IAMCR 2021 call for proposals - Deadline 9 February

IAMCR Nairobi | 11-15 July 2021
IAMCR Nairobi | 11-15 July 2021

IAMCR's Mediated Communication, Public Opinion & Society Section invites the submission of proposals for single papers and multi-paper sessions (the online conference equivalent of a panel in a face to face conference) for IAMCR 2021, which will be held online from 11 to 15 July, 2021. The conference will also have a regional hub in Nairobi, Kenya. Both the online conference and the regional hub will be hosted by the Department of Journalism & Corporate Communication of United States International University-Africa (USIU-Africa) in Nairobi.

See the IAMCR Nairobi 2021 website for the general call for proposals and the individual calls for proposals of IAMCR's 33 sections and working groups.

The deadline for submission is 9 February 2021, at 23.59 UTC.