IAMCR 2017 call for proposals - Deadline 9 February

Cartagena, Colombia - 16-20 July
Cartagena, Colombia - 16-20 July

The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) will hold its annual conference from 16-20 July, 2017 in Cartagena, Colombia. IAMCR's Health Communication and Change Working Group invites proposals that reflect the the section's interest. 

Consult all the sections' and working groups' calls for proposals on the IAMCR 2017 website. The general call for proposals is also on the site in English and Spanish.

Conference theme: "Transforming Culture, Politics & Communication: New media, new territories, new discourses"

See the conference key dates and deadlines: http://cartagena2017.iamcr.org/keydates/

The deadline to submit proposals is 09 February 2017 at 23:59 GMT.