Tania Cantrell Rosas-Moreno - Candidate for International Council

Tania Cantrell Rosas-Moreno
Loyola University, Maryland, USA

On this page, you will find Tania Cantrell Rosas-Moreno's candidate statement, as well as endorsements posted by IAMCR members.

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Tania Cantrell Rosas-Moreno, Ph.D. (she/her), professor at Loyola University Maryland USA and a trilingual (English, Portuguese and German) (inter)national award-winning (engaged) scholar, seeks consideration of your vote for International Council, or IC, member. Dr. Rosas-Moreno’s support of IAMCR began in 2004, when she attended her first IC meeting on behalf of the International Communication Section, or ICS, section head. She went on to serve in ICS leadership for 12 years, working to streamline the peer review process; ensure highest ethical scholarship practices in every ICS capacity; train additional leadership in IC(S) etiquette; expand the section’s membership by progressively recruiting more Global South scholars(hip) for stronger and more equitable global representation; etc. Her leadership includes years of involvement in AEJMC, ICA, and other international associations, and her research is largely comparative, focusing on international (news) media with directed interests in the Global South, social justice issues and political communication.

Her IAMCR institutional history/familiarity, diverse leadership roles, and demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice, or DEIJ, issues position Dr. Rosas-Moreno to serve the IC passionately and fairly, fiercely advocating for global DEIJ initiatives while enhancing intra- and extra-organizational bridge-building. To learn more, please visit her ORCID and/or LinkedIn profiles.


Submitted by MMichalis on Mon, 03/11/2024 - 15:50


Maria Michalis

I believe that Tania will be an excellent and valuable addition to the IC. I've known her for many years in various capacities (when she was heading the ICS and I was involved in the management team of the Communication Policy & Technology Section; and later when I became Secretary General). As an IC member she'll be able to contribute further to improving the Association. She has my full support.

Submitted by JStraubhaar on Fri, 03/29/2024 - 14:07


Joseph Straubhaar

Tania Cantrell has been deeply involved in IAMCR for 20 years, including serving in the leadership of the International Communication for years. She has been a great advocate for IAMCR, encouraging people to attend and helping newcomers. She cares deeply about many of the key issues in international and global communication and would be a great asset to the IC.

Submitted by FOliveira Paulino on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 22:24


Fernando Oliveira Paulino

Tania has good experiences with different perspectives about learning, research and extension activities

Submitted by DGanapathy on Mon, 04/01/2024 - 06:20


Deepti Ganapathy

Having worked as a co-author with Tania on a paper that looked at global media coverage of human trafficking, I was amazed with her sensitivity and awareness of the cultural nuances. Tania is running for a position in the IC, which demands this kind of global perspective, so that the power balance is maintained for a healthy, yet competitive academic scholarship in the coming years. I wish Tania all the very best and am sure that she will demonstrate leadership while taking consensus of all IC MEMBERS to steer us towards a JUST and Fair world.

Submitted by Daya Thussu on Mon, 04/01/2024 - 06:59


Professor Daya Thussu, Hong Kong Baptist University

I am very happy to endorse the candidature of Professor Rosas-Moreno, a committed and active IAMCR member with wide range of leadership experience. I wish her all the very best.

Submitted by SSosale on Wed, 04/03/2024 - 02:58


Sujatha Sosale

Professor Rosas-Moreno’s leadership abilities, long-standing service to IAMCR, and a close familiarity with the organization’s policies and procedures make her an ideal candidate for an IC membership. Having worked closely with her during my five-year tenure as the International Communication Section Head, I have come to know her through our work, our shared efforts for expanding opportunities for Global South scholars and our efforts at standardizing assessments for fair and equitable admittance to our section’s research program for the annual conferences. Her keen sensitivity to cultures is especially noteworthy for an organization like the IAMCR. The IC needs members with these qualifications and this level of commitment, members such as Professor Rosas-Moreno. She has my unreserved and enthusiastic support for membership in the IC.