning books, chapters, and papers. In addition to my scholarly pursuits, I have served as an evaluator for research funding agencies in Portugal, Spain, and Brazil.

From 2013 to 2021, I held the role of vice-rector for teaching and internationalization. During this period, I established connections with educational institutions worldwide and spearheaded the initiative that led UBI to become one of the founding members of the European university UNITA.
With over 20 years of experience, I have gained insights into diverse teaching and research systems, with a specific emphasis on the Portuguese-speaking Ibero-American and African countries. It is this wealth of experience that I am eager to contribute to IAMCR, and I am running for a position on the International Council to further this commitment.


Me llamo João Canavilhas y actualmente soy profesor en la Universidad de Beira Interior (Covilhã -Portugal). Hice el doctorado en la Universidad de Salamanca (España), y mi carrera científica ocurrió en Labcom - Laboratorio de Comunicación y Artes, en colaboración con varios grupos de investigación en España y Brasil.
He contribuido al panorama académico con aproximadamente 120 trabajos, entre libros, capítulos y artículos. Además de mis actividades académicas, he trabajado como evaluador para agencias de financiación de la investigación en Portugal, España y Brasil.

De 2013 a 2021, ocupé el cargo de vicerrector de docencia e internacionalización. Durante este periodo, establecí conexiones con instituciones educativas de todo el mundo y lideré la iniciativa que llevó a la UBI a convertirse en uno de los miembros fundadores de la universidad europea UNITA.
Con más de 20 años de experiencia, he adquirido conocimientos sobre diversos sistemas de enseñanza e investigación, con especial énfasis en los países iberoamericanos y africanos de habla portuguesa. Es este caudal de experiencia el que deseo aportar a la IAMCR, y me presento a un puesto en el Consejo Internacional para impulsar este compromiso.


Submitted by ACasero-Ripolles on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 13:56


Andreu Casero-Ripollés, Full Professor, Universitat Jaume I de Castelló (Spain)

It is a pleasure for me to endorse the candidacy of Professor João Canavilhas for the International Council of IAMCR. I am sure that with his experience, vision and academic excellence he will make outstanding contributions to the future of IAMCR.

Submitted by APase on Wed, 02/28/2024 - 01:11


André Pase, professor, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

Professor Canavilhas is not just an academic reference, but a colleague with a natural ability to connect people, build strong ties, and create knowledge in a natural flow of co-creation. Over the last two decades, he turned Covilhã into a “capitol city” for Online Journalism, promoting our field, and attracting dozens of young researchers to work with him. He is a very prestigious member of IAMCR community, always discussing emergent topics that really matter for Social Communication.

Submitted by FGiacomelli on Wed, 02/28/2024 - 13:05


Fábio Giacomelli, Marketing Planning Manager at EBC - Brazil Communication Company

Professor João Canavilhas is one of the most esteemed researchers in the world. But that alone is not enough to represent him. Professor João is an incredible human being who warmly and attentively welcomes the researchers who work alongside him. IAMCR, in welcoming him to its International Council, gains an excellent researcher who is always at the forefront of academic research, who understands and advocates for the importance of Communication in this current global context like few others.

Submitted by GGonçalves on Mon, 03/04/2024 - 16:42


Gisela Gonçalves, Professor, University of Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal)

I have known João Canavilhas for over 25 years now and I have always been largely inspired by his global vision, enthusiasm, and exceptional research talents. João is a do-er, a problem solver and a great communicator and team leader. I have worked closely with him, as colleagues at the same Department and when he was the vice-rector for internationalization. I could observe his work on firsthand and I was always impressed by his vision, problem solving mind-set and integrity. I endorse him for the international council, I firmly believe that his distinctive skills and work engagement will contribute to fostering the IAMCR internationalization strategy and vision.

Submitted by AMelo on Fri, 03/15/2024 - 18:29


Ana Duarte Melo

João Canavilhas is a Portuguese scholar with recognized national and international work. His international experience and networking could be an asset to the IC.

Submitted by CEdo on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 19:43


Concha Edo - Complutense University of Madrid

I am sending this message to support Joao Canavilhas as a member of the International Council. His academic prestige, his experience, his work capacity and his positive and open attitude of support for researchers make him an excellent candidate for this position.

Submitted by EGarcia de Torres on Thu, 03/21/2024 - 11:41


Elvira Garcia de Torres

As a member of IAMCR currently Chair of Ethics WG I express my support to the candidacy of Dr. Joao Canavilhas as member of the International Council. If elected Prof. Canavilhas will be an asset to IAMCR not only because of his career as scholar in the field but also in view of his experience in the academic management

Submitted by FOliveira Paulino on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 21:44


Fernando Oliveira Paulino

Joao Canavilhas is a colleague very involved with international cooperation and dialogue. His experience could help International Council next years

Submitted by FOliveira Paulino on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 21:44


Fernando Oliveira Paulino

Joao Canavilhas is a colleague very involved with international cooperation and dialogue. His experience could help International Council next years

Submitted by PJerónimo on Mon, 04/08/2024 - 06:44


Pedro Jerónimo

I hereby express my support for João Canavilhas. I've known him for around 15 years, especially since I started my PhD. João was “the” reference in the study of digital journalism in Portugal with a more international dimension (something that has become more pronounced over the years). Since then, I have followed his work, always at the forefront of studies on technology and journalism. In the last five years I have done it more closely, being his colleague at LabCom (communication research unit at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal). Alongside the academic dimension, in which I highlight management and leadership skills, I add the human dimension. There, too, João stands out, with his good humor and ability to motivate. Finally, I have to talk about its international and mobility dimension. João has visited more than 60 countries, where he has been a network promoter. I am sure that the IAMCR International Council will only benefit from his presence.