Bushra Hameedur Rahman - Candidate for President

Bushra Hameedur Rahman
Dean at Beaconhouse National University

On this page, you will find Bushra Hameedur Rahman's candidate statement, the names of nominating members along with their supporting statements, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

To add an endorsement in support of Bushra Hameedur Rahman, scroll to the bottom of this page and click: "Add comment". Please include your full name and affiliation in the "from" field.

You must be an IAMCR member logged into your account to post an endorsement.



Dear Colleagues,

It is a moment of extreme happiness and honor for me that, in my 16 years of association with IAMCR, I find myself humbly nominated for the position of IAMCR president. In my journey I have richly benefited from its diverse culture of scholarship, understanding, and the will to work for a better world. My association with IAMCR has made me a more empathetic individual. IAMCR has been playing an effective role in bringing in the marginalized voices to the forefront and making us feel the pain of others. In this fragmented world marked by divisions, I believe IAMCR now even has a stronger and more effective role to play. Maintaining its legacy of bridging extreme divisions, it now needs to move forward with a renewed and innovative approach.

I advocate for an inclusive approach, rejecting the notion of a purely Western or non-Western perspective. In my opinion, voices should be viewed as complementary rather than as superior or inferior to each other, working together to make a positive impact on humanity.This perspective aims to unite, rather than further divide, in an already fragmented world. I embrace a stream of consciousness where, without undermining others' viewpoints, we collaborate to build consensus and strive for the common good.

This endeavor is rooted in universal principles such as equality, solidarity, and freedom. I strongly believe that the existence of opposing viewpoints offers a remarkable chance for us to collaboratively forge a fresh and advantageous path for all of humanity. Simultaneously,I am also committed to stressing the importance of remaining vigilant against the subtle manipulation of social, economic, and political agendas by those in power, which perpetuates cultural oppression and injustice particularly in this age of AI.

As a member of a public university and the founder and president of Pakistan's largest media academic association, I believe I possess the sensibilities and determination to contribute significantly to furthering the cause and spirit of IAMCR.


Queridas colegas y Queridos colegas,

Es un momento de extrema felicidad y honor para mí que, en mis 16 años de pertenencia a la AIECS, me encuentre humildemente nominando para la posición de presidenta de la AIECS.

En mi trayectoria como miembro, presidenta y copresidenta del Grupo Islam y Medios en dos ocasiones, me he beneficiado enormemente las diversas culturas alli presentes, de su erudición, comprensión y voluntad de trabajar por un mundo mejor. Mi asociación con la AIECS me ha convertido en una persona más empática. La AIECS ha desempeñado un papel eficaz a la hora de poner en primer plano las voces marginadas y hacernos sentir el dolor de los demás.

En este mundo fragmentado y marcado por divisiones, creo que la AIECS ahora tiene un papel más fuerte y eficaz que desempeñar. Debe mantener su legado de superar divisiones extremas, ahora necesita avanzar con un
enfoque renovado e innovador. Abogo por un enfoque inclusivo, rechazando la noción de una perspectiva puramente occidental o, no - occidental. En mi opinión, las voces deben considerarse complementarias y no superiores o inferiores entre sí, trabajando juntas para generar un impacto positivo en la humanidad. Esta perspectiva apunta a unir, en lugar de dividir aún más, en un mundo ya fragmentado. Acepto una corriente de conciencia en la que, sin socavar los puntos de vista de los demás, colaboremos para construir consenso y
luchar por el bien común. Este esfuerzo tiene sus raíces en principios universales como la igualdad, la solidaridad y la libertad. Creo firmemente que la existencia de puntos de vista opuestos nos ofrece una oportunidad extraordinaria para ññforjar en colaboración un camino nuevo y ventajoso para toda la humanidad. Al mismo tiempo, también me comprometo a enfatizar la importancia de permanecer alerta contra la manipulación sutil de las agendas sociales, económicas y políticas por parte de quienes están en el poder, que
perpetúa la opresión y la injusticia cultural, particularmente en esta era de la IA. Como miembro de una universidad pública y fundador y presidente de la asociación académica de medios más grande de Pakistán, creo que poseo la sensibilidad y la determinación para contribuir significativamente a promover la causa y el espíritu de la AIECS.


Chers collègues,

C'est avec une joie immense et un profond sentiment d'honneur que je me tiens devant vous aujourd'hui. Après seize années d'engagement au sein de l'AIERI, me voilà humblement promu à la présidence de cette illustre institution.

Durant mon parcours, en tant que membre, puis président et coprésident du groupe "Islam et médias", j'ai eu l'immense privilège de m'enrichir de sa culture d'érudition diversifiée, d'une compréhension profonde, et d'un engagement sans faille envers la construction d'un monde meilleur.

Mon voyage avec l'AIERI m'a transformé en une personne plus empathique, plus ouverte. Grâce à son action, les voix autrefois marginalisées ont trouvé un écho, nous touchant au plus profond et nous faisant ressentir la souffrance des autres comme la nôtre.

Dans un monde éclaté, traversé par des lignes de fracture profondes, le rôle de l'AIERI devient encore plus crucial. Nous devons non seulement perpétuer notre héritage de réduction des clivages, mais aussi adopter une démarche innovante, tournée vers l'avenir. Je me fais l'avocat d'une approche inclusive, rejetant toute forme de perspective unilatérale, qu'elle soit occidentale ou autre. Toutes les voix, à mon sens, doivent être considérées
comme des partenaires égales, oeuvrant de concert pour un impact positif sur l'humanité. Cette vision a pour objectif de réunir, plutôt que de diviser davantage notre monde déjà fragmenté. Je prône un éveil collectif où, en respectant les points de vue de chacun, nous oeuvrons ensemble vers un consensus, vers le bien commun.

Cet effort s'inscrit dans des valeurs universelles : égalité, solidarité, liberté. Je suis convaincu que l'existence de points de vue divergents nous offre une opportunité unique de bâtir ensemble un avenir prometteur pour l'humanité tout entière. En même temps, je m'engage à rester vigilant face à la manipulation des agendas sociaux, économiques et politiques par les détenteurs de pouvoir, qui perpétuent l'oppression culturelle et l'injustice, surtout à l'ère de l'intelligence artificielle.

En tant que membre d'une université publique, fondateur et président de la plus grande association académique de médias du Pakistan, je me sens prêt, avec la sensibilité et la détermination nécessaires, à apporter une contribution significative à l'AIERI, porteur de son esprit et de sa mission.

Nominated by:

Nico Carpentier, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Vaia Doudaki, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Zaeem Yasin, College for Women University Lahore, Pakistan

Fitria Angeliqa, Communication Science Faculty, Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia

Sobia Abid, University of the Punjab, Pakistan

Saadia Ishtiaq Nauman, University of Stirling, United Kingdom

Fahad Mahmood
Griffith University

I am writing this email to make a very strong endorsement for the nomination of Professor Dr Bushar Hameed ur Rahman for the position of President IAMCR.

Prof. Bushra is the most appropriate candidate for IAMCR leadership with her unique background that offers an ability to nourish the academic culture of IAMCR for more diversity and wider academic ethos with deeper understanding of complex issues faced by this world and how could media and communication play its role in resolving them.

Her association with IAMCR spans over fifteen years and she understands the association culture very well.

I am confident that she would lead the IAMCR in this new era with more inclusivity and empathy.

Prof. Dr. Abida Ashraf
Chairperson, Department of Public Relations and Advertising
School of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Human Rights Chair, University of the Punjab

With great pleasure and pride, I endorse the candidature of Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman for the esteemed position of President at IAMCR. Her practical contributions to the growth of media scholarship in Pakistan are truly commendable. As the founder and President of AMCAP, she has transformed the aspirations of media academics into a reality, creating a pioneering platform – AMCAP, the first country-wide association of media academics and professionals. Under her leadership, AMCAP has successfully organized nine International Conferences, four Doctoral Spring Schools, numerous workshops, seminars, webinars, and projects, such as the InkWave Publications Project, aimed at fostering a writing and publication culture in Pakistan.

Additionally, Dr. Rahman has bridged the gap between media academics and professionals through the innovative "Academia Media Liaison - AML" project. Her unwavering determination to promote solidarity, integrity, and a culture of care resonates across all levels, domains, cultures, and regions. AMCAP stands as a vibrant platform, uniting scholars from diverse countries to create a captivating galaxy of perspectives.

Driven by her resolution and practical approach, she initiated the Doctoral Spring School, inspired by ECREA's summer school model, thereby enriching academic opportunities in Pakistan. Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman has tremendous potential to significantly contribute to the advancement of IAMCR's goals, driving them to new horizons. Her commitment to promoting international collaboration and nurturing diverse perspectives positions her as an ideal candidate for the role of IAMCR President.

Claudia Lago
São Paulo University

I would like to nominate Bushra Hameedur Rahman for the position of president of IAMCR.
Professor Bushra Rahman is Chairperson ate Journalism Department School of Communication Studies at University of the Punjab, Editor of Journal of Media Studies, president of Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals (AMCAP) and Chair of Islam and Media Group, at IAMCR, having been chair and co-chair on other occasions. But more than these titles, Bushra is a tireless defender of inclusion and dialogue as a way of expanding human relationships. Due to his performance, which I have followed for years, and his willingness and ability to work, I believe he is an excellent candidate for the presidency of IAMCR.

Fatma Elzahraa Elsayed
Professor of Journalism and Digital Media
Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University

This email is to nominate Prof Bushra Hameedur Rahman for President on the IAMCR Executive Board.

Hameedur Rahman strongly believes that the existence of opposing viewpoints offers a remarkable chance to collaboratively forge a fresh and advantageous path for all of humanity. Simultaneously, she is committed to stressing the importance of remaining vigilant against the subtle manipulation of social, economic, and political agendas by those in power, which perpetuates cultural oppression and injustice, particularly in this age of AI.

As Hameedr Rahman is a member of a public university and the founder and president of Pakistan's largest media academic association, I believe she possesses the sensibilities and determination to contribute significantly to furthering the cause and spirit of IAMCR.

Shafiq Ahmad Kamboh, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Communication Studies,
University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan

I am writing to enthusiastically nominate Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameed ur Rahman for the position of President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in the upcoming elections.

Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameed ur Rahman is a distinguished Senior Professor at the School of Communication Studies and the founding chairperson of the School of Journalism Studies at the University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Notably, she holds the esteemed position of founding president of the Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals (AMCAP).

With an exemplary career and an impressive background, Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameed ur Rahman brings a wealth of experience and leadership to the field of media and communication research. I firmly believe that her visionary leadership and dedication to advancing the field make her the ideal candidate for the role of IAMCR President. Her proven track record of leadership and service to the community will undoubtedly contribute to the continued success of IAMCR.

Thank you for considering my strong endorsement of Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameed ur Rahman. I am confident that her presidency would bring renewed energy and progress to IAMCR and the academic fraternity.

Shahla Adnan
Assistant Professor
Communication and Media Studies Department
Faculty of Social Sciences
Fatima Jinnah Women University, The Mall, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

I hereby nominate "Professor Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman" as per the subject. She is a passionate advocate for inclusivity, collaboration, and universal principles, making her an ideal candidate for IAMCR President.

Uzma Aleem
Doctoral Researcher
Western Sydney University

Through this email, I nominate Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman for the seat of President of IAMCR.

 Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman is a Professor in the School of Communication Studies, and Chairperson of Department of Journalism Studies at the University of Punjab. 

Her solid track record and significant input in the academic realms of Journalism and media studies put her right at the top as the best pick for the president of IAMCR.


Submitted by SJamil on Mon, 03/04/2024 - 00:50


Dr. Sadia Jamil, University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China

I nominate Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman for the position of IAMCR's President. With an inspiring academic career, Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameed ur Rahman brings rich experience and leadership to the field of media and communication research, and that add value to IAMCR.

Submitted by Ayesha Siddiqua on Wed, 03/06/2024 - 05:39


Dr. Ayesha Siddiqua, Associate Professor, Department of Media and Communication Studies, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad

I strongly endorse the nomination of Bushra Hameed ur Rahman as the next president of IAMCR. Professor Rahman's distinguished background as the Chairperson of the Journalism Department at the School of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Editor of the Journal of Media Studies, and President of the Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals (AMCAP) demonstrates her exceptional leadership and commitment to the field.

Submitted by WRizvi on Sun, 03/10/2024 - 05:43


Wajiha Raza Rizvi

I would like to nominate Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman who is a person of great will and motivation. She has been associated with IAMCR for about two decades, and she has twice led the S&WG Islam and Media as (Co)Chair. She twice bid for holding an IAMCR conference at University of Punjab Pakistan, which was established during the British era in 1882, and had the honor to house two Nobel laureates on Campus. ‎

Dr. Bushra established the Association of Media & Academic Professional (AMCAP) Pakistan, setting up the route to hold the IAMCR style annual conferences in Pakistan in 2016. Under its ambit, she has held ‎seven annual conferences and, with IAMCR’s support, seven 10 day long Doctoral Spring Schools to ‎train PhD scholars and faculty in various cities of Pakistan. She invited many IAMCR members and ‎experts to hold these sessions. These efforts speak volumes of her efforts for Pakistan’s academic and ‎research excellence. ‎

On 24 February 2024, Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman retired as a Professor and Chairperson from the ‎Department of Journalism Studies, School of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab and ‎joined Beaconhouse National University Pakistan as Dean School of Media & Mass Communication on ‎March 1, 2024. ‎

Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman critically explores the ways in which media discourses divide or unite communities. A strong supporter of peace journalism and research, she focuses on Occidentalism as opposed to Orientalism, Muslim feminism, and ethics and practices of Global communities, greatly desiring to make our shared world a better world for all Humanity. ‎

She is interested in Rousseau, Mary Parker Follett and late poet Muhammad Iqbal’s works on conflict ‎and integration, and deeply desires to develop a framework for consensus building among all, and especially, ‎Abrahamic communities for common good. ‎

She is also an Editor of the Journal of Media Studies University of the Punjab, and Chief editor of ‎AMCAP Journal of Media and Communication Studies.

Submitted by BFawad on Sat, 03/23/2024 - 12:39


Dr. Fawad Baig (Dean, FMMC at University of Central Punjab, Pakistan)

I wholeheartedly endorse Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman for the position of President of IAMCR. She is the founder and the President of Pakistan's largest media association AMCAP (Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals). This association organizes the international media conference and doctoral spring school in Pakistan every year. These events offer a forum for emerging researchers in Pakistan to engage with globally acclaimed scholars in media studies. She is also the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Media and Communication Studies (JMCS) under AMCAP. Her unwavering commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering collaboration within our community is truly commendable. Prof. Bushra's demonstrated history of effective leadership and her dedication to advancing media studies position her as an outstanding candidate for the President. I am optimistic that she will act as a liaison connecting scholars from developing nations. Vote for Prof. Bushra; and let's embark on this journey together towards greater achievements and impactful contributions to our field.

Submitted by SZamir on Sun, 03/24/2024 - 04:19


Sadia Zamir, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

It is with great enthusiasm that I extend my support and endorsement for Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman's candidacy for the esteemed position of President of IAMCR. Having interacted with her during the AMCAP conference and doctoral spring school, I can attest not only to her professional achievements but also to her genuine warmth, authenticity, and steadfast dedication to promoting inclusivity and collaboration, qualities that truly set her apart.
In every academic or personal interaction, Dr. Bushra manifests a rare combination of professionalism and genuine care. Dr. Bushra's founding of AMCAP coupled with her tenure as Chief Editor of AMCAP Journal of Media and Communication Studies, and coordination of Doctoral Spring Schools, highlights her versatile skill set and leadership capabilities. But what distinguishes Dr. Bushra is her ability to connect on a human level, making every individual feel valued and heard. I do not doubt that she will bring this same passion, warmth, and visionary leadership to IAMCR if elected as President. Under her leadership, I'm confident IAMCR will flourish, remaining a symbol of excellence and innovation in media and communication research.

Submitted by MElareshi on Mon, 03/25/2024 - 00:37


Mokhtar Elareshi, University of Sharjah, UAE

It is with great enthusiasm that I extend my support and endorsement for Prof. Dr. Rahman's candidacy for the esteemed position of President of IAMCR.

Submitted by BArtz on Thu, 03/28/2024 - 14:55


Lee Artz

In the several years I have shared research and teaching projects with Dr. Rahman, she has exhibited intense ethical concern for colleagues, students, and social justice for all. She also has demonstrated great leadership and organization at the University of Punjab and now as Dean at Beaconhouse National University.

Submitted by hafsajaved226 on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 07:37


Hafsa Javed, School of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore

It is with great enthusiasm that I wholeheartedly endorse the nomination of Professor Bushra Hameedur Rahman for the esteemed position of President of IAMCR. Prof. Dr. Bushra has embarked on an extraordinary fifteen-year journey within IAMCR, leaving an indelible mark through her unwavering commitment and dedication. She stands not only as an inspiration and beacon of excellence but also as a catalyst for transforming seemingly unattainable visions into tangible realities. With a profound expertise in media and research, coupled with formidable leadership acumen, she champions the cause of social justice, freedom, and humanity, with a steadfast focus on fostering inclusivity and amplifying the voices of marginalized communities for the collective welfare.
Prof. Dr. Bushra has made incredible contributions to the field of media and communication on both national and international levels. As the founder and President of AMCAP (Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals), she has inspired a huge number of media academics and professionals by bridging the gap between academia and professionals. Through strategic collaborations and unwavering support, she has provided a vital platform and guidance, empowering individuals to thrive and innovate within their respective domains.
With her unwavering commitment, tireless efforts, and exceptional capabilities, Professor Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman is an ideal candidate for the presidency of IAMCR. I firmly believe that her leadership will invigorate IAMCR's mission with renewed vigor and dynamism, thereby making a profound impact on association, academia and humanity's advancement as a whole.

Submitted by HAli on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 15:45


Habib Mohammad Ali, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh

I would like to post my vote for Professor Bushra Hameedur Rahman (Pakistan) for her candidature as the president of IAMCR.
In my opinion, Professor Bushra holds the dynamic qualities to be elected as the president in terms of her academic experiences, collaboration with local and global media scholars, contribution in knowledge development and passion for progressing media and communication studies for the betterment of the diverse communities across the world.
I believe her role as a president of IAMCR will help us to work collectively in order to address upcoming challenges in our fields and beyond. I wish all the best with her endeavour to serve for IAMCR.
Habib Mohammad Ali

Submitted by gongpy on Tue, 04/02/2024 - 02:25


Piyu Gong,Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,China

It is with great enthusiasm that I endorse the nomination of Professor Bushra Hameedur Rahman for the esteemed position of President of IAMCR.Prof. Dr. Bushra has embarked on an extraordinary fifteen-year journey within IAMCR.I believe her role as a president of IAMCR will help us to work collectively in order to address upcoming challenges in our fields and beyond.

Submitted by zaeem74 on Wed, 04/03/2024 - 11:19


Dr. Zaeem Yasin, Lahore College for Women University Lahore, Pakistan

It is with great enthusiasm that I extend my wholehearted endorsement to Prof. Dr. Buhsra Hameedur Rahman for the esteemed position of President of our IAMCR
In an era where effective leadership is paramount, Prof. Buhsra stands out as a beacon of integrity, vision, and dedication. Their track record within IAMCR speaks volumes, showcasing a deep understanding of our values, objectives, and the intricate dynamics that drive our success.
Having had the privilege to work closely with Prof. Buhsra, I can attest firsthand to their unwavering commitment to fostering inclusivity, promoting collaboration, and championing the interests of every member. Their approach is not merely about steering the ship but about empowering each individual to thrive, ensuring that every voice is heard and every perspective valued.
I urge you to join me in wholeheartedly supporting Prof. Buhsra for President. Together, let us embark on this journey towards a brighter future for IAMCR, guided by a leader who embodies the very best of our values and aspirations.

Submitted by ASadiqa on Sat, 04/06/2024 - 06:30


Dr. Ayesha Sadiqa, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

I wholeheartedly endorse Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rahman for IAMCR President. As the founder and President of AMCAP, Pakistan's largest media association, she organizes international media conferences and doctoral spring schools, facilitating global scholarly engagement. Her leadership as JMCS Editor in Chief underscores her commitment to advancing media studies. Her candidacy promises to bridge scholars from developing nations, fostering collaboration and significant contributions. With rich academic experience, she explores media's role in community division and unity, advocating peace journalism and researching feminism and global ethics. Inspired by Muhammad Iqbal, she aims to develop consensus-building frameworks for collective betterment. She epitomizes excellence, collaboration, and progress in media studies. Voting for her signals dedication to advancing the discipline and nurturing a more inclusive global community.

Submitted by MCadavid on Wed, 04/10/2024 - 15:11


Maria Amparo Cadavid, UNIMINUTO, Colombia

Deseo escribir en español una nota de apoyo a la candidatura de esta académica a la presidencia de IAMCR porque tengo el honor de conocerla desde hace varios años, y haber compartido con ella experiencias de docencia e investigación tanto en su país Pakistan como en el mío, Colombia. La dra Bushra representa un sector central de la academia en comunicación hoy en el mundo, viene de un país que ha debido superar muchísimos retos para alcanzar los nivel de rigor y participación de las mujeres y jóvenes en niveles altos de la formación y práctica profesional. Ella ha sido una gran líder den su país y además dentro del IAMCR. Cuenta con las capacidades, los talentos y las virtudes para señalar caminos globales de este trabajo, incluyentes, innovativos y esperanzadores. Conozco de primera mano su compromiso, su talante y su actitud conciliadora, buscadora de respuestas y su capacidad de inclusión. Estoy segura que será una magnífica líder de nuestra asociación en esta época difícil y retadora. Ella sabrá avizorar los caminos oportunos y certeros en nuestra marcha colectiva y nos sabré inspirar y motivar a andar juntos.

Submitted by Huma Tahir on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 16:00


Huma Tahir, Lahore College for Women University

I strongly endorse ProfDr Bushra Rehman for the position of President IAMCR. Being the president AMCAP she has contributed for progressive research culture and has given tremendous support to those who are looking for such opportunities and platforms to express their research ideas..

Submitted by Huma Tahir on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 16:00


Huma Tahir, Lahore College for Women University

I strongly endorse ProfDr Bushra Rehman for the position of President IAMCR. Being the president AMCAP she has contributed for progressive research culture and has given tremendous support to those who are looking for such opportunities and platforms to express their research ideas..