Environmental and Social Justice: Participatory & Community Communication
The Participatory Communication Research (PCR) and the Community Communication and Alternative Media (CAM) Sections will be holding a two-day webinar on the theme of "Environmental and Social Justice: Participatory & Community Communication". Sharing the resources of a finite planet requires social justice, and ways of communicating and storytelling to cocreate our common futures. This theme anticipates the IAMCR Singapore 2025 theme of "Communicating Environmental Justice: Many Voices, One Health".
The webinar will take place over two consecutive days. Each day will consist of a 2-hour session, with the first hour dedicated to a PCR panel and the second hour dedicated to a CAM panel.
Day 1: Tuesday 15 October, 13h00 UTC / 10h00 Rio de Janeiro / 14h00 London / 15h00 Paris / 16h00 Nairobi / 18h30 Kolkata / 21h00 Beijing.
Day 2: Wednesday 16 October, 07h00 UTC / 08h00 London / 09h00 Paris / 10h00 Nairobi / 12h30 Kolkata / 15h00 Beijing / 20h00 Auckland
PCR Panels
The Participatory Communication Research Section explores theoretical, methodological and practice-based processes and case-studies of participation in many different places and in many different contexts. We welcome presentations that address issues related to communication between community members and other stakeholders that are engaged in processes of social change. This includes subjects and processes such as: community and sustainable development, cultural heritage, communication and information rights, health communication, environmental communication, agricultural extension services, folk media, community media, social movements, activism; national and cultural identities and more; and methods such as participatory video, photovoice, community media production, participatory rapid appraisals, participatory action research, participatory arts, and so on.
CAM Panels
The Community Communication and Alternative Media Section focuses on media that originates, circulates and resonates from the sphere of civil society. It seeks to advance research on the objectives, practices and dynamics of community, alternative and citizens' media, including issues of localism, politics, socio-economics, language, ethnicity, gender, or other interests and intersections. Our concerns include issues of media access, participation and reception; media projects undertaken by marginalized and underrepresented groups; development and support of community-based media institutions and infrastructures; communication practices by social movements; innovative forms of media activism; interactions between classic community and new social media; alternative forms of journalism; and theoretical contributions to the research, evaluation and practice of community communication.
Call for papers
Abstracts of 250-500 words should be sent to iamcr.pcr@gmail.com with ‘PCR/CAM Webinar2024 Submission’ as the subject line, clearly indicating which panel you are submitting to (PCR or CAM), by 17 September 2024. Please also include a short biographical note and indicate your time zone in your submission (especially if your time zone limits your participation to one of the two dates). Creative formats (screenings, etc.) are welcome.
Current IAMCR members, especially members of either PCR or CAM sections are invited to submit abstracts. To join the PCR or CAM section, log into your IAMCR account and go to "My Sections and Working Groups"
Submissions from those who find it challenging to travel to in-person conferences to submit presentation abstracts (i.e. ECRs, PhDs, people with caring responsibilities, people from low-income countries, etc.) are encouraged.
Abstracts will be selected based on originality, rigor, relevance to the conference and Section themes. We aim to be inclusive of early career and Global South scholars, and scholars for whom conference travel is inaccessibe.
The deadline for abstract submission is 17 September, 2024. Presenters will be notified of acceptance by 20 September, 2024.
For questions about abstract submissin, contact: iamcr.pcr@gmail.com / j.noske-turner@lboro.ac.uk
Pre-registration is required by 13 October, 2024. Register here.
Location: The meeting will take place on Zoom. Pre-registered participants will receive personal invitations 24 hours before the webinar begins.
Who can participate: The webinar is open to all IAMCR members but space is restricted. PCR and CAM section members are encouraged to attend. A limited number of guest invitations for non-members may be available. Fill out this form to request being added to the guest list.
Not sure if you're a member? Check the membership directory.
If you are not a member of IAMCR, you can join here.