Ole J. Mjøs - Candidate for International Council

Ole Johan Mjøs
University of Bergen

On this page, you will find Ole J. Mjøs' candidate statement, as well as endorsements from IAMCR members.

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My name is Ole J. Mjøs, and I am Professor in Media Studies, University of Bergen (UiB), Norway. I specialize in the fields of international communication and global media, focusing on the media and communications industries.

I wish to become a member of the International Council of the IAMCR and will contribute with my experience from research and teaching, and from five years of serving as the Academic Director for UIB in the Media City Bergen cluster.

In 2023, I launched the only current MA course in Norway in global media studies, and published the textbook An Introduction to Global Media for the Twenty-First Century (Bloomsbury Academic). I am currently writing my third research monograph with Routledge and am co-author of The Media Welfare State: Nordic Media in the Digital Era (2014, University of Michigan Press). This book has become a key work internationally for understanding and situating the region’s media system and society, in a global context.

Launched in 2017, the Media City Bergen cluster consists of co-located academic and industry players with extensive collaboration in research, innovation, and teaching. During my time as Academic Director we launched study programmes in media production, technology, and journalism, including the first MA in Investigative Journalism in Norway, for both students and professionals.


Submitted by Daya Thussu on Mon, 03/11/2024 - 07:48


Professor Daya Thussu, Hong Kong Baptist University

I am very happy to learn that Professor Ole Mjøs is contesting to be a member of the International Council of the IAMCR. He would be an excellent addition. Always sober and thoughtful, he will bring his enormous expertise on media industry to the council, and I strongly recommend his candidature.

Submitted by JackLiu on Thu, 04/11/2024 - 06:32


Prof. Jack Liu

I support Prof. Ole to become the council member. He does well in both research and practice. He established the media industries center, and wrote three books for academia and students. Hope he can win.