Daya Thussu - Candidate for President

Daya Thussu
Honk Kong Baptist University

On this page, you will find Daya Thussu's candidate statement, the names of nominating members along with their supporting statements, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

To add an endorsement in support of Daya Thussu, scroll to the bottom of this page and click: "Add comment". Please include your full name and affiliation in the "from" field.

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I am very honoured to be contesting for the President of the IAMCR, one of the oldest professional associations in our field. My membership goes back thirty years, including twelve on the International Council (2000-2012). I am currently Professor of International Communication at Hong Kong Baptist University, following many years at the University of Westminster, London. With a PhD in International Relations, I have authored or edited twenty books – the latest being Changing Geopolitics of Global Communication. I am founder editor of Global Media and Communication (Sage) and series editor for Routledge book series: Internationalizing Media Studies and Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies. The impetus for my academic work has been to internationalize our field to reflect transformational changes, especially in the global South. Connecting my Indian intellectual heritage with Western academic expertise and China experience equips me well to lead IAMCR, aiming to bridge the growing divides of a polarized world. If elected, I shall endeavour to broaden the remit of IAMCR, strengthen its relationship with other regional and national communication associations, expand membership to make IAMCR more representative and procure resources for enhancing scholarships for excellence in research and for conference attendance.

Nominated by:

Peter Thompson, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Peter Lunt, University of Leicester, UK

Kalyani Chadha, Northwestern University, United States

Winston Mano, University of Westminster, UK

Anthony Fung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Complutense University, Spain

Ole J. Mjøs, University of Bergen, Norway

Dal Yong Jin, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Basyouni Hamada, Qatar University

Peng Hwa Ang, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Fernando Oliveira Paulino, University of Brasilia, Brazil

Frank Morgan, Past President of IAMCR

Terry Flew, The University of Sydney, Australia

Zahera Harb, City, University of London, UK

Surbhi Dahiya, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, India

Deqiang JI, Communication University of China

Levi Obonyo, Daystar University, Kenya

Fiona Martin, University of Sydney, Australia

Elena Vartanova, Moscow State University, Faculty of Journalism, Russian Federation:

I am pleased to recommend Professor Daya K. Thussu for the position of IAMCR President.

I have known Professor Thussu for several decades, meeting him at various international conferences, research seminars and events worldwide. Professor Thussu is a truly well-known scholar. His research publications including ‘International Communication: Continuity and Change’, ‘BRICS Media. Reshaping the Global Communication Order?’ (co-edited with Kaarle Nordenstreng), and others have inspired many students and scholars to study BRICS media systems, with their unique characteristics and constantly changing nature, as well as international communication in various cultural and social contexts.

As Dean of the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and former chair of the Digital Divide Working Group in IAMCR, I have always admired Professor Thussu’s professionalism and enthusiasm in everything he does, along with his truly global vision, his creativity and motivation, which make him an example to his students and colleagues. I was happy to meet him in-person and virtually at the Moscow Readings conference organized by the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, where Professor Thussu was a keynote speaker in 2020 and 2023, and I am looking forward to developing further collaboration with him in the future.

I believe that Professor Thussu’s professionalism in teaching and research, his excellent communication skills, motivation, enthusiasm and creativity, as well as his devotion to the media and communication fields make him a perfect candidate for the position of IAMCR President. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Professor Jairo Lugo-Ocando, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates:

Professor Thussu Professor Thussu is committed to internationalizing media research and perspectives and has a track record providing support and inclusion for scholars from all corners in the world. He is a well-known name in the scholarly world and has been very active over the years in supporting the consolidation and growth of IAMCR.

If that would not be enough good reasons, he has also actively advocated for IAMCR as a true representative organization for those of us based in the Global South, which is far more inclusive and broad than other similar organizations. He has individually and collectively been a strong voice for IAMCR wherever he has been, has supported and foster collaborative networks within the organization and, in addition, has been very strategic in underpinning key initiatives of IAMCR.

On a more personal level, Professor Thussu has dedicated his academic life promoting and supporting junior scholars from developing countries while having a strong presence and projection as a scholar and IAMCR advocate in the Global Noth. Consequently, I feel that during his presidency, the IAMCR will have a greater chance to reach to areas of the world in which is not sufficiently present today while consolidating its existing membership and activities.

Svetlana S.Bodrunova, Prof., D.Polit.Sci., St.Petersburg State University, Russian Federation:

I have known Professor Thussu for over ten years, have hosted his keynotes at our School, and have witnessed his numerous presentations at major international conferences, including IAMCR ones, of course. For decades, Daya has been committed to equality in science and de-westernization in media research; his contribution to communication and media studies as book series and journal editor is invaluable and has already become part of history of our science. His warm personality, attention to younger scholars, and willingness to collaborate are part of my best memories received during my career. I truly believe that Daya's academic experience, rigor in research, ideas in how communication studies are to be organized and conducted, and international recognition in both Western and non-Western academia are a perfect fit to the IAMCR goals and will enrich the association's  appeal around the world.

Yik Chan Chin, Beijing Normal University, China:

Professor Daya Thussu is Professor at the Hong Kong Baptist University and well known scholar in the field of International Communication, and also a long term member of the IAMCR.  I trust he can lead the Association with his dedication, experience  and international vision.

Thomas Hanitzsch, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany:

As a member of IAMCR I take the liberty of nominating Dr. Daya Thussu (Hong Kong Baptist University) for the position of President of IAMCR in the upcoming association-wide election. In my view, given his exceptional standing in the discipline, long-standing commitment to IAMCR, and wide-ranging international experience as a leader in the field, Dr. Thussu is the perfect candidate for this position.


Submitted by on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 07:38


Ylva Rodny-Gumede

Notwithstanding his work within the broader field of media and communications studies and seniority in the research community, Prof. Daya Thussu's longstanding association with, and work for, the IAMCR bear witness to his commitment to both the discipline and the organization. I believe him to be an excellent candidate for the position of President of the IAMCR.

Submitted by City U London on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 14:09


Dr Abdullahi Tasiu, City, University of London

Professor Daya Thussu’s unwavering commitment to internationalising media and communication studies, his exceptional skills in mentoring young scholars, his devotion to IAMCR and its continuous progress, and his vast teaching and research experiences make him the most suitable candidate for the IAMCR President. We will benefit greatly from his visionary leadership.

Submitted by AAl-Rawi on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 14:45


Ahmed Al-Rawi, Simon Fraser University, Canada

I am pleased to endorse Prof. Thussu for this position. I have known him for over a decade, and he's shown genuine support for scholars from the Global South. If elected, I think Prof. Thussu will be an excellent IAMCR President.

Submitted by OMiranda on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 17:34


Oscar Mario Miranda-Villanueva, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico

I have read Prof. Thussu's work on International Communication and exchanged a few words with him via email and in person. He is an honest and inclusive person and an academic with much potential. I am sure of his ability to lead the association.

Submitted by LKomen on Fri, 02/23/2024 - 02:27


Leah Komen

I am a keen follower of Prof Thussu's work and my immediate reactions when I saw his name, was this is the candidate for the IAMCR's president position. He brings with him wide knowledge in the practice of communication and internalization which in my opinion is what IAMCR stands for. During conferences, I have noticed with great pride his demeanor and ability to mingle with all scholars regardless of their academic prowess. He is a man of character and resolve.

Submitted by JohnHutnyk on Sun, 02/25/2024 - 09:45


john hutnyk

A diligent and committed scholar with the experience and credentials to take the organisation in directions it should-must-needs to be going, and to bring everyone along with him. Of course I'm happy to endorse the professor.

Submitted by BAcharya on Sun, 02/25/2024 - 15:14


Bhanu Acharya

I am thrilled to learn about the candidacy of Prof. Dr. Daya Thussu for the position of President of IAMCR. Many of my colleagues and I have studied Prof. Thussu's book, "International Communication: Continuity and Change," as well as several of his research articles at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He is an exceptional scholar who effectively balances research and pedagogical exercises. I am wholeheartedly committed to supporting his campaign and ensuring his success as President of IAMCR. I kindly request all other members and potential members of IAMCR to join me in supporting Prof. Thussu, as his presidency will greatly contribute to the professional development of everyone in this field. This is a matter of great pride and glory for all of us.

Submitted by BKing on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 01:17


Barry King

I endorse the comments of the foregoing supporters. I would also underscore Professor Thussu's intellectual integrity and capacity for leadership.

Submitted by Akhtar on Tue, 02/27/2024 - 12:15


Fokiya Akhtar

I devotedly follow Prof. Thussu's work and admire his unwavering commitment to internationalising media and communication studies.
He would be an ideal candidate for the IAMCR's president position. He has extensive communication practice and expertise, which aligns perfectly with IAMCR's values. He exemplifies strong character and determination, and I am sure of his ability to lead the association.

Submitted by nlevins on Tue, 02/27/2024 - 16:57


Nanette Levinson

Daya Thussu will provide exemplary, inclusive and principled leadership for our organization. In addition to his continuing idea leadership, he possesses that rare combination of catalyzing collaborations and ensuring section synergies and organizational growth.

Submitted by Emilie.Tran on Wed, 02/28/2024 - 01:48


Emilie Tran

I am writing to express my wholehearted support for Professor Daya Thussu in his candidacy for the Presidency of the IAMCR. I have known Daya since he joined the Hong Kong Baptist University, as Talent100 Professor of International Communication. Daya’s approachability and genuine concern for others have created a relationship of trust and respect. Daya has consistently demonstrated an extraordinary level of kindness and empathy, often going above and beyond to assist both peers and students. His character, coupled with his outstanding scholarship, have left an indelible mark on our academic community in Hong Kong. His extensive experience and dedication to fostering a global community of scholars make him an exceptional candidate for this prestigious role. I am confident that under his guidance, the IAMCR will continue to thrive and make significant contributions to the field of media and communication.

Submitted by ldyll on Wed, 02/28/2024 - 03:25


Lauren Dyll

I am pleased to endorse Prof Daya Thussu's candidacy for IAMCR Presidency. His scholarship and policy work has long-standing global significance. His inclusive plans for IAMCR will strengthen the organisation in a rapidly changing environment.

Submitted by NAbd Karim on Wed, 02/28/2024 - 10:04


Associate Professor Dr Nur Kareelawati Abd Karim

I am pleased to support Prof. Daya Thussu.
His passion and commitment in the intellectual development of young/emerging scholars will make him a great president of IAMCR. I believe he will 'walk the talk', making IAMCR more inclusive, subsequently bring all its members to the greatest height.
Personally, I have known him for more than 10 years now since we met at the IAMCR Dublin, when I was a doctoral candidate.
I found that he was and still approachable, humble and kind. He is a good listener and always encourage young scholars to advance in their career regardless their background. All these traits make him a great leader and respected communication scholar that make IAMCR and all of us proud!!

Submitted by DWeaver on Wed, 02/28/2024 - 16:41


Professor David H. Weaver, Indiana University-Bloomington, U.S.A.

I add my support Professor Thussu for president of IAMCR. Given his long commitment to international communication research and IAMCR, I'm sure he will do an excellent job if elected.

Submitted by khanterbury on Wed, 02/28/2024 - 22:24


Professor Rachel Khan, PhD, University of the Philippines

I strongly endorse Prof. Daya Thussu for president of IAMCR. I have known him for over 10 years and am familiar with his scholarly work in the field of media and communication. I believe that he will be a committed and effective leader of IAMCR.

Submitted by JLule on Thu, 02/29/2024 - 10:29


Jack Lule

Professor Daya Thussu is a long-standing and committed member of IAMCR and a true scholar of our field. I endorse him with full confidence of his success.

Submitted by Susmitachitra on Thu, 02/29/2024 - 15:26


Ambrish Saxena

I endorse Prof. Daya Thussu for the post of the President, IAMCR. With his profound knowledge, deep insight in research and rich human values, he is the right candidate to lead the the prestigious organization IAMCR.

Submitted by FMorgan on Sat, 03/02/2024 - 07:09


Frank Morgan, past president of. IAMCR

Daya Thussu is an outstanding candidate for President of IAMCR. He is a graduate of the Mahatma Ghandi University in India, who went to England where he taught at Goldsmiths and Westminster. There he developed a strong interest in International Relations and scholarship. Now he is at Hong Kong Baptist University with visiting appointments at Tsinghua University in Beijing. He has written widely and edited journals that aim to diversify scholarship in the global south. I have known him for more than 20 yrs and commend him to you as a worthy choice for President of IAMCR.

Submitted by SNarayanan on Sat, 03/02/2024 - 08:58


Shalini Narayanan

I would like to endorse Prof Thussu's nomination in view of his body of work in international communication, the foundation for bodies like IAMCR. I wish him the best ahead.

Submitted by PThompson on Sun, 03/03/2024 - 03:03


Peter Thompson

I am happy to provide an endorsement for Daya Thussu's candidature for IAMCR President. Daya is a long-standing member of the IAMCR and he served on the International Council for many years. His extensive publications on international communication, global media issues and BRICs evidences the precisely the values and vision one would expect to inform and guide the leadership of a global research association.
Daya's extensive scholarly experience across India, Europe and China also positions him well to deliver on his commitment to increase the representation and inclusiveness of the IAMCR, especially in regards to the "global south".

Submitted by KArriaza on Sun, 03/03/2024 - 08:28


Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Complutense University of Madrid

I endorse everything that has been said here about Prof. Daya Thussu. To sum up, Prof. Thussu is the clearest expression of the success of globalization and dialogue among cultures. Through collaborating with him during the last 12 years, at the International Communication section we have always been very positively impressed with him, not only for being such an extraordinary professor, but also because of his generosity and kind personality. I am sure, 100%, that he will be an excellent President of IAMCR.

Submitted by arjunchatt on Sun, 03/03/2024 - 09:20


Arjun Chatterjee

Best wishes, Prof. Thussu! Your knowledge, wisdom, humility, and mission of truly internationalizing communication studies will surely take IAMCR to new heights. The academic community agrees that you are an outstanding candidate and that you will be an excellent President of the IAMCR. It will also be the best thing that can happen to emerging scholars across the globe. You will indeed make a fine President. Best regards.

Submitted by Sweta Singh on Sun, 03/03/2024 - 09:56


Sweta Singh, GGSIP University, New Delhi, India.

I am very happy to see Prof. Thussu getting nominated for the post of IAMCR president. I have known him for more than 15 years now as an IAMCR member. In one of the earliest interactions with him, I did mention how he has been actively working towards filling the void in the international communication space, foregrounding academic works, debates and perspectives that are inclusive of global south. His contributions to the international communication space is extremely valuable as demonstrated from his academic credentials. I have learnt a lot from him, just like many others. Here's wishing Prof. Thussu all the very best!

Submitted by WMano on Sun, 03/03/2024 - 10:53


Winston Mano

I am pleased to add my endorsement of Professor Daya Thussu's candidacy for the Presidency of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). He deserves this because he has been an outstanding scholar in our field. Professor Thussu has consistently led from the front in teaching, research and events. He has a proven deep commitment to advancing our subject, especially in international communication. As the founding Managing Editor of the Sage journal 'Global Media and Communication' and the author of numerous influential publications, Professor Thussu has consistently and significantly shaped debates on global media. I worked with him at the University of Westminster and have personally benefitted from his stance on international collaboration and mentorship. IAMCR would undoubtedly benefit from Professor Daya Thussu's wealth of experience, innovative insights, and unwavering commitment to promoting excellence in media and communication research. If given the chance he could bring an important dimension to IAMCR's advancement of academic excellence and international collaboration.

Submitted by ASalawu on Sun, 03/03/2024 - 11:09


Abiodun Salawu

I endorse Professor Daya Thussu for the post of president IAMCR. Daya is a great bridge builder, a committed academic, a staunch member of the IAMCR and a person with great social skills. These attributes and more make him a worthy candidate for IAMCR president.

Submitted by anthonyfung on Mon, 03/04/2024 - 03:31


Anthony Fung

Daya haas been working in UK universities for a long time, and now he is working in Hong Kong at Baptist University. He himself is familiar with the academic development and research agenda across at least two different cultures. He is an excellent candidate that bridges the two cultures.

Submitted by CChasi on Mon, 03/04/2024 - 05:30


Prof Colin Chasi, UFS, South Africa

Daya is a venerable scholar whose personal humility and integrity are noteworthy. His background and work in, with, about and for the Global South, and his positions and networks within the Global North are to his credit. He is a cosmopolitan leader whose concern for Communication and Media research is ideal as the IAMCR negotiates a critical period of global and intellectual changes. It is an honor to endorse Daya's candidature as President of the IAMCR.

Submitted by KHassan on Mon, 03/04/2024 - 09:13


Dr Kiran Hassan (Co-ordinator Freedom of Expression/ Digital Rights)

Professor Daya Thussu is best suited to be the president of IAMCR. His academic arguments are instrumental in understanding the current complex transformative trends and challenges faced by global media. He is by far one of the most respected teachers and thinkers of global communication. He has an exceptional grip on global media with the context of International Geo Politics and will be the ideal person to lead an organisation like the IAMCR. I endorse Professor Thussu for the role of the president of IAMCR

Submitted by IAboualhuda on Mon, 03/04/2024 - 09:39


Islam Aboualhuda, Mansoura University, Egypt

I am strongly support the eminent and very esteemed Professor Daya Thussu for the presidency of IAMCR. I have had the privilege for knowing Prof Daya for several years, since I first met him in one of IAMCR conferences in the UK. Professor Daya is such a great professor, not only in terms of his profound writings and contributions to the field of media and communication, but also and very importantly in his ultimate support for media and communication researchers worldwide and specially from the Global South. His dedication to fostering a more inclusive and diverse scholarly community is truly commendable. I would for sure expect to see a much more flourishing of this great institution IAMCR under his presidency. I wholeheartedly believe that Professor Daya Thussu is the ideal candidate to lead IAMCR into a promising future, and I urge my fellow members to support his candidacy.

Submitted by SSosale on Mon, 03/04/2024 - 21:24


Sujatha Sosale, Associate Professor, The University of Iowa, USA

Professor Daya Thussu is exceptionally qualified to lead IAMCR as its next President. He is highly respected, prolifically published, and a true global scholar. His corpus of works has proved influential in shaping the thinking about globalization and the media over the last two decades. His vision and commitment to internationalize and maintain inclusiveness in IAMCR are a natural outcome of his life’s work in the field. I gladly endorse Professor Thussu’s candidacy for President of IAMCR.

Submitted by OMjos on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 11:31


Ole J. Mjøs, Professor in Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway

Professor Daya K. Thussu has been a leading scholar in the field of international communication for over 30 years. His focus on internationalising this field by encouraging, developing and including diverse and regional perspectives is of particular importance today, and contributes to making him the ideal candidate for leading the global IAMCR organisation. I have known Daya for over 20 years, and it is an honour to endorse his candidature as President for IAMCR.

Submitted by GKashyap on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 11:51


Geeta Kashyap, Assistant Professor, Christ University, Bengaluru

I have attended a few online lectures by Prof. Daya Thussu on a few occasions. His contributions to Global South and media studies, infotainment, News flow, and soft power among many others are evidence of his intellectual contributions to media scholarship. He is a good orator. All these qualities already make him suitable for the position of the President. It is my pleasure to write an endorsement for him!

Submitted by ZLi on Wed, 03/06/2024 - 01:33


Zhan Li, Associate Professor, Xiamen University, China

From reading his books as a communication student to hosting his keynotes at our School during the international conference on information and communication studies in BRICS countries as a faculty member, I have witnessed Dr. Daya Thussu’s ever-growing contribution to the development of the studies of international communication, especially regarding media research in the developing world. I wholeheartedly support Dr. Thussu to be the President of IAMCR.

Submitted by HNossek on Wed, 03/06/2024 - 09:20


Hillel Nossek

Prof. Thussu is a leading scholar in international communication and is a prominent meber in the international academic community of media scholar. He contributed for many years to IAMCR and I believe he will be a great president.

Submitted by KalyaniChadha on Wed, 03/06/2024 - 20:17


Kalyani Chadha, Associate Professor, Northwestern University, USA

Prof. Daya Thussu is a leading scholar of international communication and has made very major contributions to the field of international communication. A prolific scholar, his work has been significant, especially in terms of charting new intellectual terrain relating to media and globalization. He has always been a strong voice advocating for diverse perspectives notably those from the Global South. He has also demonstrated a deep and meaningful commitment to IAMCR and I am delighted to endorse his candidacy for president.

Submitted by PTsatsou on Thu, 03/07/2024 - 10:01


Panayiota Tsatsou, Professor in Media Diversity, Birmingham City University

I fully endorse Daya's nomination for President. The first time I met Daya was more than 15 years ago, when I was a PhD student and he was a distinguished Professor at the University of Westminster. I remember that it was at the end of an IAMCR conference when I introduced myself to Daya and we started chatting during a 2 hrs train trip. During those 2 hours, not only I learned a lot from Daya, but also (and more importantly) I had the opportunity to discover Daya's deep feelings of care and support towards early career researchers and students. Since then, Daya represents for me the kind of scholar, teacher and mentor that those lacking representation or privilege in academia would be blessed to work with. I am confident that his leadership as well as his deeply considerate and inspiring personality will greatly benefit the IAMCR community in its entirety.

Submitted by SPasti on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 09:18


Svetlana Pasti, Tampere University, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences

Daya Thussu is a man of the world, harmoniously connecting the Western and non-Western worlds in his personal and professional biography. In the context of current global divisions and misunderstandings between conflicting parties, a person like Daya is the best candidate to lead the association to promote genuine dialogue between cultures and generations of researchers.

Submitted by WRizvi on Sun, 03/10/2024 - 06:32


Wajiha Raza Rizvi

On a personal note, I want to thank you for your wisdom to guide me through in 2012, making it possible for me to attend IAMCR 2012 - Durban Conference, and then publishing that same paper in Journal of International Communication (Routledge). I admire your responsiveness: emails, willingness to help in identifying reliable publishers and sharing your own publications with new and old IAMCR members.

Submitted by ABernstein on Mon, 03/11/2024 - 09:22



I am writing to convey my wholehearted endorsement of Professor Daya Thussu for the position of IAMCR President. In fact it remains for me to just support the sentiments expressed by the previous supporters. I have known Daya for many years and am confident that under his leadership, IAMCR will continue to significantly contribute to the field of media and communication on a truly international level.

Alina Bernstein, PhD
School of Media Studies, College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS)
The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University

Submitted by TMirrlees on Mon, 03/11/2024 - 15:06


Tanner Mirrlees

For more than two decades, my engagement with the study of global media and international communication has been positively shaped by Professor Daya Thussu’s research and scholarship. My introduction to Professor Thussu’s work began in 2002, when I started my PhD in Communication and Culture. His influential edited volume, Electronic Empires: Global Media and Local Resistance, was key to my preparations for a comprehensive examination. During the initial five years of my teaching global media and international communication studies courses, Professor Thussu’s textbook, International Communication: Continuity and Change, served as an essential pedagogical resource. Over the last ten years, I have engaged deeply with Professor Thussu’s edited volumes, including Media on the Move: Global Flow and Contra-Flow, Mapping BRICS Media, BRICS Media: Reshaping the Global Communication Order?, and China's Media Go Global. Professor Thussu's efforts to de-Westernize and de-Americanize the field of international media and communication research are impactful and have profoundly enriched our understanding of global media flows and cultures. His work meticulously balances the examination of continuity within Empire and communication, alongside a comprehensive assessment of the shifts in global economic, political, technological, and cultural conditions. His longstanding dedication to understanding and explaining the complexities of global media and international communication, dedicated mentorship of students and junior colleagues, founding editorship of a prestigious journal and numerous pathbreaking volumes, and tireless work as a public intellectual and media commentator, demonstrate his dedication, passion and care. Professor Thussu’s work has made significant strides toward creating a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable academic field of research and teaching. For these reasons, among many others, I believe Professor Thussu is an exceptional candidate for the Presidency of the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). It is with great enthusiasm that I wholeheartedly endorse Professor Thussu’s candidacy for this position.
Tanner Mirrlees, PhD
Associate Professor and Director, Communication and Digital Media Studies, Ontario Tech University
Past President, Canadian Communication Association
Toronto, Canada

Submitted by IAwino on Tue, 03/12/2024 - 01:02


Irene Awino

I support the candidature of Prof Thussu and endorse him for the position of next president of IAMCR. He is an inspiration to those of us from the global south who have followed his footsteps in highlighting the opportunities, challenges and dominant systems that continue to shape global communications.

Submitted by CU China on Tue, 03/12/2024 - 03:49


Deqiang Ji, Professor, Communication University of China

Prof. Daya Thussu is a globally renowned scholar in media and communication studies with a truly international background and academic spirit. His excellent works have benefited scholars and students across the globe to help them raise the awareness of being critical and intersubjective in academic research, and deeply understand how media and communication studies can contribute to a diverse and just society. Prof. Thussu has been a very important contributor in the building and maintaining of diverse international academic communities in which scholars from different countries can collaborate. His dedication in bridging scholars and students from different parts of the world is widely acknowledged. I personally benefited a lot from the cooperations with him in researching and comparing media systems in the world today. As for the presidential election, his commitment to lead IAMCR towards the future is quite impressive. His excellence and influence in the international academic community fits the expectation of the IAMCR family quite well. Therefore, I am pleased to endorse Professor Daya Thussu' candidacy for the President of IAMCR.

Submitted by JHarrison on Tue, 03/12/2024 - 12:36


Jackie Harrison, Professor of Public Communication University of Sheffield

I am delighted to endorse Professor Daya Thussu’s candidacy for President of the IAMCR. He is a well-respected and influential scholar who has made significant contributions to the field of international communication, media and globalisation. His commitment to the internationalisation of his field through the inclusion of diverse and regional perspectives, the development of early career scholars and his long commitment to inclusion and excellence in the IAMCR makes him highly qualified to be its next President.

Submitted by RKumar on Tue, 03/12/2024 - 13:26


Prof. Rajesh Kumar, Doon University, Dehradun, India

Prof. Thussu is an exceptional scholar particularly on subjects related to international/inter-cultural/global communication. His books on these subjects are testimony to his scholarship in this domain. He is also a wonderful human being who never fails to connect with friends across the globe during festivals and important occasions. I wish him all success in his endeavors. I strongly endorse him as President of IAMCR.

Submitted by arkapravachatt… on Wed, 03/13/2024 - 03:47


Dr Arkaprava Chattopadhyay

I am happy to endorse the candidacy of Prof. Dr. Daya Thussu for the position of President of IAMCR. We have all studied Prof. Thussu's book, "International Communication: Continuity and Change," and have genuinely benefitted from his contributions. He is exceptional. I urge all others to please support him in this endeavour.

Submitted by PHwaAng on Wed, 03/13/2024 - 13:46


Professor Peng Hwa Ang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Daya has been an amazingly productive scholar of media and communication. He will bring that same level of energy and vision to strengthen the IAMCR.

Submitted by SDahiya on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 03:37


Prof Surbhi Dahiya, Course Director, Journalism, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi, India

I strongly endorse the candidature of Prof Daya Thussu. He is the perfect candidate for becoming President of IAMCR. He is a visionary leader and his scholarship is known worldwide. He brings positive energy in any organisation he works for. I know him as a Professor for almost 15 years now and he has encouraged scholars from around the world for participation in IAMCR conferences. He will prove to be an asset for IAMCR.

Submitted by HJEJI on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 13:28


Dr. Happy Jeji, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab,India

I am pleased to endorse Professor Daya K. Thussu for the position of IAMCR President.

I have known him for several years meeting him at various IAMCR conferences and events. His scholarly contributions in the field of Communication and media studies are valuable and noteworthy.

Submitted by Pragati Paul on Thu, 03/14/2024 - 18:59


Dr. Pragati Paul , Programme Coordinator, Development Communication, AJK MCRC , Jamia Millia Islamia , India

Prof. Daya Thussu is extremely popular among his peers and he is extremely kind and generous to young and emerging scholars. He earns reverence and appreciation from everyone around him, in the academic circles across the globe. I am pleased to endorse him for the postition of IAMCR President.