Media Education Research Section

The primary goal and mission of the Media Education Research Section is to encourage and promote research in the theory and practice of Media Education at the school, college and university levels of education.

Chair: Michael Hoechsman (Lakehead University, Canada) [Contact]
Vice chair: Rayén Condeza (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) [Contact]
Vice chair: Oscar Mario Miranda-Villanueva (Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico) [Contact]
Vice chair: Devina Sarwatay (City, University of London, UK) [Contact]

See the list of all current members of the Media Education Research Section.

To join the Media Education Research Section, login to your account and select My Sections and Working Groups from the menu. A number of IAMCR sections and working groups send notices and other information exclusively to their members. IAMCR members can join up to three sections or working groups.

Members of this Section focus on media education theory and practices in both developing and developed countries, research relating to ‘knowledge societies’ and critical analysis of strategies and policies.

Media Education Research Section email:



IAMCR 2013 - Media Education Research Section - Call for Papers

IAMCR 2013 - Media Education Research Section - Call for Papers


The MER - Media Education Research Section - warmly accepts paper submissions for the next IAMCR conference to be held at the Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, from 25 to 29 June, 2013. "Crises, 'Creative Destruction' and the Global Power and Communication Orders" is the overarching theme proposed to participants, which may be taken into account, when deciding the paper to present. The proposals may involve both individual papers and collective panels.

IAMCR 2012 - Media Education Research Section Call for Papers

erythrina_caffraIAMCR Conference in Durban, South Africa, July 15-19, 2012

The Media Education Research Section (MER) warmly invites submissions (both individual proposals and collective panels) for the next IAMCR conference to be held at the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN) in Durban, South Africa. The section is interested in papers bearing on all the dimensions of media education research, to promote further the construction of our field:

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