Communication, Social Justice and Democracy Working Group

ComSocialJusDem logoThe Communication, Social Justice and Democracy Working Group aspires to function as a space of intellectual exchange, stimulating reflective and critical research in the intersecting areas of social justice, democracy and communication. Embracing diverse methods, paradigms and epistemic cultures, the WG welcomes research on:

  • the diverse understandings and practices of social justice and democracy in the different parts of the world, moving beyond western conceptualisations and embracing non-human-centric approaches in considerations of viable democracy and justice (e.g., eco-justice),
  • how contestations of democracy, and the rising appeal of the far-right and of authoritarian regimes are entangled with a failure to genuinely address social justice claims,
  • how digital communication and AI are used in mediating, facilitating or destabilising democracy, enabling or disabling social justice claims,
  • how state and corporate forms of surveillance, disinformation and propaganda contribute to social injustice and citizens’ rights violations,
  • how citizens resist oppression and authoritarian systems that assault democracy, struggling for fairer societies, dignity and freedom, 
  • critically examining, in all cases, the role of spaces, practices and technologies of communication, in these contestations and struggles.

Co-chair: Vaia Doudaki (Charles University, Czech Republic) [Contact]
Co-chair: Fernando Oliveira Paulino (University of Brasilia, Brazil) [Contact]​​​​​​​

See the list of all current members of the Communication, Social Justice and Democracy Working Group Section.

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New Working Group

The Communication, Social justice and Democracy (CSD) Working Group would like to invite all IAMCR members to our first (online) meeting to be held 11 June, where we will introduce CSD to the academic community and share ideas about how this new working group can best support the work of its members.
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