IAMCR Community Communication and Alternative Media Section
Newsletter January 2025
Welcome to the latest newsletter of the CAM section.
In this newsletter:
• IAMCR 2025 CFP
• Call for reviewers
• Conference in Ireland in May
• Recent publications
The call for papers for the 2025 conference is now available. Deadline 7th February. We look forward to your submissions, and to seeing many of you in Singapore in July.
Call for reviewers
Every year, we rely on volunteer members to review submissions for the conference. Each submission is reviewed by at least two members, so the more volunteers the better. Please fill out the form to volunteer today.
Conference in Ireland
At our section meeting in New Zealand we discussed adding events, both online and in person, between the annual conferences. After the success of our online seminars, in conjunction with the Participatory Communications Research section, we are now hosting an in-person conference in Ireland at the end of May.
The conference is titled ‘Teaching with Love and Hope’, and it focuses on how teaching and research related to community and alternative media can help tackle the global rise in racism and intolerance. We encourage you to submit your work – both academic papers and presentations on practical interventions - and to join us in Galway this May.
We have secured funding from the Office of the Vice-President for EDI at the University of Galway to support this conference, allowing us to cover most meals and field trips.
- There will be a small fee, approximately €30, to cover the cost of attendance at the conference dinner on the evening of 29th May.
- On campus accommodation in private en suite rooms is available for €87.50 per person per night.
We are actively seeking funding to support bursaries for international attendees, and will share more information as we have it.
Recent publications
Have you had a recent publication that might be of interest to our members? Please share it with us, and we will include it in our next newsletter.
Below are some recent publications, by members or related to their research, that we have come across recently:
New issue of the Journal of Alternative and Community Media:
Forde, S., Pavarala, V. and Magallanes-Blanco, C., 2023. Papers from the 2023 IAMCR Conference in Lyon. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.109-112. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00121_2
Kidd, D., 2023. Building the media-active dojo in a post-secondary classroom in San Francisco. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.113-125. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00122_1
Bona, N.C. and Ó Baoill, A., 2023. Buskers in Galway: Not in the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) 2020 neither on the streets. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.127-143. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00123_1
Suzina, A.C., 2023. Towards a circular theory of communication: The case of the Wayusa ritual of the traditional Kichwa people of Sarayaku. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.145-167. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00124_1
Essel, E. and Govender, E., 2023. Putting entertainment and education back into community radio: A Ghanaian perspective on COVID-19 messaging. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.169-190. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00125_1
Medhavi, D. and Trehan, K., 2023. Art for communicating crises: A semiotic analysis of COVID-19 murals. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.191-211. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00126_1
Miles, C.M., 2023. Could this be# MeToo?: Transnational reflections on hashtag feminism. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.213-232. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00127_1
González, M.B., 2023. REVIEW: Media Activism, Artivism and the Fight against Marginalisation in the Global South: South-to-South Communication, A. Medrado and I. Rega (2023).
Other relevant publications:
Grugel, J. and Hammett, D. eds., 2016. The Palgrave handbook of international development. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Andersson, L., Berg, S., Bhat, P., Grigoryan, N., Gjoci, N., Howley, K., Joseph, R., Kanemoto, E., Knight, G.B., Olinger, M. and Painter, C., 2019. Alternative media meets mainstream politics: Activist nation rising. Rowman & Littlefield.
de la Noval Bautista, L.A., Carretero, A.B. and García-Caballero, S., 2024. Sostenibilidad de los medios comunitarios: propuesta de un modelo multidimensional. Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, 30(4), p.869.
Ihlebæk, K.A. and Figenschou, T.U., 2024. Alternative media and political campaigning. In The Routledge Handbook of Political Campaigning (pp. 273-285). Routledge.
Ihlebæk, K.A. and Figenschou, T.U., 2024. Challengers in the journalistic field–A study of alternative media and their relations to incumbents, governance units, the state, and each other. Journalism, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/14648849241309848
Kalyana, K.R. and Sulistyani, H.D., 2025. The Mapping of Indonesian and Malaysian Alternative Media. Interaksi Online, 13(1), pp.1192-1211.
Ní Bhroin, Niamh, Eli Skogerbø. 2024. Slow-TV as a format for Indigenous media production: The Case of Giđđajohtin. Mediehistorisk Tidsskrift 21 (42), 58-77.
Powers, M., 2024. Spontaneous, Substantive, and Relational: Three Moments in the Study of Local Journalism. Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo, 13(2), pp.248-259.
Volkmer, I., Mutsvairo, B., Bebawi, S., Heinrich, A. and Castillo, A. eds., 2024. Ecologies of Global Risk Journalism: Conceptualizing Local Journalism in an Era of Deep Disruptions. Taylor & Francis.
Bienvenidxs al último boletín de la sección CAM.
En este boletín:
- IAMCR 2025 CFP
- Convocatoria para revisores
- Conferencia en Irlanda en mayo
- Publicaciones recientes
Ya está disponible la convocatoria de ponencias para la conferencia de 2025. La fecha límite es el 7 de febrero. Esperamos recibir sus contribuciones y vernos con muchos de ustedes en Singapur este julio.
Convocatoria para revisores
Todos los años contamos con miembros voluntarios que revisan las propuestas para la conferencia. Cada propuesta es revisada por al menos dos miembros, por lo que cuantos más voluntarios, mejor. Por favor, rellena este formuario para ser voluntario hoy mismo.
Conferencia en Irlanda
En la reunión de nuestra sección en Nueva Zelanda debatimos la posibilidad de añadir eventos, tanto en línea como presenciales, entre las conferencias anuales. Tras el éxito de nuestros seminarios en línea, en colaboración con la sección Participatory Communication Research, vamos a organizar una conferencia presencial en Irlanda a finales de mayo.
La conferencia se denomina ‘Enseñar con amor y Esperanza’, y se centrará en cómo la enseñanza y la investigación relacionadas con los medios de comunicación comunitarios y alternativos pueden contribuir a hacer frente al aumento mundial del racismo y la intolerancia. Te animamos a enviar tu trabajo – tanto ponencias académicas como presentaciones sobre intervenciones prácticas - y a unirse a nosotros en Galway el próximo mes de mayo.
Contamos con financiación de la Oficina de la Vicepresidencia para la Igualdad, Diversidad e Inclusión de la Universidad de Galway para apoyar esta conferencia, lo cual nos permite cubrir la mayoría de las comidas y salidas de campo.
- Se cobrará una pequeña tarifa, aproximadamente de 30 euros, para cubrir los gastos de asistencia a la cena de la conferencia, que tendrá lugar la noche del 29 de mayo.
- El alojamiento en el Campus está disponible en habitaciones privadas con baño por 87,50 euros por persona y noche.
Por otra parte, nos encontramos buscando financiación para sufragar las becas de los asistentes internacionales y compartiremos más información cuando la tengamos.
Publicaciones recientes
¿Tienes alguna publicación reciente que pueda interesar a nuestros miembros? Por favor, compártela con nosotros y la incluiremos en nuestro próximo boletín.
A continuación, se encuentran algunas publicaciones recientes de los miembros de la sección o relacionadas con nuestra investigación, que nos han llegado recientemente:
Nuevo número del Journal of Alternative and Community Media:
Forde, S., Pavarala, V. and Magallanes-Blanco, C., 2023. Papers from the 2023 IAMCR Conference in Lyon. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.109-112. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00121_2
Kidd, D., 2023. Building the media-active dojo in a post-secondary classroom in San Francisco. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.113-125. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00122_1
Bona, N.C. and Ó Baoill, A., 2023. Buskers in Galway: Not in the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) 2020 neither on the streets. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.127-143. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00123_1
Suzina, A.C., 2023. Towards a circular theory of communication: The case of the Wayusa ritual of the traditional Kichwa people of Sarayaku. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.145-167. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00124_1
Essel, E. and Govender, E., 2023. Putting entertainment and education back into community radio: A Ghanaian perspective on COVID-19 messaging. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.169-190. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00125_1
Medhavi, D. and Trehan, K., 2023. Art for communicating crises: A semiotic analysis of COVID-19 murals. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.191-211. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00126_1
Miles, C.M., 2023. Could this be# MeToo?: Transnational reflections on hashtag feminism. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 8(2), pp.213-232. DOI: 10.1386/jacm_00127_1
González, M.B., 2023. REVIEW: Media Activism, Artivism and the Fight against Marginalisation in the Global South: South-to-South Communication, A. Medrado and I. Rega (2023).
Otras publicaciones relevantes:
Grugel, J. and Hammett, D. eds., 2016. The Palgrave handbook of international development. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Andersson, L., Berg, S., Bhat, P., Grigoryan, N., Gjoci, N., Howley, K., Joseph, R., Kanemoto, E., Knight, G.B., Olinger, M. and Painter, C., 2019. Alternative media meets mainstream politics: Activist nation rising. Rowman & Littlefield.
de la Noval Bautista, L.A., Carretero, A.B. and García-Caballero, S., 2024. Sostenibilidad de los medios comunitarios: propuesta de un modelo multidimensional. Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, 30(4), p.869.
Ihlebæk, K.A. and Figenschou, T.U., 2024. Alternative media and political campaigning. In The Routledge Handbook of Political Campaigning (pp. 273-285). Routledge.