Daya Thussu - Candidate for President

Daya Thussu
Honk Kong Baptist University

On this page, you will find Daya Thussu's candidate statement, the names of nominating members along with their supporting statements, as well as endorsements from other IAMCR members.

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I am very honoured to be contesting for the President of the IAMCR, one of the oldest professional associations in our field. My membership goes back thirty years, including twelve on the International Council (2000-2012). I am currently Professor of International Communication at Hong Kong Baptist University, following many years at the University of Westminster, London. With a PhD in International Relations, I have authored or edited twenty books – the latest being Changing Geopolitics of Global Communication. I am founder editor of Global Media and Communication (Sage) and series editor for Routledge book series: Internationalizing Media Studies and Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies. The impetus for my academic work has been to internationalize our field to reflect transformational changes, especially in the global South. Connecting my Indian intellectual heritage with Western academic expertise and China experience equips me well to lead IAMCR, aiming to bridge the growing divides of a polarized world. If elected, I shall endeavour to broaden the remit of IAMCR, strengthen its relationship with other regional and national communication associations, expand membership to make IAMCR more representative and procure resources for enhancing scholarships for excellence in research and for conference attendance.

Nominated by:

Peter Thompson, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Peter Lunt, University of Leicester, UK

Kalyani Chadha, Northwestern University, United States

Winston Mano, University of Westminster, UK

Anthony Fung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Complutense University, Spain

Ole J. Mjøs, University of Bergen, Norway

Dal Yong Jin, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Basyouni Hamada, Qatar University

Peng Hwa Ang, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Fernando Oliveira Paulino, University of Brasilia, Brazil

Frank Morgan, Past President of IAMCR

Terry Flew, The University of Sydney, Australia

Zahera Harb, City, University of London, UK

Surbhi Dahiya, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, India

Deqiang JI, Communication University of China

Levi Obonyo, Daystar University, Kenya

Fiona Martin, University of Sydney, Australia

Elena Vartanova, Moscow State University, Faculty of Journalism, Russian Federation:

I am pleased to recommend Professor Daya K. Thussu for the position of IAMCR President.

I have known Professor Thussu for several decades, meeting him at various international conferences, research seminars and events worldwide. Professor Thussu is a truly well-known scholar. His research publications including ‘International Communication: Continuity and Change’, ‘BRICS Media. Reshaping the Global Communication Order?’ (co-edited with Kaarle Nordenstreng), and others have inspired many students and scholars to study BRICS media systems, with their unique characteristics and constantly changing nature, as well as international communication in various cultural and social contexts.

As Dean of the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and former chair of the Digital Divide Working Group in IAMCR, I have always admired Professor Thussu’s professionalism and enthusiasm in everything he does, along with his truly global vision, his creativity and motivation, which make him an example to his students and colleagues. I was happy to meet him in-person and virtually at the Moscow Readings conference organized by the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, where Professor Thussu was a keynote speaker in 2020 and 2023, and I am looking forward to developing further collaboration with him in the future.

I believe that Professor Thussu’s professionalism in teaching and research, his excellent communication skills, motivation, enthusiasm and creativity, as well as his devotion to the media and communication fields make him a perfect candidate for the position of IAMCR President. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Professor Jairo Lugo-Ocando, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates:

Professor Thussu Professor Thussu is committed to internationalizing media research and perspectives and has a track record providing support and inclusion for scholars from all corners in the world. He is a well-known name in the scholarly world and has been very active over the years in supporting the consolidation and growth of IAMCR.

If that would not be enough good reasons, he has also actively advocated for IAMCR as a true representative organization for those of us based in the Global South, which is far more inclusive and broad than other similar organizations. He has individually and collectively been a strong voice for IAMCR wherever he has been, has supported and foster collaborative networks within the organization and, in addition, has been very strategic in underpinning key initiatives of IAMCR.

On a more personal level, Professor Thussu has dedicated his academic life promoting and supporting junior scholars from developing countries while having a strong presence and projection as a scholar and IAMCR advocate in the Global Noth. Consequently, I feel that during his presidency, the IAMCR will have a greater chance to reach to areas of the world in which is not sufficiently present today while consolidating its existing membership and activities.

Svetlana S.Bodrunova, Prof., D.Polit.Sci., St.Petersburg State University, Russian Federation:

I have known Professor Thussu for over ten years, have hosted his keynotes at our School, and have witnessed his numerous presentations at major international conferences, including IAMCR ones, of course. For decades, Daya has been committed to equality in science and de-westernization in media research; his contribution to communication and media studies as book series and journal editor is invaluable and has already become part of history of our science. His warm personality, attention to younger scholars, and willingness to collaborate are part of my best memories received during my career. I truly believe that Daya's academic experience, rigor in research, ideas in how communication studies are to be organized and conducted, and international recognition in both Western and non-Western academia are a perfect fit to the IAMCR goals and will enrich the association's  appeal around the world.

Yik Chan Chin, Beijing Normal University, China:

Professor Daya Thussu is Professor at the Hong Kong Baptist University and well known scholar in the field of International Communication, and also a long term member of the IAMCR.  I trust he can lead the Association with his dedication, experience  and international vision.

Thomas Hanitzsch, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany:

As a member of IAMCR I take the liberty of nominating Dr. Daya Thussu (Hong Kong Baptist University) for the position of President of IAMCR in the upcoming association-wide election. In my view, given his exceptional standing in the discipline, long-standing commitment to IAMCR, and wide-ranging international experience as a leader in the field, Dr. Thussu is the perfect candidate for this position.


Submitted by MMoon on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 07:02


Miri Moon, Assistant Professor, Kyungnam University, South Korea

I am pleased to endorse Professor Daya Thussu for President of the IAMCR. Professor Thussu is widely respected as a truly 'international' scholar in our field, esteemed by students and professors worldwide. His extensive publications and research in media and communication attest to his qualifications for this role. Equally significant, his dedication to mentoring early-career researchers, encouraging them, and sharing his insightful thoughts, exemplifies his commitment to the academic community. I am confident that he is the perfect candidate for this position.

Submitted by Junchao Wang on Fri, 04/12/2024 - 10:25


Junchao Wang, Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

I strongly endorse Professor Daya Thussu's contest for president of the IAMCR.
He is a communication scholar with a global mind and critical thinking skills. He has a strong organizational ability for international academic activities. I believe both his global perspective and multiculturalism will make him an excellent president of the IAMCR over time.

Submitted by profmahul on Sat, 04/13/2024 - 03:46


Prof (Dr) Mahul Brahma

Prof (Dr) Mahul Brahma, Dean, NSHM Media and Design School
Visiting Research Fellow, Bath Business School, UK
Prof Daya Thussu is a dynamic academician and has demonstrated leadership qualities consistently.

Submitted by nmellor on Sat, 04/13/2024 - 03:49


Noha Mellor

Professor Thussu has been a leading advocate for incorporating perspectives from the Global South into mainstream academic discussions. His unwavering dedication and extensive contributions make him an exemplary representative for scholars from the Global South. I am confident that his leadership will continue to highlight the unique challenges faced by these regions and further enhance IAMCR's commitment to diversity and inclusivity.

Submitted by yousefi on Sat, 04/13/2024 - 05:13


Mahdi Yousefi

Dr. Daya's extensive experience, dedication to academic excellence, and inclusive leadership style make him an ideal candidate to lead our association forward. His vision for fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, promoting diversity and inclusion, and upholding the highest academic rigor standards aligns perfectly with our community's values. I am confident that our association will thrive under Dr. Daya's leadership and continue to be a beacon of excellence in our field.

Submitted by rommanisen on Sat, 04/13/2024 - 14:31


Dr. Rommani Sen Shitak, K.P.B. Hinduja College of Commerce, University of Mumbai

I strongly endorse Dr. Daya Thussu for the post of president of IAMCR. I have known him for the last seven years. His research has been very useful to me for my doctoral study and he has been kind enough to share his insights with emerging scholars.

Submitted by tangxuan530 on Sun, 04/14/2024 - 00:38


Xuan TANG, Associate Professor & Ph.D, Communication University of China

I fully support Professor Daya Thussu's candidacy for President of IAMCR. His extensive experience, deep commitment to internationalizing communication studies, and vision for bridging global divides make him an ideal candidate to lead the association.

Submitted by fangfang on Sun, 04/14/2024 - 04:44


Fangfang Ji IJC CASS

I have been reading the newest edition of International Communicaiton by Professor Thussu and very amazed by his work along the year.

Submitted by CBolano on Sun, 04/14/2024 - 08:16


César Bolaño, Brazil

I know Daya for many years. He will be a good President, as a representative of the Global South. I am pleased to endorse him.

Submitted by Eric She on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 09:08


Haodong She, Communication University of China

I am happy to endorse Professor Daya Thussu’s candidacy for President of the IAMCR. He is a well-respected and influential scholar who has made significant contributions to International Communication, media and globalisation. He is highly qualified to be IAMCR's next President.

Submitted by andarika on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 12:42


Andari Karina Anom, Communication Program, Binus University International, Jakarta, Indonesia

I'm excited to endorse Professor Daya Thussu for IAMCR President. As his former master's student at Goldsmiths College, University of London, I witnessed and experienced his outstanding dedication to excellence in Transnational Communication and Global Media firsthand. Professor Thussu's expertise and inspiration were unmatched.

Even today, two decades later, as a lecturer myself, I continue to utilize Professor Thussu's publications and teachings to enhance my own courses and research. His contributions to Global Media and Communication have profoundly influenced my education and have resonated across the field worldwide.

Submitted by Diwakar Shukla on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 17:39


