This Working Group is particularly interested in the many different and changing roles of media and journalism in so-called ‘transitional societies’ not limited to transitional democracies but also including post-conflict and conflict societies. This includes work on the communication strategies of various political actors, ideas about 'hybrid journalism', and the re-composition of power, all within an overall context of technology and communication in an interconnected world and the political functions of popular culture in different national contexts. Members also have an interest in comparative (multi-lingual) discourse analyses, the visualization of international journalism in changing geopolitical and socioeconomic contexts and the role of globalisation and critical global justice movements in this process.
Chair: Katja Lehtisaari (Tampere University, Finland) [Contact]
Vice-chair: Anke Fiedler (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Department of Media and Communication, Germany) [Contact]
Vice-chair: Anastasia Grusha (Moscow State University, Russian Federation) [Contact]
See the list of all current members of the Communication in Post- and Neo-Authoritarian Societies Working Group.
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