Abstracts of papers presented

Download the complete abstracts of all papers presented in the section and working group programmes of IAMCR 2008.
Download the complete abstracts of all papers presented in the section and working group programmes of IAMCR 2008.
Plenary Addresses
Nordicom Review has just published a jubilee issue -edited by Ulla Carlsson- containing a collection of the various plenary addresses on the theme of Media and Global Divides presented at the IAMCR World Congress in Stockholm 2008.
Full text articles are available at Nordicom's website, and a hard copy of this special issue of the Nordicom Review has been sent to individual and institutional members of IAMCR.
The results of the 2008 IAMCR elections were announced during the opening session of the IAMCR Congress on Monday 21 July in Stockholm
Annabelle Sreberny has been elected as the new President of IAMCR. John Downing and Ruth Teer-Tomaselli are the newly elected Vice-Presidents. Ole Prehn was reelected Secretary General and Beate Josephi is the new Treasurer. See below the complete list of newly elected positions.
Below are links to some press reports about the IAMCR congress held in Stockholm from 20-25 July 2008.
If you know of any that we have missed, please send us the details and we will post them here.
A number of people blogged from the IAMCR Congress in Stockholm. To help the IAMCR community know what happened in Stockholm we have put together a list of the blogs we have found. See the list.
If you blogged from IAMCR or know of someone who did, send us the URL of your blog or post and we'll add it to the list.
Help us keep the IAMCR community informed about what's happened in Stockholm.
The online registration deadline was June 20. By that date more than 900 participants had registered for this year's IAMCR Congress in Stockholm. Participants will come from 82 different countries and all continents are represented.
Fees for IAMCR's 2008 congress have been revised, and will be lower than announced before for all groups of participants except non-members. Participants who already have registered and paid higher fees will have the difference refunded from the Congress administration.
A preconference titled ‘Mediated Networks: Engendering Diaspora and Global Citizenship’ is going to take place on the 19th of July at the Scandic Sergel Plaza, Stockholm.
The preconference will bring together scholars studying mediated networks, migration, diaspora, gender and identity.
Stockholm University and the Dept of Journalism, Media and Communication will host the 26th Congress of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Stockholm, Sweden July 20-25 2008. The conference will take place on the campus of Stockholm University.