Members of IAMCR

This searchable directory includes all current individual members, including regular representatives of institutional members and PhD student representatives of institutions. You can search by name, country/region of residence or keyword.

Display Name Affiliation Country/Territory Keywords
Dr. Nova Gordon-Bell University of Technology, Jamaica Media and Culture; Social Media;
Dr. He Gou Xi’an Jiaotong University
Dr. Kara Gould University of Arkansas School of Journalism and Strategic Media
Dr. Prinola Govenden University of Johannesburg
Prof. Eliza Govender University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa participatory communication. HIV prevention, HIV prevention technologies, social and behavioural change,
Prof. Gordon Gow University of Alberta
Dr. Venugopal Gowda M K St. Philomena`s College
Mr. Senwarn Goyary Tezpur University, Department of Mass Communication and Journalism
Rita Grácio COFAC/ CICANT - Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies
Dr. Susan Grantham Griffith University
Ms. Peggy Gray honarary membership,
Prof. Kerry Green University of South Australia Audiences, journalism and trauma, Journalism and vulnerability
Dr. Danyelle Greene School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Mladen Greguraš University North
Toni-Shea Grey CARIMAC University of the West Indies, School of Communication
Maximilian Gronegras VUB-SCOM, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Aline Grupillo Universidade da Beira Interior
Dr. Marie Grusell Department of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMG)
Rita Gsenger Freie Universitaet Berlin, Weizenbaum Institute Berlin
Ms. Yiyang Gu Tsinghua University