Alina Bernstein - Candidate for International Council

Alina Bernstein
School of Media Studies, College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS), The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University

On this page, you will find Alina Bernstein's candidate statement, the names of nominating members along with their supporting statements, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

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I joined IAMCR in Bled in 1990 when Cees Hamelink was the president, and the permanent headquarter of the organization was at the University of Leicester. I presented part of my MA dissertation to the then Media and Sport Working Group (probably wearing a questionable '90s fashion statement). A lot has changed since, but what I could not imagine at that time was that in 2024, I would step down from being the (eternal...) co-head of the Media, Communication, and Sport section. What has not changed is my bond to IAMCR and my commitment to contribute to the organization that has been my scholarly home for decades. For that purpose, I would be grateful if you voted for me, enabling me to continue being part of the IC, and this time as an elected member.

My academic interest has focused on media and sport, an area in which I have presented at IAMCR over the years and published extensively. Among my publications are the books Sport, Media, Culture: Global and
Local Dimensions (Frank Cass, 2003, co-edited with Neil Blain) and Bodies of Discourse: Sport Stars, Mass Media, and the Global Public (Peter Lang, 2012, co-edited with Cornel Sandvoss and Michael Real). 

Nominated by:

Xavier Ramon, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain


Submitted by Daya Thussu on Mon, 03/11/2024 - 08:09


Professor Daya Thussu, Hong Kong Baptist University

Always a great presence at the IAMCR annual conferences, Professor Bernstein is one of the veterans of the organization. I strongly support her candidature for the International Council - we will all benefit from her experience.

Submitted by XRamon on Wed, 03/13/2024 - 07:14


Dr. Xavier Ramon, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

As co-chair of the Media, Communication and Sport (MCS) section, I strongly endorse the candidacy of Alina Bernstein for the International Council. Alina has been involved in IAMCR since 1990. As a leading scholar, Alina has helped to advance the understanding of media, communication and sport nexus while making a pivotal contribution to the organization, both as section chair and member of the IC. I truly believe the IC will benefit from her ideas, experience, and global vision.

Submitted by NCarpentier on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 15:11


Nico Carpentier

Alina has been a very appreciated member of the IAMCR international council, as a S/WG representative. It has been a pleasure to work with her, as she always took a very constructive and dialogical (but still critical) position. I’m very happy to see that she is now standing for election for the IC, and I have no reservation in endorsing her.