Sisanda Nkoala - Candidate for International Council

Sisanda Nkoala
University of the Western Cape
South Africa

On this page, you will find Sisanda Nkoala's candidate statement, the names of nominating members, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

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Sisanda Nkoala, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the University of the Western Cape and a vice-Chair of the Media Education Research section. The focus of her scholarship and teaching is on the rhetoric and language of and in South African media ecologies. She is focused on analysing how different actors within the media space use language to persuade, what they persuade us of, and how the unique characteristics of the South African context impact the rhetorical and linguistic choices. Her aim is to unpack the persuasive power of media in shaping the South African narrative particularly in relation to marginalised voices, indigenous languages, and alternative media platforms and forms. Alongside her involvement with IAMCR, she currently serves as Vice President of the South African Communication Association (SACOMM) and the Secretary General of the African Journalism Educators' Network (AJEN).

Nominated by:

Michael Hoechsmann, Lakehead University, Canada


Submitted by WMano on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 13:02


Professor Winston Mano, University of Westminster

I enthusiastically endorse Dr. Sisanda Nkoala for the IAMCR international council, basing this on her invaluable experience as Vice-Chair of the Media Education Research section. Dr. Nkoala's expertise aligns seamlessly with the demands of this role. I particularly commend Dr. Nkoala for how her work sheds light on the complex interplay between language, power, and society. Her vision, expertise, and dedication will undoubtedly enrich the international council. Dr. Sisanda Nkoala is indisputably well-suited for the available position on the IAMCR council.