Seldağ Güneş Peschke - Candidate for International Council

Seldağ Güneş Peschke
Faculty of Law, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University Türkiye

On this page, you will find Seldağ Güneş Peschke's candidate statement, the names of nominating members, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

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I was graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Law and had master and phd in Ankara
University. I worked in Privatization Administration as a lawyer 1995-1997 and got the scholarship of
Italian Government 2000-2001, attended Corso diPerfezionamento and did research for phd. in Roma
La Sapienza University.

I got scholarships from DAAD and Max Planck Institute 2006-2012 in Germany. I worked as guest
professor in Bonn, Tilburg and Cologne University Media Law Institute. I gave lectures in e Campus
University/ Italy, Bonn, Saarland and Würzburg Universities (2012-2024). In 2009 I became associate
professor, in 2015 professor in Law. I am Head of Comparative Law in AYBU Faculty of Law and working
on media law, personality rights, privacy, ethics, data protection, women studies.

I have great experience in EU and Horizon 2020 projects, as partner and coordinator. I am
member of Ankara and Cologne Bar Associations. I speak fluent English, German and Italian. I have
five books and many articles in national and international journals.

It is my honor to be a member of International Council of IAMCR. I would like to contribute
to the association with my experiences in media and communication law.

Nominated by:

Vaia Doudaki, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Complutense University, Spain

I would like to nominate as a candidate to be elected for the International Council Prof. Seldag Gunes Peschke. I believe that the IC members from Turkey are very few right now (none, to be honest); she is very much interested in participating more actively at IAMCR and has the skills and abilities to do this successfully.

Lutz Peschke, Dept. of Communication & Design, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey

I write this email in order to nominate / propose Prof. Dr. Seldag Gunes Peschke, who is member of Law section, for the International Council of IAMCR in this year's IAMCR election process. I believe that her expertise after all these years in the sections and her very international professional background as a media lawyer will make her a perfect member  of the International Council of the  Association. 


Submitted by NCarpentier on Tue, 03/19/2024 - 15:15


Nico Carpentier

I've worked with Seldag in a European research project, where she played a constructive and supportive role, also showing her organisational skills. I'm happy to endorse her.

Submitted by KArriaza on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 22:56


Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Complutense University of Madrid

Seldag is the perfect candidate for the IC of IAMCR. She is a Turkish media law professor, but has a wide experience teaching in Europe and in handling European (EU and Horizon 2020) projects. Besides from English and Turkish (her mother tongue), she speaks German and Italian. She is a passionate, wonderful lady who now wants to participate more at IAMCR. I encourage you to vote for her as member of the International Council, like I certainly will :)

Submitted by sgunespeschke on Wed, 04/03/2024 - 12:58



Dear Colleagues,

I am the candidate of the International Council of IAMCR. Since years I have been working on women rights and empowerment of women.

I would like to share my happiness with you I experienced last sunday, as there were the municipality elections in Turkey. I am very happy to inform you that all over Turkey, in 11 cities and 16 districts, women candidates were elected as mayors . I am especially pleased that the number of women working in decision-making positions has increased.
This situation made me very happy and courageous. I will continue fighting for empowerment of women with all my strength that we reach the positions we deserve in the working life and become senior executives.
Our main principle should be "Never give up, always move forward"